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Posts posted by BWiZ

  1. And we use too do stuff together like go over to each others houses etc. Now we are in 8th grade and he has become an *bottom*. For example I live in WI so there is snow on the ground and all of a sudden one day at recess he starts kicking it at me. I an just like wtf? knock it off! but then this other kid starts doing it and since say stop does absolutely nothing I decided threatening which didn't work.  And since I go to a Catholic school we go to Church on Tuesday's and Thursday's and When we line up to go I want to be the first person in the row I hate being on the end so I always line up first. So he decides that he is just going to budge me. THis like it should pisses me off so I am pushing him behind me until the same other kid comes and budges me and there is no pushing that kid.  And this goes on everyday we have mass. And then there is the lunchline when we line up in the classroom for lunch I usually get there before this kid but he still tries to budge me. The other day we lined up for lunch me in head of both of them and of course one of them goes in head of me so they are both in head of me now but I wasnt paying attention and all  of a sudden the other kid was kicking me....for no reason just being stupid. So I am getting really tired of this so I play along and I kick him a couple of times. Which was NOT a good idea he was wearing Doc MArtins so guess who's kicks hurt worse. When I kicked him one time he grabbed my leg and held it up so I am bouncing around. Then the kid this whole story is about decides it is pretty funny and grabs my leg and brings it up even higher and is pushing me back into the chalkboard until I about fell over luckily I smacked him in the face.which about a minute later he did to me.so we finally go down to lunch and I take my spot back in front of them so when I gave the lady my ticket an dgrabbed a tray he comes runnign up in front of me and I just thought alright fine if moron wants to get his food before me fine. Me this kid and the other kid usually sit at a table together due to it being the only well usually only place to sit. but today some other person was sitting there so when  I walk over to the table I see those to laughing at me (it shows how immature they are and yeh I realize that by kicking that kid back and the other things I did were very immature.)

    so I sit at the table next to it. with some idiot 7th graders. Here is the immature thing I did I put a piece of corn down his coat(Yeh I am so hardkore). and then we went out to recess and then I thought I am not even going to look at them I will play a game with the other kids so I do an dit is a lot of fun one person takes the basketball and drives while everyone tries to stuff, steal, or push the kid in the snow everyone takes the ball and it is all in fun. No one gets hurt and it stays on the playground. But later those two decide to play and the kid this whole story is about waits until I am by the snow pile and then starts playing AKA push me in the snow. So I pushed him back everytime he did it to me. and he countinued to kick snow. My dad is a teacher at this school so he gives me a ride home most days and everyday this kid follows me into my dad's classroom and then follows me out to my fathers car. so everyday we have to give him a ride home. And no  I can't just say get your own ride or walk because he does it so much if he doesnt my dad asks or tells me to ask him if he needs a ride. And if you are wondering why I dont do more when we are standing in line the reason is I have never gotten a detention before and since my dad is a teacher if I get in trouble he hears about it.

    I realize that all this is stupid and immature but I don't know what else I shoul be doing. Well I dont know why but I felt the need to post that.


    Here is a idea... Whoop his A$$!!! But dont lisen to me tho im in HS i get suspended so many times its not even funny. It sux that your dad works at the school. But you might wanna tell your dad if you dont wanna kick his @$$ :D. Again do whatever you think is best :D

