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Posts posted by Wasser

  1. That's the life :)I in general reinstall windows if I use it a not too much every month if I push it too hard, maybe every week... If you have Windows installed in your system for a long time, it's inevitable for you to reinstall, first because it will give you a lot of error messages and second because it will be slower and slower each time you use it and the performance in games will decrease too...Not just windows, all that runs in it will slow down...

  2. moldboy, everything you say is alright, but in general when windows restarts by himself is because the "blue screen" won't let you in any way continue to run windows, so he decides to restart himself, so it?s possible that the windows of that computer has a problem, and debugging the files inside the minidump is not always the best option. If you ask me I would reinstall all the windows and cut the problem from the root. That way you would be pretty sure the problem is not going to come back.

  3. Ubuntu Linux has three options, one of the options is to install it on your HDD and share space with windows and you choose what system you want to start, another is to install it deleting windows and the third one is NOT to install it and run it from the CD, without touching the HDD, so it won't mess your files, it won't even touch them, it will load all the system files on your RAM memory. It's free to use and download, enter the website and check it out ;D

  4. Yes, but I was telling you for testing purposes only, my idea was for you to enter Linux to check that your computer hardware really works, and if it works, you will be sure that you would have to reinstall Windows because that was the problem, and not like other ones said, the hardware. Sorry for the misunderstanding :) Best Regards,Wasser

  5. Well, why don?t you try to restart the computer and use a boot disk with some utilities to check on your HDD so you can be sure that it doesn?t have any problems? Because if the HDD doesn?t detect the system it could be a failure on the MBR that is the first part of the HDD and is where is stored the info that is read by the bios to recognize what it should run and everything else. There is a program called HDD Regenerator that doesn?t touch your files and what it does is a physical scan on the disk to look after bad sector (parts of the HDD that are damaged), those causing, possibly, your computer not to boot. So the program will check your disk and try to correct those errors. Possibly you will be able to start windows after that, but my recommendation is that you back up all the files, because in one way or another, the disk has problem and it could be possible to stop working again. After you fix it, it can also be possible (if it FOUND and FIX problems) that still your computer doesn?t enter to windows, in that case I recommend you that you take your HDD to another computer enter to Windows with the HDD of the other computer and from that Windows copy all your important files. Hope it helps! :)

  6. Maybe, this doesn't help, but download a Linux live CD like UBUNTU and run it in your computer, if it's stable (it is supposed to recognize your network card and your internet connection and automatically connect to it) you will know that is not the hardware the problem. 75% of the cases where computers restart by themselves is because Windows has a problem. And not because of the hardware, so why don't you try this?Thanks for reading, and hope it helps :)

  7. The problem with something that anyone can edit is that any one can edit. That just makes it ripe for vandels and that 1% of the population that enjoys screwing things up for everyone else.

    I think that the problem is not only the vandals that want to screw everything on the site like some people. I think that the real problem is that most of the people that writes articles aren't qualified for it (despite i know some teachers/professors that write in there) so maybe I think I know about something and I write an article and, without noting, the article has some wrong information, because, let's face it, half of the wikipedia articles don't have any sources and if they have, the sources say something totally different to what is being said in the article, they just put sources to say their article has credibility but in the truth, they don't have.

  8. I think that I don't need to prove to them that i'm or i'm not smart, the thing is that as iwuvcookies said they are to lazy to get answers for themselves so they ask me. Possibly what I should do is get "cool" with the fact they consider me a nerd and don't focus my life in that part of the day :) maybe after school, where things are better. xDThanks for all the answers!

  9. Well, I used Webroot Spy Sweeper by recommendation of a friend and I have to agree is very good:Pros: It has a cool interface, it's very flexible (you can tell him to analyze only what you want) doesn't bother you a lot with messages except? (Read cons)Cons: When you install something in general it bothers you with messages like "a new program is being installed, do you authorize it?" and ?a file has been setup to start with windows, do you authorize it??, I know it is for security, but that of new programs being installed without your notice doesn't happen a lot now and the ?file started with windows? is very unlike for a normal user to recognize what is it (i.e. when you install MSN Messenger, it asks you if you let CTFMON.exe to start with windows, a normal user won?t know what is that?). And the other con it has is that despite the interface is very nice; it's a little heavy, not like Norton, but heavier than Microsoft Anti-Spyware...


    Well, everybody knows that there are thousents of virus in the internet, and we have the

    tools to block some of them, but the real problem is to know which anti-virus to use?

    All of the folowing antivirus has trial versions.


    Posted Image

    Kaspersky Anti-virus Personal <-- I belive that is one of the best, well he is fast and has 24hours updates. :P




    Posted Image

    Avast Professional Edition <-- The Second Best after Kaspersky its really faster than the bigger ones like the Norton Antivirus and Mcafee. :D




    mks_vir <-- I have used him for only a day and was good but im not sure of his advantages and problems, but it still in the top 10 best anti-virus. found 2 virus on my pc. :)


    - Norton Antivirus: too havy and reparing abilities not good


    - Mcafee : Motive: Virus Known library too small


    - Panda Antivirus: Motive: too havy and crashes up all windows sometimes





    Posted Image

    Webroot SpySweeper <-- It is the best anti-spyware in the internet, it is a little havy to use in background but its great to run an full scan once a week.

    Observation: please dont blame me if you have a diferent opinion.


    What do you think of NOD32? It's the one I use and has a lot of options. A long time ago I used to use Norton, but as find3r says, it was really, really heavy, so I changed for Kaspersky (the one mentioned above) and I found it very good.


    If you ask me I don't know which of the two is better, but what I know is that I like A LOT that NOD32 tells you all the time that he has updated the database, I don't know if that works, but I like it.


    P.S. I just remember something, sometime ago I had a problem with my antivirus (NOD) cause I downloaded a trainer for a game and every time I entered the folder where it was the trainer, NOD wanted to delete it cause it said that "changed the uses of the buttons on the keyboard", thing that was obvious because it was a trainer, but I couldn't make him understand that wasn't a threat, so I had to create a special rule telling him not to analyze that file... Thats the only thing I have against NOD

  11. Ok people I don't know you. But I was doing a school homework for physics (specifically the temperature measures) and I went to wikipedia (Portuguese and Spanish) and I summarize the info of both sites.For my surprise, the teacher asks us to read what we had brought and when I say my information (?There are 8 temperature measures accepted by the International System?) my teacher says it?s definitely wrong, and that I would have to bring her my sources so she could tell the ?book writer? that the info was wrong. Imagine what would happen if she knew that I took the info from wikipedia, from where none of the information has any supervision?

  12. Well, I need to tell this:I?m really, but really tired of school. For me go to school is not only go there and study. Before I continue I have to tell that my classes started March 1st, so lot of you should be thinking, well, for what is this guy complaining? He just started the school! Well, I?m going to explain. I got to the school on the first day and I found that everything was equal to how it was last year, nothing had change, the teachers continue to be there, the friends were the same and the school was the same? So I got a little disappointed, but, well, in general when I come back to school everything is the same, so my disappointments rapidly vanish. But (now getting to the point), people say that I?m intelligent and that?s what bothers me, I?m not someone that can be considered a nerd, I don?t study at home and I don?t act like a nerd, but people think so, and the problem that brings to me is that everyone asks for my help because people think I know a lot and that is a big weight I have to carry with me because I feel that I have to know the answer to everything they ask not to disappoint them and I just HATE it. I can?t do anything about it, but I can complain and ??ventilate? myself the way I?m doing here, cause maybe people don?t realize but just for the fact that you tell your story you already feel better.Please comment on this :)

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