Welcome Players
We are an OLD server here and have a nice comunity of players too
Our Servers as u will see if you will choose to play here are a little more diferent then the rest of all servers arround (settings,visual interface,new items,new maps looks and more)
Curently we run two kind of servers
LOW exp and BIG exp
Armageddon Server* (LOW exp) : Exp: 75x Drop: 40% http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Server1 = NO-PVP
Server2 = PVP
Eden Server (BIG exp) : Exp: 1000x Drop: 70% http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Server1 = NO-PVP
Server2 = PVP
Server3 = PVP
Server4 = PVP
Server5 = PVP (VIP Server)
Our Main WebSite is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
We curently have a NEW website for both Armageddon and Eden who it's better then the last one and very easy to use and can be accesible by all people,computers,OS's
Features of IceAgeMU:
We Rename all Classes:
Dark Knight - Warrior
Blade Knight - Paladin
Elf - Archer
MuseElf - SharpShooter
Dark Wizard - Elementalist
Soul Master - OverLord
Magic Gladiator - Cleric
Dark Lord - Emperor
New sets for each class - New and better weapons for each class.
New skills for each class.
All weapons working without bugs
A lot of new maps (Crywolf Fortress, Aida, Kalima, Valley of Loren, Land of Trials and more coming)
New monsters in the new maps.
New Guild system (everything looks more organized)
Darklord Completely unbugged (including command stat,pets and skills)
10 vaults per account
Marriage working
Trace your husband/wife
Advertise by typing "/post txt here"
Move menu working
Chaos castle event working
Server stable 24/7
Obtain cool items by donating and supporting.
GM COMMANDS ALL WORK (gm's can disconnect / trace)
Dark Lord works
Bird Works without problems
Dark horse works
All Skills work (Fire Burst, Fireblast, Summon skill, Earthquake, Increase Critical DMG, electric spark)
Working events
Devil Square
Chaos Castle
GM events, where you can earn credits for MU Shop.
We have a revolutionary MU SHOP system
were u can customize what items u want to buy:
- add what level u want that item to be
- add what options u want to have (normals or excelents)
- add luck or not
- add skill or not (weapons)
Donation System
If you will like to donate to help our server grow and help us bring you more nice versions, and other many new things or just to show ur apreciation for us u r welcome
Every person who donate will get credits for the money they donate
1 usd = 1500 credits
Credits are buyed forever (till the end of this server) and they are insured by me in case of wipe or other problems (u can ask curent donnors that i'm a man of word and they get exactly what they as for in limit of theyr credits)
Credit Events System:
It will be 5 events daily
- 4 events with prize 400 credits
- 1 event with prize 1000 credits
If you wish to upgrade the items you already bought from mushop, you have to donate at least 20$. This way you will receive back the old credits + the new 20$ ones and you can buy better items from mushop.
Server setup:
Servers Have This Configuration:
AMD 3000+ Barton 32 bits
2042 DDRAM
HDD 80 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 4000+ 64 bits
2042 DDRAM
HDD 150 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 4000+ 64 bits
2042 DDRAM
HDD 150 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 3000+ 64 bits
2042 DDRAM
HDD 80 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 3000+ 64 bits
2042 DDRAM
HDD 80 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 3000+ Barton 32 bits
2554 DDRAM
HDD 80 G
Connection: 100 mbit
AMD 3000+ Barton 32 bits
2554 DDRAM
HDD 80 G
Connection: 100 mbit
We are trying here to make something nice, i hope you people will apreciate this and come and play,bring your friends etc.
If your numbers will grow we will get more subservers to satisfy ur needs:)
We are a PRO Team and we work as hard as we can to bring you something new and nice to play and to make IceAge one of the best (i will not say the best because there are other servers good arround) but we are UNIQS in our way.
I hope you will ENJOY playing here.
* Every Saturday and Sunday in Armageddon will be 1 hours BIG EXP EVENT with 150x Exp.
Start Time is 20:00 GMT+2
If You Like To Put Your Server At Our Disposal And Host A Subserver For IceAgeMU servers (eden or armageddon) contact me at admin[at]iceagemu.com
This is for ICaffe Owners who don't want any kind of lag for they players or for ISP's or offcourse single owner with a decent bandwith
NOTE: the files we will put in ur computer will be coded/packed by us and they will expire at every 2 weeks(they will be replaced by me at every 2 weeks), so if u intend just to get our files u will get nothing!