  2. Here's a list of all MMORPG's and cool online games I know of. If you have any additions to make, please reply to this topic. ^^; Note that P2P means Pay 2 Play, meaning that you have to pay a monthly fee. Legend: *: I recommend the game. BETA: The game's still in testing phase, will go P2P after that. DE: The game and site are German. DISC: You need a disc to play the game. JAP: The game and site are Japanese. KOR: The game and site are Korean. THAI: The game and site are Tha?. TRIAL: You get a free trial before paying. Free: - Adventure Quest - Anarchy Online* - CONQUER - Cossover - GAIA Online - Gate to Heavens - Gunbound - GraalOnline - FairyLand - HoverBoard ASDF* BETA - Knight Online* - Maple Story - MU Online* - Rubies of Eventide - RuneScape - Survival Project* - Tibia Pay 2 Play: - A3 JAP - Aglaia Online JAP - ARES Online JAP - BombGame JAP - City of Heroes BETA - Erinia DE TRIAL - EVE Online* - EverQuest DISC - Final Fantasy XI* DISC - Guild Wars BETA - Legend of Mir/Legend of Mir 2 - Legend of Mir 3 - Lineage - Lineage 2* - Lunentia THAI - Myth of Soma TRIAL - Pristontale TRIAL - Ragnarok Online* TRIAL - ROSE Online* BETA - Story of Forestia KOR - Talesweaver JAP - TwelveSky KOR - World of Warcraft DISC

  3. Having used Google's Adsense program before, I know it's a great way to generate money from your website. Google Adsense Program offers you PPC Advertising, know as Pay Per Click, it's a great way for you to earn money for a website that would otherwise be sitting there, generating no money. I've decided to teach you a few steps and tips, on how to squeeze the most out Google Adsense. If you're successful, you could be raking out anywhere from 300 - 500 Dollars US a month. (Or even more)*~Drool~*




    1.Register for a Google Adsense account, (Duh). Go to https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=3-GWxCTWt89HsBlQWCE0BQ. After you registered, it's time to play the waiting game. Google takes approx. 2 - 3 days to check your website, and see that it's got the right content, etc, etc... Here's a note, Google tends to not let Blog sites to participate in the Google Adsense Program, you'll understand why, later on. :D


    2. Hopefully, you will now have a verified Google Adsense account. And you can log onto your Publisher's account.


    3. Now, the money making begins, first of all, make sure that your site actually has VISITORS! If not, try to visit a traffic exchange site, or convince your siblings to visit it often. Customize your codes, and paste it onto your site.




    1. Consistency is Good.


    Google in my opinion is too, er, nosy, yes, that's right, nosy. Here's why, when I first signed up for a Google Adsense account, I got roughly 2 -3 dollars from the ads a day. A few weeks later, I got more visitors, and i got around 30 - 50 dollars. Then, they emailed me and said this:

    In furry, I had about 340 Dollars US sitting in my Adsense Account, my first reaction was, W.T.F.


    So, I emailed them again,

    And they merely replied:


    Hello Anthony,


    Thank you for your email.

    Now, clearly you can learn from this lesson that Google watches your account VERY closely, and if they notice that there's something "fishy" going on with your account, they say "Bye Bye" to your account. I still insist till today that I never did anything against the Google Rules and TOS. So, If you suddenly have a jump in the number of Clicks that you get, you might just get screwed over by Google. That's why you always want a steady stream of visitors, or else, you'll risk having your account suspended, like what happened to me.


    2. Keywords are the KEY.

    I mentioned earlier that Google tends to not accept blogs for the Adsense Program, here's why: Blog's as you know, give out a wide variety of information, one day, the author could be talking about Goose Repellent, the other he could be talking about Computers. The was Adsense works is that it scans your page for keywords, then applies those keywords into the advertisements, therefore, if you're website is all about Computers, you'll have computer-based ads, if it's about goose repellent, then, you'll, er, have goose repellent ads. The thing about ads, is, that they all aren't worth the same price per click. So to say, if you have a computer ad, and someone clicked on it, you'd probably get $2 for that, on the other hand, if you had a Goose Repellent site, you'd get 2 cents for that click. So, if you had a blog, then you could talk about certain keywords and youd get more revenue, as opposed to a goose repellent site, which cant change their content.

    Therefore, it's important that you maximize your revenue by using "expensive" keywords, such include:


    Web Hosting - 2 - 8 dollars a click

    Computers 1 -3 dollars a click


    So, if you website is technology oriented, youll tend to get more money than those who use a Goose Repellent site.


    In addition, Google checks the amount of times your page uses a certain words therefore, if you have the word cpu 100 times on a site, its very likely that your advertisement will inceldue something that has to do with CPUs.


