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Posts posted by Dragonslayer

  1. I've played most of the Final Fantasy's, Im working through 1-2, and I've played most of 6.I own 7,8,9,10,(Played 10-2, its not even worth the money)11, tactics. WEll any the three following are the oens I think are teh ebst and here are the reasons whyFinal Fantasy 7-Its has a very good overall story, very epic, the story devlepmont is great and its wonderful the way the character development (Of cloud and Spehitorth in paticular) interwine with the story so much. For the time the graphics were more than good (Not the sprites) but all the prerendered backrounds definetly went way above teh standard for 3d gaming at that time. And the Materia system allowed for almost endless, litterly, magic combonations, I myself had cloud doing four attacks with triple slash and counter.W-summon ans W-magic, and double slash were some of the best Materia.Final Fantasy 9-Its a dead tie between FF7 and FF9, Why? Because Final Fantasy 9 has a very epic storyline, and its execution is everybit as good as final fantasy 7's, but,there very little character development, the most character development you see is between Princess Garnet,Vivi and Amarant(Amarant has SO LITTLE development is almost not worht mentioning, and Zidane has very little to but it happens towards at the end of the game and is very important to the storyline. The graphics were better than ff7 because of the artstyle and the prerendred towns and backrounds were amazing for then, they cutscene qaulity was the the best to that point in the series, but the system wasnt as good as the Materia system but it did allow your characters to gain so much immunity to status effects and elemental attacks that you could make yourself litterally invincable(Or freakin close)Final Fantasy8-I cant quite see whether this game is better or jsut as good as ff10,The love aspect of the game really fit well. The game Cutscenes were simply amazing, every cutscene was perfectly intergrated into gameplay(No can argue that one)the Junction system was a play off the Materia system but modified enough that it really didnt resemble it, it had a lot of flexability for elem attacks and defense and hp upgrades or attack upgrades. Just as much as ff7 did. The character development of Sqaull was extremly good! The best i've seen. It was better than clousd character development. the Critical hit system allowed for some more flexability in battle but not much. the Draw system was definetly a good route to take (As it saved anyone who's played that game many times)The character development of the love story between Sqaull and Rinoa was Extremely good,(You can tell they pushed for good character development in this game). The story line was a bit vauge, The fact that you didnt meet (Spoiler sort of) Ulticema until the end kind of put a damper on how epic the end was. But the final battle is INCREDIBLY TOUGH VERY VERY FREAKING HARD, really it makes you use a hell of a lot of tactics and not just brute strength to win(Unlike what took to take down sephiroth's one winged angel form)The end wasnt as epic as Ff7's due to the fact again that you didnt meet Ulticima until the actual final battle. But was cool to finally meet her at the end.ff10-Theres no getting around the fact that this game's battle system rocked, switching out characters and such, but, it had the same black mage,white mage ,warrior, theif. classes that ff9 did,(But ff9 just did it way better) The story development here wasnt as good as ff8's and especially not as good as ff9 and ff7's. the character development wasnt as good as ff7 or ff8 but it was just as little as ff9's. The voices of ff10, yea some of them werent good, but the majority of the was acting was good, keep in mind they had to translate from japanese which is very different. And im out of time in conclusionFinal Fantasy 7 and 9 are the best they tie.Final Fantasy 8 then final fantasy 10 simply because of the cutscene intergration.

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