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at least i shall finish the list, if you let me Menu commands Keyboard shortcut Description Shift-Command-Q Apple Menu Log out Shift-Option-Command-Q Apple Menu Log out immediately Shift-Command-Delete Finder Menu Empty Trash Option-Shift-Command-Delete Finder Menu Empty Trash without dialog Command-H Finder Menu Hide Finder Option-Command-H Finder Menu Hide Others Command-N File Menu New Finder window Shift-Command-N File Menu New Folder Command-O File Menu Open Command-S File Menu Save Shift-Command-S File Menu Save as Command-P File Menu Print Command-W File Menu Close Window Option-Command-W File Menu Close all Windows Command-I File Menu Get Info Option-Command-I File Menu Show Attributes Inspector Command-D File Menu Duplicate Command-L File Menu Make Alias Command-R File Menu Show original Command-T File Menu Add to Favorites Command-Delete File Menu Move to Trash Command-E File Menu Eject Command-F File Menu Find Command-Z Edit Menu Undo Command-X Edit Menu Cut Command-C Edit Menu Copy Command-V Edit Menu Paste Command-A Edit Menu Select All Command-1 View Menu View as Icons Command-2 View Menu View as List Command-3 View Menu View as Columns Command-B View Menu Hide Toolbar Command-J View Menu Show View Options Command - [ Go Menu Back Command - ] Go Menu Forward Shift-Command-C Go Menu Computer Shift-Command-H Go Menu Home Shift-Command-I Go Menu iDisk Shift-Command-A Go Menu Applications Shift-Command-F Go Menu Favorites Shift-Command-G Go Menu Goto Folder Command-K Go Menu Connect to Server Command-M Window Menu Minimize Window Option-Command-M Window Menu Minimize All Windows Command-? Help Menu Open Mac Help Universal Access Keyboard shortcut Description Option-Command-* (asterisk) Turn on Zoom Option-Command-+ (plus) Zoom in Option-Command-- (minus) Zoom out Control-Option-Command-* (asterisk) Switch to White on Black Control-F1 Turn on Full Keyboard Access When Full Keyboard Access is turned on, you can use the key combinations listed in the table below from the Finder. Control-F2 Full Keyboard Access Highlight Menu Control-F3 Full Keyboard Access Highlight Dock Control-F4 Full Keyboard Access Highlight Window (active) or next window behind it Control-F5 Full Keyboard Access Highlight Toolbar Control-F6 Full Keyboard Access Highlight Utility window (palette) The Universal Access preference pane allows you to turn on Mouse Keys. When Mouse Keys is on, you can use the numeric keypad to move the mouse. If your computer doesn't have a numeric keypad, use the Fn (function) key. Mouse Keys Keystroke Description 8 Move Up 2 Move Down 4 Move Left 6 Move Right 1, 3, 7, and 9 Move Diagonally 5 Press Mouse Button 0 Hold Mouse Button . (period on keypad) Release Mouse Button (use after pressing 0) Other Commands Keystroke Description Option-Command-D Show/Hide Dock Command-Tab Switch application tab Highlight next item Command-Up Arrow Move up one directory Command-Down Arrow Move down one directory Page Up or Control-Up Arrow Move up one page Page Down or Control-Down Arrow Move down one page Option-Drag Copy to new location Option-Command-Drag Make alias in new location Command-Drag Move to new location without copying Shift-Command-C Show Colors palette in application Command-T Show Font palette in application Command-Shift-3 Take a picture of the screen Command-Shift-4 Take a picture of the selection Command-Shift-4, then press Control while selecting Take a picture of the screen, place in Clipboard Command-Shift-4, then Spacebar Take a picture of the selected window Option-Command-esc Force Quit Control-Eject Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog box Control-Command-Eject Quit all applications and restart Option-Command-Eject or Option-Command-Power Sleep Command-click window toolbar button (upper right corner) Cycle through available views for the window's toolbar (dependant on the nature of the Finder or application window) Command-` Cycle through windows in application or Finder (if more than one window is open) Use these shortcuts to work with windows. Action Shortcut Close all open windows Option + click close button Minimize all open windows Option + click minimize button Enlarge window to fill the screen Option + click zoom button Hide the previous program Option + click a window Option + click Dock icon Move a window without making it active Command + drag window Choose a folder that contains the current folder Command + press window title Use these shortcuts to turn on Full Keyboard Access or access the menu bar, Dock, and other areas on the screen. Action Shortcut Turn Full Keyboard Access on or off Control + F1 Highlight the menu bar Control + F2 Highlight the Dock Control + F3 Highlight the toolbar Control + F5 Highlight a tool palette then each palette in order Control + F6 Access all controls in the current dialog if you select the option to highlight only text boxes and lists Control + F7 In addition to the Grab application, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to take pictures of the screen in Mac OS X To take a picture of the whole screen, press Command-Shift-3. To take a picture of part of the screen, press Command-Shift-4 and drag to select the area you want. The picture is saved as a TIFF file on your Desktop. Note: Mac OS X 10.2 and later saves pictures as PDF files. To