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Posts posted by trick

  1. Hi guys,I am new on this forum and I need help. I live in Luxembourg and I purchased a Laptop Samsung in Germany (they are MUCH cheaper there....) with a German version of XP Home installed (and I do NOT speak German!). I already had a PC at home and I had bought a XP Professional English version 2 years ago, separated from the PC itself (it's a OEM version)...now the point: I would like to install the same software on my laptop (I also bought Office OEM) but I do not know if I am legally allowed to do it since I have to register online after the installation. Does anybody know if I can do this? what happens if I install XP Pro and Office anyway and then I connect to internet for registration? which limitations do MS impose over XP Pro? do they come at home while sleeping and put u in prison???Thanks a lot for any help!!!CheersP.S.I have seen a similar topic but the problem is a bit different since my veriosn is actually OEM...sorry if I doubled!

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