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Posts posted by yomi

  1. Would you go crazy? no.Would YOU not exist? I will exist.Would you be bored all day? no. I will play chess or cards.Would you be board at school all day? yes.Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? no.Would you end up working all day? yes.Would you be determined to invent computers? no.Would you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? no.Would you just be a all around idiot? noWould you drink coffee all day? noWould you sleep all day? noWould you kill yourself? noWould you be a cop? noWould you be a robber? noWould you be a mugger?noWould you be a regular person?noWould you like to exist on this earth? noWould you die of boredom?noWould you invent games?maybeWould you invent more games? maybeWould you think about inventing computers? great work

  2. Yeah , the quality is very good.

    I think the real problem is that it's not so easy to call to/from normal phone.

    Or the payment mode is not well build.


    I'm a big fan of skype and use it often to communicate with friends across the world. The sound quality is crazy good and it really truley feels like your using a normal phone. They also have a paid service where you can "phone" any normal phone in the world from your PC at one flat, very reasonable rate. I would make sure that one has some sort of broadband though as there could be a delay otherwise.


  3. I have tried to buy planB with my friend's help.

    But it seems in trouble these days.

    And I have a little worried about how long will the service survive.

    I have buyed from other isp before, but that company closed in tow months.



    Try out Xisto - Web Hosting ( Computing-web-hosting.com )...


    Even though this company belongs to me, I have placed it on seperate server.. You might observe that when Xisto accounts go down, this one still stays up.. :-)


    Sorry, But I have to give more preference to my Paid hosting clients. :-)


  4. limitted system programing such as embedded system programming

    low level developing such as driver developing

    and other program need high performance such as large game, large scale server and so on.



    what is c and c++ useually used for coz i have heard lots of people talk about it but i dont know what you actually do with it


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