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Posts posted by limasol

  1. Delphi, new, dosbox application, paste this in instead of whats there already, if it dosnt work its not my fault as it works fine here.

    program Project1;

    {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses  SysUtils;const   version = '1.0';   title = 'HiLo game';   author ='F.Shaw';   date = '06/10/05';var   guess, rdmnumber : integer;begin{allow program to pickdifferent rdmnumber each time}  randomize;  {display header information}  writeln(title,' v.',version,'   ',author,'',date);  {tell computer to take a random number between 1 and 100}  writeln('randomizing.......done');  rdmnumber := random(100)+1;  writeln (rdmnumber);   repeat   writeln('enter guess between 1 and 100...');   readln (guess);   if guess < rdmnumber  then writeln ('too low, guess again');   if guess > rdmnumber   then writeln ('too high, guess again');   until guess = rdmnumber;   writeln ('correct!, press any key to continue, play again sometime.');   readln;end.

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