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killa berckie

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Posts posted by killa berckie

  1. If you wanted to visit the E3 expo in LA, don't bother. You can only acces the expo if you have a presscard. Becouse you're propably not a journo, you're not getting in there. If everyone could enter the expo, it would be overcrouwled. I cant wait till the day before the E3, on the press conferention of sony. Then they will tell all the secrets of the ps3.

  2. Oooh, I got this too on my PS2, it is indeed sick. I love playing as it is fun as hell. This is indeed hte best online game for the PS2 right now, i think it is even better then Socom 3, but that is my opinion.
    and oh god, the first time I saw the artilliry strike, I almost crapped my pants it was so awesome.

    Wrong answer, its as good as socom3

    I have BF2:MC op ps2, and i'm going to buy socom3 when it comes out in europe over 2 days.
    There are many differences between the two games:

    BF2:mc has a fast gameplay, vehicles are more important
    Socom3: has a slow gameplay=>more tactic =>if you die, ur *BLEEP*ed, vehicles aren't really nessecary

    Everyone has to play both games before they can decide wich game is the best

  3. Mayby there is another option. If you have an xbox or a ps2 (or xbox 360 release next month), you could also try battlefield 2: MODERN COMBAT. Its the same as the pc version, only with other singleplayer, other online maps and no jets. I bought it on 31-12-05 (for ps2) and i'm still addicted to it. I also bought another few games after (drIVer: parallel lines, liberty city stories (psp)) but they can't get me off bf2:mc. Last month it became cheaper, ?29,95. So BF2:mc is a great choise for consoles.About 2 days (mayby already now in US) Socom3 comes out (ps2), mayby you like that too becouse its a shouter (only 3th-person and more tactic), so thats also a good idea. if you have a console at least

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