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Posts posted by rejected

  1. Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my website. Any ideas, criticism, etc are very welcome. I am looking to constantly improve this website.
    Now, my website is about questionably legal drugs called Research Chemicals (or designer drugs). It is only a discussion forum intended for people who are looking for information and to chat about regular stuff. It is completely legal, so no worries. The query "research chemicals" on google is fairly common and buying the domain name should give me an edge over other websites without this in their name. So hopefully the SEO benefits from buying the domain name are great. I have submitted my website to several search engines and I am waiting for them to index it.

    As you can see, I'm using the newest version of vBulletin: Version 4.0.2. A few years ago I bought a 3.0 forum license and it was only a small fee to move to upgrade to the next version. I used some of the benefits of vBulletin, like mod re-writing the URLs. If you make note of the links, they are optimized for SEO (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). vBulletin now has a CMS and blog option which I installed and should be really useful for news and trip reports.

    I created the banner in photoshop using radial gradients and a gradient stroke over the text. I might change the banner text soon though.

    I decided to use Google Adsense since they have been quite good for me in the past.

  2. However, as mentioned before, loss of memory is not evidence for not pre-existing. The argument from loss of memory allows for life beyond (i.e. before and after) the physical self. You have to now show that this is not possible, not only assert it.

    However, you've never died before. You're still living (by the way you define "living," i assume), right? Your presupposition is that life is limited to the physical self (like many i have come across). You could probably argue that you have no reason to go beyond the physical self, but neither have you provided any reason for us not to.

    There is no denying that no one's physical self has lived before they were conceived, and whether or not people at the stage of development are nothing (due to lack of a brain) i won't say, but, as you have mentioned, you are trying to prove that there is no life beyond the physical self, to which you have only rhetorically asserted.

    Well, unfortunately there is no way to prove who is right. There's only waiting until we die. But this is my opinion.

  3. Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my website. Any ideas, criticism, etc are very welcome. I am looking to constantly improve this website.
    Now, my website is about questionably legal drugs called Research Chemicals (or designer drugs). It is only a discussion forum intended for people who are looking for information and to chat about regular stuff. It is completely legal, so no worries. The query "research chemicals" on google is fairly common and buying the domain name should give me an edge over other websites without this in their name. So hopefully the SEO benefits from buying the domain name are great. I have submitted my website to several search engines and I am waiting for them to index it.

    As you can see, I'm using the newest version of vBulletin: Version 4.0.2. A few years ago I bought a 3.0 forum license and it was only a small fee to move to upgrade to the next version. I used some of the benefits of vBulletin, like mod re-writing the URLs. If you make note of the links, they are optimized for SEO (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). vBulletin now has a CMS and blog option which I installed and should be really useful for news and trip reports.

    I created the banner in photoshop using radial gradients and a gradient stroke over the text. I might change the banner text soon though.

    I decided to use Google Adsense since they have been quite good for me in the past.

  4. When I was using adsense I did fairly well. Between September of 2005 and August of 2007, I made a total of: 1731.28. It's a pretty decent amount of money for a small hobby website. As long as you can get a decent amount of traffic to your website, adsense is fairly profitable. They show good advertisements that are usually related to the content. I never had to deal with any trouble or hassle from them at all. It took a couple of days to get my website approved.

  5. Do you know what refutes this? Those who do remember about the time before they were born, also known as reincarnation or having a past life.

    No one remembers the time before they were conceived. It's impossible. People who claim this are plain crazy, scamming you, or are acting this way for some other ridiculous reason. Remembering a past life is ludicrous.


    But let us touch more on the implications of your statement. There are many things that it brings up, which mostly follows from the others, and what it allows. For one, we could emphasize the word "born." Did we exist before we were born? If born means coming out of the womb, then most certainly we existed before we were born. We did not have any previous memory before we were born and it will be like that after we die, you say? What does that mean? It means it allows for existence after death except without any previous memory. So then life doesn't end at death. If life doesn't end at death, then there is obviously some kind of dualism going on here, where the conscious or spirit is separate from the body and only the body dies.