    You can use this handy Keyword density checker to see how many words and stats on you keyword density of a website. http://www.ranks.nl/plans. Limit is a 40k website.


    3. DO NOT click on your own ads.

    Seriously, if you click on your own ads, Google automatically logs you IP address, and then it notifies a moderator, then, well, youd be pretty screwed. Because you arent allowed to click on them, and if youre the sneaky type, youd go to computers with different IPs and <- snipped -> yourself. Its a good idea, but, again, Google also monitors how frequently the ads come from the same IP, therefore ,even if its not your computer, but you use it to click from it frequently, Google will notice, Google tends to go for a wide variety of IPs to ensure that it is actually getting real visitors.


    This is about all that I know about Google Adsense, if you have more tips and steps, feel free to add it to this thread. If you have any questions, please PM me, or email me.


    - Anthony


    Thank you for this man as soon as i get a website im going to use this :D Thanks again.. Also do you play counter-strike??? if you do maybe we can play it togheter :D ok well thanks again.}

  4. If I were you, I would use a good php editor. Try phpedit.com


    you'll love it! to download it go to that you url. phpedit.com is like zend. But i would recommend that you download phpedit because it's more faster and uses fewer resources... that's all :)


    Lol no need iv find out how to fix it thx anyway and good luck with your projects so that you dont mess up on anything it hurts all of your projects so much! :D Good luck

  5. Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/bwiz/public_html/forums/sources/admin/admin_pages.php on line 194


    what i put there was:

    2500 => array ([/br]     	 1 => array( 'Arcade Main Settings', 'act=arcade&code=settings' ),[br]     	 2 => array( 'Games List'    , 'act=arcade' ),[/br]     	 3 => array( 'Categories' ,  'act=arcade&code=cat'	),[br]     	 4 => array( 'Add Game'            , 'act=arcade&code=add_game' ),[/br]     	 5 => array( 'Tournaments'  , 'act=arcade&code=tourney' ),[br]     	 6 => array( 'Group Permissions'   , 'act=arcade&code=groups' ),[/br]     	 7 => array( 'Member Manage'   , 'act=arcade&code=user_search' ),[br]     	 8 => array( 'IP Banning'	, 'act=arcade&code=ip_ban' ),[/br]     	 9 => array( 'Score Tools'  , 'act=arcade&code=score_tools' ),[br]     	 10 => array( 'Custom Game Sorting' , 'act=arcade&code=custom' ),[/br]    ),

    Please help me admins or mods its bad because i cant login ADMIN CP thank you

  6. Ok guys you know on the forums where it says the army status on the Left side well i have a problem with that its not showing up at all any reasons why??? id be happy if a mod or an admin can take a look at this!Here is an example of what is not listed under my forums when you post.Human: 272240Rank: 5Attack Rank: 4Defence Rank: 2Spy Rank: 148Sentry Rank: 148

  7. onie now thats not going to count as a post! so please post and dont copy other people's posts and make sure your posts are 3 liners or they dont count PUT SOME EFFORTS IN YOUR POSTS YOUR GETTING HOSTING FOR THIS SO PLEASE DO IT RIGHT!....Ok now what i think will happen to DRIV3R!!I think that driver will continue to make more titles. Driver did not copy GTA in DRIVER 2 you could get out steal cars but in some cases they did on DRIV3R they give you weapons and all! but did GTA SA copy DRIV3R ??? because GTA SA you can swim in ever tought of that?

  8. It is basically a redirecting you to the "real" website. Those domains are simply setup as a redirect (without URL masking) so you will always get the xxx.trap17.com. If you want to use those domains you have to register them with the Xisto name server and go to the place where you bought the domains and point them to the Xisto name server.

    Do those things and it will work like a dream :) and thx for ipb2 and helping me install it have fun and nice domain names :D give me one lol sorry im just kinda bored so im posting my brain out lol well ok i got to go! have fun!
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