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Posts posted by Michelle~*

  1. what was mentioned above start out small find out each other intrests and stuff see if he would be the kind of person you wouldn't mind going out with, appearances are decieving, that why you start with the chit chat first ie: phone calls, ims, emails, letters all that crazy mushy stuff :lol:. Usually you want to do this for a few months o make sure his intentions are true or if you would be another name to him in his little black book of tapping that @ZZ.
    Usually the best way is both people to make the first move guys normally don't do this either they to manly or they just want some and get it over with. or in a womens case if they "advertise" themselves then that usually thats a turn off to guys that are down with the romantic stuff and want to take their time and get to know you.

    and what tuddy said about the 2 months that bogus stuff that would only happen in social groups (jocks, cheerleaders, popular people and junk).

    So best ad vice is just talk with other and hang out and stuff and then we both of you feel comfortable enough for the first day the go for it.

    But also I would ask around as well find out if he has any dirty laundry that you need to know before taking the plunge.

    Hmm... yeah I agree, I think those kinda things only in social groups... Well anywayz, thx for ur help!!! =]

  2. Michelle, You leave it for 2 Months with todays generation you'll lose him. Just ask him if he wants to meet up on the weekend or something to go to the mall with some friends etc. ... then get to know him so he is talking to you.
    He may then decide to ask you to the movies and the ball just keeps rolling on from there. Just dont go straight out saying, would you like to go out with me, make it romantic alittle on your part and he'll make it more on his part.

    Ok thx for the tip!!! =)

  3. yes, he likes you. but maybe he is too shy for telling you. you must have patience and wait.

    did you ever think of asking him? i'm sure that it would solve your problem, because it sounds like he likes you.


    when i as at scholl i was very shy with girls and i didn't make any move. but once, i really like a girl. the problem was that i was too shy to teel her. do you wanna know what happened? the girl come talk to me and said that she was interested in me and now, we are dating at about 3years. thank god she went talk to me.

    if i were you, i would make the move like my girlfriend made. i'm sure you wo´n't regret. :lol:


    Wow... I am so happy for u guyz!!! =D Heheh... I hope that guy will make the first move... If he doesn't in like 2 months, I'll go tell him. =P

  4. Hi, I just need some comments about this guy I like... I'm not sure if he likes me or not so that's why I need ur guys' help!!! Like sumtimes I see him stare at me e.g. at lunch time, band class, etc. and when I look at him he's like staring rite into my eyes or sumthin n he will look away sumtimes but it's usually me that looks away first. He usually smiles when he looks at me too. =) But the thing is, I sit right beside him in class and he doesn't really talk to me... Except, he talks to this girl beside him like I know they're friends n stuff but I just get kinda jealous... heheh... ^^" Just a couple of days ago, I was lining up to get my planner signed by the teacher and I was the last person in line and then this guy was gonna stand bhind me but then suddenly he came totally out of the blue and stood behind me... So... maybe he wanted to get his planner signed quickly?? What do u guyz think? Does he like me or not? =/
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