copy the screen capture to the Clipboard instead of saving it as a file, press Control-Command-Shift-3 to copy the entire screen to the Clipboard, or Control-Command-Shift-4 to copy the selected range to the Clipboard. Keyboard Shortcuts for Shut Down and Restart Keyboard shortcuts available in Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X Control-Eject The dialog box "Are you sure you want to shut down?" appears with options to Restart, Sleep, Cancel or Shut Down. Control-Command-Eject Quits all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents) and restarts the computer. Control-Option-Command-Eject Quits all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents) and shuts the computer down. Command-Option-Eject Puts the computer to sleep. Shortcuts available in Mac OS 9 and in the Classic Environment Command-Eject Enter MacsBug (if installed) If the computer is not responding or has "frozen" Reset button Press the reset button, which is on the computer itself, not the keyboard, and is labeled with a triangle. Pressing this button restarts the computer. Power button Press and hold the power button on the computer for six seconds to shut down the computer. Mouse clicks and key combinations for the Dock Click Brings the item forward, or opens it if not already open. Brings minimized windows out of the Dock. Control-click Reveals contextual menu for item. Menu choices vary per application or file. When used on Dock separator, it reveals Dock preferences. There you can turn magnification and hiding on or off, change the position of the Dock on screen, and change the minimization effect. Choose Dock Preferences to see more options. Command-click Reveals the original item in the Finder. Control-Option-click Force Quit replaces Quit in contextual menu. Menu choices vary per application or file. Command-Option-click Hides other open items, in addition to click action. Press Reveals contextual menu for item. Menu choices vary per application or file. Option-press Force Quit replaces Quit in menu, in addition to press action. Shift-click This applies to minimized windows only. The item is de-minimized in slow motion. You can see the item minimized in slow motion by pressing Shift while minimizing it. Shift-drag When used on Dock separator, changes Dock position on screen (left, bottom, right). Option-drag When used on Dock separator, resizes Dock to common icon sizes (128 by 128, 64 by 64, 32 by 32, 16 by 16). Command-Tab Cycle forward through open applications (Application Switcher). Keep the Command key pressed continuously, while pressing and releasing the Tab key as desired. Command-Shift-Tab Cycle backward through open applications (Application Switcher). Keep the Command key pressed continuously, while pressing and releasing the Tab and Shift keys as desired. Command-H Hides an application that you have selected via Application Switcher. The Command key must be held continuously from the time your selection is made until you press H. After hiding an application, you must select another via Application Switcher, or it will return to the foreground when you release Command. Command-Q Quit an application. This is a common key combination independent of the Dock, but it may be useful with Application Switcher. Command-Option-D Hide or Show the Dock. This is equivalent of choosing Dock from the Apple menu and then Turn Hiding On or Turn Hiding Off from the submenu. Also : - Command + ` = switch between windows in app. works system wide - Command + F1 = full keyboard control (CHIAR MISTO !) see control panels >> mouse/keyboard for more info on it Notice from BuffaloHELP: I found BuffaloHELP's note to be invisible and thus I have started to copy from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ without using QUOTE tag. I deserve a warning and perhaps ban from posting. Thank you.
Notice from BuffaloHELP: Unless these are very new to Mac world, keystrokes are not original and should not be credited.
i is very nice what i fond here, thx for how had firs ideea and for how post after that.i intend to have my own Xisto.com host and i try to see how it is working. i got some ideeas but is very nice to see the experience of persons which had got one before me i hope, soon, to put my aplication for free hosting. i'm sure that your experience will be usefull to me.at leat i know where to come and ask
thanks for this example. i knew some things like these , but i think that now is more clear how they are working.
i would like to ask you for help.i would like to write a html web page and i use Windows XP HOME edition.i understood from what i read till now, that is practical imposible to do so.i would ask you now if is write what i understood or there is a way to ran script as ASP ussing my program?thankx.
cod replied to OpaQue's topic in General Discussion
thanks, Tyssen, i thing that i got the ideea! if i am corect, after the first last posting i got 1.3 credit points. it is not bad , will be easy to get my subdomein name at least i hope. -
cod replied to OpaQue's topic in General Discussion
i took a look around the page, realy i didn't see where is the conter for credit. it is because i did't write nothing till now or i don't know to seark for? i think that should be an empty counter for me, not? may be somebody will tell me why, or may be i shall discover by myself ?