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  1. If you have some basic C/C++ knowledge you better write one yourself so you don't have to worry about the quality of the keylogger or about the malware-risk hidden inside the prog itself when you're download it.. The basicfuction getchar() is handful, however there are plenty of fuctions inside stdio.h you can use for making such a program. There's nothing wrong about being curious how keyloggers work but make sure you won't use your knowledge to cause damage to external systems or for criminal purposes! Be wise and don't do such kinda things and then no1 will complain
  2. This doesn't work on mine also.. Maybe this only works on ipod's which are sold in the US or on special editions, i bought mine in Europ..However i doesn't play much on my ipod cause the games aren't very enjoyable and because ipod's are made to listen music unless you've to buy a ps2 of xbox360
  3. lithium


    Well i like playing Rainbow six lockdown (easter present) alot, great multiplayer with awesome graph's!I'm also into Half-Life?, CS:S, Farcry and Unreal 2 kinda old but great gameplay. I would like to have WoW but i can't affort for the moment, it's not that cheap..
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