    What I intended to say was conceived. We never did not exist before we were conceived. We won't exist when we die. Life definitely ends at death. Brains are the reason people have rational (and irrational) thoughts. Without brains, people are nothing(which is one reason I am interested in cryonics, but that is something to discuss later). There's no soul, spirit, or entity which is inside of us..


    So what if you chose to define "born" as "before you were ever conceived"? In order to even ask such a question with such a presumption you would have to, again, assume pre-existence. Assuming pre-existence, again, allows for the same kind of dualism as the kind that was already mentioned, which, again, means life after death. Therefore, in either case, what is your argument? Instead, now, you are perhaps left to rethink things about death and existence, perhaps even on why these things exist. So, i shall ask you, Is there life after death?

    When I said to imagine before being conceived, it was only a point to prove that there was nothing.

    When one is conceived, they start out as just a cell. No one has ever lived before they were conceived.

  6. Nike is my preference over Adidas; however, Asiics is my favorite brand of shoe.The main reason I am a fan of Nike is because of its rich history with Bill Bowerman. He was the co-founder of Nike. He was one of the main components in the Jogging boom of the 60s. After traveling to New Zealand and learning about the physical training technique called jogging from Arthur Lydiard(and don't get me started on him, he is the father of many modern running training ideas), he published a 90 page book called "Jogging" and sold over a million copies.While at the University of Oregon, Bowerman coached over 30 olympians and won a number of NCAA team wins. He was in charge of the creating and designing the first Nike shoes. He once used his wife's waffle iron to create a pair of lightweight racing shoes which became a huge hit.

  7. Posted Image

    This was my bus the day after I bought it in November. She cost around $700. I washed her just before this picture, and she was almost black and covered in pine needles.


    the bus had been sitting for about three or four years before I picked it up, and has only been owned by 2 people: mike and his dad.


    what i've done to the bus so far:cleaned the carburetor and fuel tank, changed the fuel filter and oil; ripped out the nasty carpet and rotted sub-floor; plexi-glassed over the rusted front panel; took out the wood panels(not bad too of shape but could be better) except for the ceiling; sanded, rust treated, undented, bondo'd a couple spots and primered.

    About three days ago I put in a brand new windshield (previous one was cracked and there was rust all around it). Today I painted the rims and tomorrow I'm going to have brand new tires put on her. In a week or so I will be putting a new paint job on her (blue and white two-tone, or maybe paint it up hippy style).

    And soon I will be putting on a 4" lift so I can keep up with my two friends with Jeeps when they go offroading.

  8. I don't know if this belongs here, I'm not sure what fits under the category of "self-realization." I have spent the past few years of my life fixated on death. I constantly wondered what happens when someone dies. The following is my *opinion* on dying:Do you know what it was like before you were born? That is what it will be like when you die. The only purpose to life is to live while you can. This is called existential nihilism. Dying may be the most peaceful thing that could ever happen to anyone. Living has no intrinsic meaning. It's all about being here now.

  9. About the iframes: I only have to edit one page if I wanted to add/edit/delete a link in the navigation.


    Nucleus: I only wanted something like a blog to inform any types of updates.


    I don't have a favicon as of yet.


    I made a another topic here at Xisto about if it was possible to convert my current website into a CMS, so maybe that would fix the iframe problem?.


    Thanks for your feedback.

    I would suggest using a simple include function from php instead of an iframe for your navigation.

    That way you can just have navigation.php and edit that file by itself to change the navigation.



    You could definitely turn your entire website into a CMS. I'll check out that topic.

  10. Your website is an eyesore. There is random text that has no need to be there.

    Medical tourism
    Travel to get naltrexone implants


    Substance abuse treatments

    most of the images that you use are rendered smaller by the browser (because of the html) and it makes the images look terrible. i would suggest using photoshop or gimp to resize the images instead. I see dozens of stock photos everywhere. They slightly relate to what you are talking about, but they are way too ambiguous. Your website is reminiscent of a spam e-mail or spam website. Your homepage states no goal. Once you get past the front page, things look a little better.

