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Posts posted by WindAndWater

  1. It seems like I may be asking a question or two more in the next few days before I get a Xisto - Web Hosting account. Thanks for the quick response on the other one OpaQue.

    I'm wondering if I could get either the PHP version of TidyLib (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) or the Perl one (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) installed on an account. The php version comes integrated with PHP5, but the Xisto - Web Hosting page says that the accounts use 4.x, so it seems like it'd have to be installed seperately.

    Sorry for the strange question,
    Thanks again,

  2. Hello,I used Xisto for a few months and was extremely happy with the service. I'm currently working as a part-time webmaster and I'm strongly leaning to moving one of my clients over to Xisto - Web Hosting. However, my Xisto account didn't support SFTP or SCP, and I feel uncomfortable transmitting business information (and logon information) over an unsecured connection.Would it be possible to enable either SFTP or SCP (or failing that, even FTPS) on a Xisto - Web Hosting account?Thank-you,Blake

  3. Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, I feel the need to point out that there are specific reasons why these people enter the United States illegally. Due to economic infeasability, or sanctions against their emmegration or immegration, they did not have the choice to enter the United States legally.These are the reasons why I think illegal immigrants should be allowed citizenship after a number of years, and given legal residence until then:1) They're indespesible to america's industries. If we somehow managed to deport them all our economy would crash overnight.2) Humane reasons -- either you agree with them or you don't; I do. One that hasn't been mentioned yet is the fact that these immigrants can't protect themselves legally because they can't appear in court -- meaning that they can be denied wages, services, and their own property because they can't seek recompense.3) Legalizing immigrants will raise the working wage, as there won't be an outlet of under-minimum-wage labor anymore. Yes it'd make that wage market more competitive, but immigrants are already occupying those jobs because of their willingness to work for lower pay.4) Legalizing immigrants will actually drive down healthcare costs as currently they burden emergency rooms withouth being able to pay for treatment. Legalizing them will allow them to pay taxes and healthcare.

  4. Up until last year my university had a problem with people overprinting things (people would print a 80 page pdf just to get 3 pages, and throw the rest out, etc). Then computing services came up with a brilliant solution. They tracked users' consumption and figured out that something like 98% of people print less than 1600 pages a semester. Then they installed a quota system on printing where each person gets given $40 free quota (1600 pages if they print double-sided) per semester, and anything after that they have to pay for themselves. Even though the quota system's just the illusion of money (tuition's actually a very small amount less since we don't have to pay for the heavy printers) printing usage dropped to 1/3 of what it was previously. It was amazing.

  5. I think it depends on what kinds of projects you try to learn how to do. I greatly enjoyed a class where I learned how to write a proxy, malloc, a simple shell, and a few other interesting/useful projects all in C. The book from the class (written by the instructors) can be found at Amazon as well as other places. The book also comes with a list of assignments very similar to the ones that I did.
    However, in another class I wrote things like a basic search engine, but still found most of the concepts pretty simple and boring. So if you're not interested in systems programming (the understructure of how computers work) you might not find the book as useful as I do.

  6. Avalon, I think we're looking at this topic in different ways. I (and I think most other people) see it as a chance to share our personal views on how to deal with children -- our personal opinions, not our advice for parents on how to do their job better. In such a setting bringing up whether people are "qualified" to make statements is pretty rediculous. No-one here is writing books on how to rear children. We aren't telling you how to raise your children, and I hope you wouldn't presume to tell us how to raise ours (where applicable).

  7. Well lets look at the functions you have:strlen($string) returns the number of characters in the string.substr($string, $start, $length) returns the string of length $length, starting at the $start character.In order to add things to an array, you must first initialize it: $arr = array(); and then you can automatically add new elements by using $arr[] = $nextElement;So a psudo-code way to do your assignment would be:1) Get the length of the entire string.2) For each character in the string, starting at the first, get that single character, and add it to the array.Hopefully that helps you get started. If you want to be smart with your teacher, you can point out that php strings already work like arrays.p.s. I know code is generally put into code tags, but I decided to leave them out as I'm using the code in mid sentence.

  8. As another member pointed out, Microsoft was sued for copyright infringement, so embedded video content now must be actived by clicking on it before it starts. You can get around this by using javascript to write out the embedding code. Other than that, your site works fine for me in Internet Explorer.Also, speaking of copyrighted material, I'm fairly sure that those music videos violate the band's/music company's copyright, as well as the Xisto terms of service. Unless I'm wrong, and you've somehow obtained consent from them.

  9. It looks like someone already answered you, but here's an alternative implimentation that allows you to specify the folders you want sorted. I'm not sure which one you'll prefer.

