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  1. Hi there,I get this error in my php script : Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg(); there is a few time this function was enable....Where is gone the gd library ?Why this usefull library is no more enable ?Advice us about this, no way to do a good job whitout this library...Bye.
  2. it's ok now, in fact it was my distant mysql client which are two old, I've to do an update.Thank's
  3. Hi,A little question, I need to access to my mysql Xisto - Web Hosting.com serveur from another server form some little update.I found the option 'Mysql/Access Hosts' in the cpanel and I put the other server ip.But wich server name I have to put to access to my Xisto - Web Hosting.com/localhost ? I've tried the ip and the adress from my website hosted on Xisto - Web Hosting.com,I suppose there is a sp?cific adress.I tried too to find this adress myself in the forum, but I failed.Thank's for you help.Js.
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