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Posts posted by Burgin

  1. Firstly, them wallpapers are blurred, i wouldn't expect anyone using them that much because of the blur. When doing them try not to stretch the render. as it blurs them and make them look low quality. Overall I can see you have attempted to do effects for some of the wallpapers text, like the Sub Zero one, that could be imrpoved mate. The rest seem to be ok though.Your photomanipulations are ok, the best on would have to be the naked gil one, uve done well with it, but the wings i feel don't look like they are with the girl, they seem more of a picture just stuck on. Hopefully this Criticism will help you in a lot of ways, atleast i hope it does. Nice attempts,Burgin!

  2. A very nice style you have there, alot of the blur effects going on there. One thing that looks abit repetitive though m8 is your text, you use the same effect all the time, i think that you should expand on your creative side and come up with mroe unique styles. Your vector style is very good though nevertheless and will surely please alot of people. To me your a great sig designer and would like to talk to you on msn for advice etc. Please add me on msn if you have it, my address is JakeBurgin53@hotmail.comNice sigs and keep it up,Jake!

  3. Thanks for the comments. I used textures for most of them, while using the burn tool aswell. Some brushes came into action a few times, and i had the final image. The original Pictures i used im not sure where they are as it was quite a long time ago when i did these. Hopefully i can look around for them again and find them lurking somewhere, but i can't be certain. Thanks for viewing,Burgin!

  4. Well to be very clear about the comparisons between the two programs, Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful and offers more effects and tools, however Paintshop Pro is great for beginners, but ive not used it that much at all. Photoshop in my opinion would be the best for anyone wanting to create graphic projects or web layouts, its easy to learn and the outcomes are fantastic. Photoshop im sure overall is the best for designers and offers more resources in communitys such as deviantart.com

  5. Yeh for a beginner you look like your improving alot, the core is a great effect and if you take more time to study the filter effects you can come up with even more effects. The photomanipulation is looking great and really has made it look better. Nice technique you have there and when you master photomanipulation, the possiblilities are endless. Ive done some really creappy Dark Art projects and always turn out great and look real :o So I should post a new topic soon showing this work, hopefully you will get better to achieve more than you thought. Be sure to check my new topic out and nice attempt,Burgin!

  6. I use google as its one of the most powerful search engines available. It give relevant information, yet it gives you lots of searches to look through. Google has massively grown over the last several years and im sure that its just the beginning for Google.com. Google offers some useful tools aswell such as GoogleEarth which is great for searching for existing places in the World. If you want to check it out https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=aub_VIfxMcPBqAWf_4CoCg&gws_rd=ssl
    I'm not really going to bother with other search engines useful as Google.com does the job.

  7. Notice from szupie:
    Please post a text version of the tutorial. We cannot see the text in the pictures.

    Well im trying to help as many of you as possible and this is quite a useful effect in which ive seen many people do. I did this awhile ago and thought i'd post it for you to read. This was the final signature i managed to create about 7 months ago, which has an animation with it.

    Posted Image


    Hopefully this will give everyone wanting to learn a few tricks that bit of knowledge for future designs. Here's the tutorial and have fun. Any comments please post or contact me on msn at JakeBurgin53@hotmail.com


    Posted Image




  8. Welcome to Xisto mate, Its a pleasure to have you here and perhaps you could contibute some of your experience to help others. I'm wanting to learn Web Design and it would really help me to see some of your techniques for creating websites. Hopefully you will fit right into the community and join in with some of the threads. See you on the forums,Burgin!*EDIT* Sorry everyone, for some reason this was in the latest posts i think and i managed to stumble upon it. I didn't realise until i read the date. Please feel free to delete this post.

  9. These points are very helpful for me, I'm basically a beginner at all web designing, but have a small bit of knowledge for Photoshop. All information about designing websites really do help me and I appreciate the amazing contribution some of you guys have done to make sure people understand these concepts. Hopefully i will go away from this page to read Stage 2 of your Web Design tutorial and gather more understaing about this sort of work. Surely i can go away from this topic knowing more than what i did before i read your ideas. Thanks for the help,Burgin!

  10. Yh this is very good news, I loved Pro Evolution Soccer 5 and the gameplay. Its gameplay compared to Fifa's in my opinion absolutely over ruled it. Although Pro Evolution lacks some of the licenses for the English teams, I'd by it over Fifa any day. The news of Pro Evolution 6 coming out has made me very exicted towards when it comes out, hopefully i'll get it and it wil be good. :o Thanks for the information mate, definately somethnig i'll be looking up these next few months!

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