    This is in the wrong forum. Reviews here are for websites that are NOT yours.

  11. This is a pretty cool website, but there are some things that should be changed.

    I would not suggest using iframes. They're terrible for search engine optimization and your internal linking isn't as great. Check out this link: https://www.oneupweb.com/.

    Also, using nucleus CMS inside of your website in an iframe is kind of unsightly. It looks like a website in a website. Two banners, two menus, etc.
    The javascript pop-ups on the pages that have not yet been developed is annoying. I would rather see a page that says "Under construction" than the pop-up.

    I'm definitely digging the Challenger on your banner. Too bad it's not a SRT-8! :angel:

    The simpsons layout is absolutely perfect. I would maybe change the font, and size of the text below for the videos. The legality of this website is questionable.. but I'm into all that stuff. Is this why you aren't hosting on Xisto?

    You link to a favicon in your html, however the file it references to doesn't exist. (images/favicon64.ico)

    Good job on an excellent website and I'm looking forward to seeing your improvements in the future.

  12. I know I have now posted twice about my problem with my web site. They either got removed or I just can't find them here on the forums. I cannot update my site, can't log in. Why do my posts here asking for help keep dissapearing??? It's been down a couple weeks now and even tech support told me to ask here PLEASE HELP

    both of your previous topics are here: Xisto Network Sites ť Support and Feedback ť Questions & Queries

    i hope you can find this topic! :angel:

  13. Today is a good day in the fight against terrorism:

    a man indicted on charges of treason and providing material support to terrorists in 2006 has been arrested today. Since 2004, he has been appearing in al Qaeda videos posted on islamist forums.
    The FBI identified him as part of an al Qaeda terrorist cell that was planning attacks for disrupting the 2004 presidential election in the United States.

    Hopefully his arrest will prevent terrorism in the long run. This is a great prospect for a peaceful world.

  14. I think I have a pretty simple list here:Firefox - The best browser period. I can't stand using internet explorer, and opera is alright.Winrar - For all of the files that I download and need to extract.FOOBAR - My music player.Pidgin - my yahoo, msn, irc, aim, icq, gmessenger.Microsoft Word - not because I need it to write in, but because I get so many e-mails that people attach docx files with and I can't open them with notepad.windows media player - so I can watch stuff!

  15. How about a new intake Manifold and a 4 barrel Carb kit? Can you find one of them that will boost the performance level?Maybe re-curving the distributor to play with the timing sequences for a bigger bang? That might do it.
    Yea, a V6 can be made to work better than stock, but it takes some doing. And the gas mileage isn't going to be the same, that's for sure.

    Alright, so you must like old cars. Most newer cars since the early 90s haven't had carbs in them. As for the distributor, I still need to look into it more, but it's a possibility. Thanks!

    I see, so maybe the air intake kit would be a good idea then.And well, just to let you know my opinion on these things, I prefer the bus to driving for that kind of trips. I know that with a car, you can take as much luggage as you want and carry things which maybe important, and there's a lot of comfort and image in driving maybe, but I'd rather take a bus, turn the mp3 player and sleep the whole journey.
    But... sorry, I really don't want to change the topic of this discussion. It was like a parenthesis...
    As for the changes to your car, maybe you're right, and improving its performance that way would be good.
    Thanks for the explanation.

    I know what you mean. But unfortunately the bus trip takes an hour longer and costs $40 more here :P

    I think the cheapest thing that you can do would be the cold air intake. To optimize the usage of increased air flow, though, you should try to find a buddy or a shop to do any adjustments to the onboard computer, if need be.
    An exhaust system is a very expensive way to go. From what I can remember, those start at about $200 for the complete gig, but it does decrease restriction and allows for a better, smoother circulation of exhaust. Is it worth $200+? I'm thinking not, IMO.

