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About Joe2Chance

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    Member [Level 2]
  1. Well, here it is, the e-mail you get back!!! Well it isn't a virus or trojan, but all resumes to the referral link (i removed it because of TOS), probably is the referral link of Estupido because its not free, he forget to talk about the $50, if you don't spend nothing is not gonna receive is commisson! And if you deposit it you will probably receive some crap of software! Shame on you Estupido...
  2. Yeah right, you made 5k easy and then you came here share with all the world!!! Get a life man your name says all Estupido (stupid)! Theres no way a software could guess roulette numbers, also $799 and now for free, the most possible thing is that the software got a keylogger or any trojan so that you can steal us our money!!!
  3. Well, i must disagree with you, there are alot of people doing alot of money (and i'm not talking about the site owners), we just need to be very carefful and "study" the "thing" before investing our money, i at this point i'm doing pretty good money! If you tell me that there are ALOT of scams out there, i must say yes, is pretty true, and if you ask me if i already loose some money, yes it's also true! But i'm learning every day (especially with my mistakes ), but i'm with a good fealing about this one i'm at! Now i'm in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, and if look and study the site you will see it's a pretty one, and if the site closed right now, well i didn't mind because i'm already in profit!
  4. Hey lairz, tell us something, what software did you used to make the site for graffics and flash? It's pretty cool, congratulations! I never played Call of Duty before but i think i'm gonna try it, just because of your site!!!!! Congrats again.
  5. Actualy, the site seems pretty interesting, i'm from Portugal (close to Spain) and their "clients" (the ones who want to advertise their brands) if they are really their clients seems pretty good, and also you don't need so many referrals to do some good amount of $$. If you can get 20 friends and those 20 get more 20 and those 20 get more 20 and those 20 get more 10 and if all read only 2 mails per month that gives you 1768.46 (and the is higher than $) I think i'm gonna give it a try!
  6. Yep, everything seems fine now! Gonna make a backup now, just in case!!!!
  7. With you, we are now 3 without databases, let's just relax a bit, maybe it's only temporarly, i hope! <_<Yep, everthing fine now!!!! Go check it out!!!! Hufff, what a relief!!!!
  8. Yep, my databases gone too!!! Hope this only temporarly, i've posted an help topic too, but now i'm more relief, because i'm not the only one!
  9. Hi, my Mysql databases gone and i can not add any database! Is this temporaly? In the General account information the info show this: Any help would be very thankful.
  10. Yes, it's true, but for that there are specific forums like MMG and Talk Gold. I think here in Xisto the Make Money Online forum is only for "advertising" purpose, to let others know you know? It's not to make you or anyone else win/loose something, thats what i think.
  11. Joe2Chance

    Cash Back

    I think this is why you put your referral link!!!! You should read the forum rules & TOS. Well i don't know why i'm talking to you, because you will never return here again i'm sure!!!!
  12. Yes, if the site make us alot of money i think it would be fair to alow referral links, BUT (theres always a but), most of this kind of make money online is a completly scam and using the referral links will be good to them!!! So i think the most wise thing to do is not allow Xisto.com contribute to the sucess of those scamers, its just my opinion and i think it's why Xisto don't allow referral links.
  13. Very nice itsmyard, i really like it, can i copy it so i can use it as my wallpaper? Congrats, and good job.
  14. Yeah, i think it's just a scam, and even if site admin is serious and real persons posting help, most of that persons are just trying to get our money, well its just my thougt!The only thing that i'm sure is that the site will never see the color of my money!!
  15. I'm sorry, but didn't understand that! I'm guaranteed to get paid?! How? 100% cheatproof!! How? I was reading the site and they say: Bla bla, what a scam, let's see, they open a site, they pay for hosting, domain, etc and they don't get anything???!!!! 100% cheatproof? I'm sure they are getting most of the $4 paid to the direct 6 sponsors, for me thats cheating!!!For me the "There are no admin fees" it's enouth for not putting any of my money on that!!
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