    <?php	function dirList($dir) 	{		$results = array();		$handle = opendir($dir);			while($file = readdir($handle)) 			if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')				$results[] = array($file, filemtime($dir . $file));			closedir($handle);		return($results);		}		function reorderByDate($first, $second)	{		return($first[1] < $second[1]);	}	/* Please only change the following line of code */	/* Directory names *must* end with a "/" */	$listOfDirs = array("folder1/", "folder2/");	$results = array();		foreach($listOfDirs as $dir)		$results = array_merge($results, dirList($dir));			usort($results, "reorderByDate");		/* Displays the files -- change this if you want them to display differently */	foreach($results as $file)		echo $file[0] . "<br />\n";   ?>

  10. Since hotlinking is already mentioned the manual (and slightly cleaner) way to do it is to add the following to your .htaccess file:

    RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)?yourdomain.com [NC]RewriteRule \.css$ - [NC,F,L]
    If someone tries to navigate directly to your .css file it'll send them to the 403 forbidden page instead.
    However, there are two problems with this approach. 1) It's very easy to fake the referer, and so it's quite easy to circumvent. 2) The .css files are downloaded to and interpreted on the user's local computer like .html files. That means that each and every person who looks at your html page will have your css page on their computer, at least for a little. However, both of these workarounds probably won't occur to the average user, so you can still block most people from seeing it.

  11. My story's probably quite a bit more anticlimactic than most of the others:We met through a mutual friend after school one day. She remembers that she came up to my brother and me, and asked "Hey, are you two twins?" at which point we rolled our eyes, looked at her, and burst out with random contradictory stories. I don't remember the actual event, but I assume my thought proccess was "Hm...there's a random person with <name of friend> . . . Ooo look, it's time to re-aim the s4 ellipsoidals." Thankfully, many of our other experiences have been quite a bit more memorable.

  12. Beating should only be done as a last resort after repeated punishment.

    My significant other and I have had arguments about this as well (thankfully, pure speculation in our case). I cannot think of a single situation where I feel that physically beating a child is appropriate or justified. There are many other disciplinary tools available to parents, and really no excusable reason to resort to violence against a child. Many people who favor spanking would disagree with me, but I can't help but see it as a sign of bad parenting.

  13. To build on what jlhaslip said, the standard way to do all that is

    $safeVar = stripslashes(strip_tags($unsafeVar));
    It's no perfect, but it does protect you against most injection attacks.

    If you're considering having any kind of username/password login the only really secure way to do it is to use SSL. However, if you can't do it that way, you can use a javascript implimentation of sha256 (or failing that sha1) to encode the password, after it's added to a predefined key. However, the encoded password can still be intercepted, and used to gain access to a user's account. Under no circumstances use md5 encryption for anything other than generating hashtables.

  14. Since people seem to have missed it on their first readthrough, I will say it again, this time in bold:

    Homosexuality is natural. A stable minority of animals show homosexual tendancies. This statement well documented, and for all intensive purposes falls into the realm of scientifically neigh-unrefutable fact. You can say that homsexuality goes against your religious or personal beliefs, but to proclaim that it goes against Nature is a fallacy.


    Why don't we just allow people to marry animals or inanimate objects while we're at it?

    Many people felt the same way about allowing whites and blacks to intermarry half a century ago. I find the ease in which you marginalize another person's humanity to be very disturbing. Could you please explain why you hold such a strong point of view?


    And off topic: Gaea, bonobos are *not* chimpanzees, nor, as I recall are they all bisexual. And since I'm digressing already, did anyone know that bonobos are the only completely pacifistic primates? They also resemble hairy humans to a very scary degree.

  15. they are all on welfare and social sucurity guess who is paying for it we are the middle and upper classes

    Actually many immigrants take all of the menial and horrible jobs that noone else wants, just like immigrants always have. Yes, they depress wages for a minority of United States workers. But, if you decide to deport them all, *then* you'll see the economy crash. Over and over again, I see people stick to their prejudices because they are ignorant or unwilling to investigate and see things in a fairer light. I agree that if immigrants want to be accepted more of them need to start showing patriotism towards the United States and try to become somewhat bilingual. But, by and large, the rest is prejudice and pure poppy-*BLEEP*. (I always wanted to use that word...)

  16. - It is not normal. Show me in nature, any other animals have homosextual relationship. In facts in wild, two adult lions can not live in the same region. Two queen bees can not be together, they have to divide their kingdom.


    A substantial minority of wild animals are homosexual (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). And I suppose that since animals don't have free will or souls, God wanted them to fornicate with their own sex...::rolls his eyes::


    I think the entire discussion over gay marriage is flawed. Religious marriage is not comparable to legal marriage. States should issue couples civil union licenses, and whether they're married should be between them and their religious leader. That way you're free to say that homosexuals aren't allowed to marry under your religion, but I'm fine to say that they are under mine.

  17. If you have any experience with OOP (Java, C++, etc) then you'll find PHP amazingly easy to pick up. If you've never done any object oriented (or for the most part, functional) programming you might find it somewhat harder. It's also much easier to pick up bad programming habits if you don't have a good basis for programming. However, overall php is fairly intuitive and easy to learn (compared to say, perl/cgi), so with a bit of perserverence you should be able to pick it up ok.

  18. Could you please post again, telling us the error message you're getting and what line it's on? If you aren't getting an error message, explain what the unexpected behavior is. Also, a slight digression, but using a MD5 hash is extrodinarily unsafe. I'd suggest switching it to SHA1, although SHA1's not all that much better. (I'm really waiting for PHP to officially support a SHA2 function).

  19. I will love to see my name in these languages, I am sure there are many chinese here who can help me in doing that <_<

    Your name in Japanese would be マヤンク, or Ma-yan-ku if you don't have Japanese fonts installed on your computer. All of these names are in Katakana, the alphabet they tend to use for non-native (and mostly English) words. Native japanese names tend to be in a mixture of kanji and hiragana.
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