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Posts posted by viterbi209

  1. Well recently we lost one of our tech guys, so opaque had to train a new tech to help him out. Also due to other current projects he hasn't been able to go through all the emails, tickets and anything else.
    Give it some time and patience as he is working through this process. A suggestion would be wait at least 7 days for a response to come or wait to submit a new response as well.

    Well I'm sorry to hear you guys lost one of your techs but I am losing potential customers and money. At this rate my site will be down for 3 days before the bandwidth counter is reset. If I was a big company that would be alot of money, lucky I'm not.... but hurry up already! Don't you guys want the money I'm planning on giving you to upgrade my plan?

  2. hi, thanks for everybodies responses. I tried looking under cpanel->mysql admin and the database that i'm trying to delete isn't listed, but under phpadmin it is listed as 'test'. I tried issuing a 'drop database test' command under phpadmin but it returned with a popup window that says 'DROP DATABASE commands are disabled'. Another funny thing I noticed was that in phpAdmin where it says create new database...right underneath that it says no privileges. Any ideas?Also under phpAdmin, after I select the 'test' database the last tab on the right is operations. Is this right? I couldn't find where to drop/delete the database.

  3. *sigh...getting a little frustrated... contacted support and they sent me to technical at Xisto - Web Hosting.com... contacted them and haven't heard a response yet, its been 1 days and 10hrs already... then contacted opaque... no one is responding... 1+ day passed and no progress or status update. Simple ETA would be great...

  4. thanks for your response, yah that was the content-type i was trying to print...weird what happened there. Anways, I think i narrowed the problem down with some code manipulation. apparently its returning an error before it gets the the printing of the content type line and the error is returned when i try to use the XML::XPath modules. I'm guessing the modules aren't installed?? Do the admins help us install modules we need?

  5. Hi,Its still not working...I tried changing the permissions with no luck and I'm also getting this error along with the other error: Premature end of script headers:i'm guessing this refers to the line (or I could be way off)print "(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:))))) text/htmlnn"; (thats a slash n slash n at the end...message board is removing the escape chars i guess)is there any other header information needed??the script essentially makes rest requests to ebay using the modules LWP and XML::XPATH

  6. Hi,I'm having problems running my perl scripts. My website returns a page that says Internal Server Error and in the error log it gives me:error: file has no execute permission:but I already set my perl scripts to all have permission 755. What else could it be? The scripts run fine when I host them on my own computer using IIS. Any suggestions?Thanks,Ed.

  7. Hi, I'm new to the web hosting scene... I was just wondering what all the folders in your account are for. There seems to be 8 folders already created for you:.cpanel-datastore.fantasticodataetcmailpublic_ftppublic_htmltmpwwwIf someone can provide a very short explaination of each that would help me alot. And which folder are you supposed to put all your scripts and html files in? Thanks.

  8. In my opinion, each language has its own perks. Java for its rapid development of applets, multi-threaded applications and it's easy to use GUI classes. However, C++ is definitely the more powerful language. There seems to be no limitations to what you can do with the language. Windows, linux, large games, etc... almost anything that is in the commercial mainstream is developed using C++. I also think that any large program developed using java, lacks the performance you can gain with C++ since C++ doesn't have the additional overhead of the Java virtual machine. Most of the syntactical issues mentioned just take practice and it won't be a problem anymore.

  9. What kind of things are you trying to program? Web pages? Applications? If you are tyring to program the web you will need to learn different languages from programming applications or games. If you are just trying to learn anything in general I would suggest you start with Java since it uses the object oriented approach which is the programming methodology in widespread use today. Universities start you off with Java these days, at least they did for me. The book they used was "Object-Oriented Problem Solving Java Java Java" by Ralph Morelli. As for web programming, pick up a book on HTML, unfortunately I don't know any good books to recommend. If you have any questions, post it on the forums, I am sure there are many people willing to help including me. Good luck.

  10. I prefer to use emacs for all my coding projects. It works for C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Perl, etc... It provides syntax highlighting for all languages and a plethora of other features like auto indent, split screen, etc... and plus its free. I believe its one of the standard text editors on the unix machines but it has been ported to the windows platform. Very powerful in my opinion.

  11. Gmail is great, I've been on it for over a year now and it hasn't failed me once. To me, it seems faster than yahoo or hotmail and it also has a neat chat feature. You can see when your friends are also checking their email and you can have a quick chat with them. Also, the amount of space they give you never stops growing. The archive feature is nice and it allows for easy organization. Of course the google search algorithms applied to your emails is a huge plus.

  12. In my opinion I would choose the computer industry only if you DON'T want a decent paycheck or peace of mind. I am a recent graduate with a B.S. in computer science and like many of you folks here I chose this profession because it is something that I enjoy doing and I thought this line of work would pay pretty well. Right after college however, I started my job hunt only to find extremely low starting salaries and exceptionally high demands. In my opinion many companies are looking for people who can hit the ground running. They expect you to possess an enormous amount of computer knowledge and pay you like a peon and that is only after fighting a countless number of months to get your foot in the door. Once you get in, it will take you many many years to get even a small promotion (One of the upper level guys has to die or something). These days the computer industry is seriously oversaturated with employees, you not only have to compete with U.S. citizens but you also have to compete with IT workers in India and China. My advice, If you are serious about doing the IT field, you better have some sort of backup plan just incase things don't go your way. But if I were you, get out while you can unless you want to work for free. Just my opinion!! Good Luck.

  13. Just like xboxrulz says, make it into an applet and the only other thing you would probably have to change would be the initial entry point into your code from:

    public static void main(String args[])

    public void init()

    also the class you need to import would be java.applet.Applet.

    An alteranative would be to use java's swing components and for this you would import javax.swing.* and extend JApplet instead of Applet. The initial entry point into your code is still the same. So the code would look like this:

    import javax.swing.*; // for JApplet and swing componentsimport java.awt.event.*; // for ActionListenerpublic class FirstApplet extends JApplet implements ActionListener{	 ...	 public void init()	 {		  ... your code here	 }}

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