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Posts posted by Flying_Dragon

  1. i was just curious what program do you guys use to make this great sig???and can i make an request also? :) :PI dont have any special request, just want an sig that fits with my nickname which is flying_dragon, (red fire breathing dragon, with some effect when it's breath fire and one more thing if it's possbile want a image of my country flag (Indonesia Flag) in top of it's picture... :D. I appreciate if someone can make one...thanks in advance....

  2. actually there is a more safer way to delete unwanted files or folder that is being use without doing the regedit,etc,etc...just use the software call unlocker (i believe the newer version is 1.81) it's a freeware...just do a search in google with the keyword unlocker..Im afraid to say that this software only support windows xp,2000, 2003.what this software can do is: Cannot delete file: Access is denied There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use. The file is in use by another program or user. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.hope that helps..

  3. Buy a new PC :(:(

    nah still expensive :(, :( it's much cheaper upgrading your memory than buying a new pc aint it?

    this computer im using right now, i have it for about 5 years now, pentium 4 1,6 ghz just bought another memory (total of 768 ram) and it's much faster, is it because i often defrag my computer once a week? :( and i also unload unneccessary startup program on the msconfig..

  4. hmm i usually backup my personal files, my email data to a cd and to my second hdd which is 200 gb (i usually backup the data to two media device(s), just in case if one of the media that I already backup went wrong, heck you never know right? as for the pc's in my office, this goes for the server and also data's on the pc client, i backup it up to 2 device(s) one in the dvd and ther other method i do a cloning to another hdd. that goes for the master cd programs that we have,we backup to anoter hdd in one of our client computer in our lan.

  5. Apple IIe HA! Beat that! :(

    well my first computer i ever owned was the atari 400, yup you got it...from there that's when i first learn about assembly language and playing games of from like a tape recorder, lol..damn i remember it took about 15 minutes just to load up the picture and graphics...i only had for 1 year though then i had the apple ]['c.....I was amazed back then...
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