    I have a K&N washable reusable air filter for my Honda Civic and I have to say that the idea is awesome, but you have to be careful when "washing" it. Don't bend it too far to get at the dirt and dust, and I would try to clean it out dry before submersing it in water and trying to clean it that way. And of course, it's imperative that it's dry before putting it back into the air filter housing.

    You can also work on lightening your load, like taking out your spare (your discretion), any unnecessary items, or heck, take out the backseat.

    One thing that did wonders for my car just recently was cleaning out my fuel injection system and throttle. Midas recommended it to me and it made sense, and since I haven't done that in the history of owning the used car for a couple of years, I figured I'd do it (even though the throttle plate wasn't very dirty). After the cleaning, the engine sounds much "throatier" and has that low tone of a ricer with a humongous muffler... all with just a cleaning. Sometimes, performance can be gained or restored with simple maintenance... something that we often overlook.

    I was looking at doing this same sort of gig: to increase the performance of a car for cheap. I backed out of it though because I didn't feel like making modifications to a car without actually knowing for sure what I was doing. The cost to improve performance versus the possibility of screwing up not to mention negligible performance gain kind of turned me off to the whole thing... but I'll tell you this: if you do go with a cold-air intake, make sure you don't live in a wet state. :)

    This is what I was really looking for! Thanks for the great post. I just bought a cold air intake with a K&N filter in it. For cleaning out the fuel injection and throttle, do you just use some of the "pour it in your gas tank and it gets clean" stuff or what?

  16. High school was fun. I got to socialize with my friends and all of that jive. Most of what I learned in high school was very simple stuff. I took AP classes and as long as you show up to class and pay attention, everything is good. I can't say that I was self taught, because the calculus BC stuff my teacher went over seemed a lot simpler when it wasn't read out of a book. However, in college, I dislike the school part. The people are great, the society is great, etc, but studying all of the time is a lot of work.

  17. I own a dell laptop, it's the vostro 1500. I haven't had any problems with it. I bought it for a discount price after it had been refurbished at a Dell outlet store. I haven't had any problems with it at all.. I think that whatever brand laptop you buy, the brand isn't what matters. It's the hardware inside and the price you can find it at.

  18. Electrical engineering student away from the computer?
    ok, changing the subject, when you are studying, do you ever imagine how the engineers worked in the 70s without calculators? An engineer was a genius back then. The roof is falling down? Ask an engineer! oooohh behold the engineer.

    Now even I have an engineering deggree.

    haha well with facebook, myspace, and all of those other distractions I pretty much only have my computer for my word processor and e-mail. engineering is hard with a calculator and a computer!

    Ummm! There were calculators in the 70's... trust me. I was there.
    hey rejected, welcome back. Good to see you after a whole year...
    Things have changed a bit. The new Credit system mostly.
    Some of the members are new, but there are still some old-timers around.
    SM is back on Mod duty. We have had a few people come and go, but the place is still a beehive at times.

    Hope your year at school was good.

    thanks! good to be back.
    I see that many members are still around.. SM is back to harassing me already :P
    i'm checking out the new points system, it seems to be better than the last one.. more options and all of that! plus I don't have to post very much now to get the new points, so I can't complain! :D

    rejected...rejected.... nooo the name doesn't ring a bell, I would surely remember you since I been here for awhile. A Mod you say?? Interesting I have to ask around and see if anyone remember that. AHAHAHAHA welcome back rejected, who can't remember that famous quote of mine, "You been rejected".

    hahaha, I remember the signature you made me. with the alien guy on it. it's probably saved somewhere around my computer.. hahaha

    Well I can't say I know you because I'm here for a little more than a month. Alltogheter since then the community was great and I had a great time here. So a re-new member it would be really great. So even if I don't know you welcome againg :).

    awesome! thanks for the welcome and great to meet you.
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