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Nitin Mangi

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Posts posted by Nitin Mangi

  1. Hi I just registered my domain yesterday with Yahoo and have taken webspace from Xisto - Web Hosting, i changes my nameservers to point to Xisto - Web Hosting nameservers.When i open my site my company intranet blocks it under the category Illegal.Does this mean my website will never be displayed from company permises and lots of people cannot visit my site.I have not uploaded any files yet can this be the reason.How can i disable directory listing, From cybercafe it shows the directory listing on Xisto - Web Hosting.Do i need to change my web host or the IP address.Please advice.Thanks

  2. There?s no reason to believe that teens should not driving, or parents should not give their good cars to teens. Teens that are smart, confident and daring can actually drive much well than adults. I started driving when I was 13, now I am 26, but still believe that, so its not I am advocating teens, but I feel that, in a long run these acts make them more responsible and mature.I remember my days when our neighbor?s calls use to reach my home before I did about my driving. I use to like driving really fast. But never ever got to even touch another car I feel when people drive fast they are more alert and do not make mistakes. Driving and boredom should not be mixed. I guess most of the adults with lots of mental work going in their minds are the main cause of accidents. Extreme elderly are another reason of accidents. Though I respect them a lot. But dmv's should retire them after some age. Last time I just went to rent a car at Nationals, by chance I was helped by a very old lady, she could barely understand why I wanted to rent a car, finally I left apologizing and saying I will rent it later, even the customers commented, she messed it. So the aim is to make it clear, some incidences are not enough for judgments. The world is big and lots of changes take place it takes some experience to come to conclusions. I don?t want to say here that what she does is good, that a stupid act, but because of some teens, all should not be categorized or judged like that. Vehicle is a machine; we should not play with it. But teens should be educated and encouraged to show their capabilities. I don?t like teens to be fearful and nerds sitting in their parents laps....

  3. I feel it is very informal when we post private messages. But when they turn public it really hurts. The transition from informal to formal is some times painful.To be successful one should try to keep messages independent of trust or betrayal. It may not look so fancy but would not cause any regrets later.The weakest point in trust is the strength of it. People face a lot and I believe lessons must be remembered. Nothing is trust worthy, its just situations and needs that govern human behavior.

  4. Yesterday I suddenly got a lot of work. The same work we try to push off, yes you are right all formalities to get the code review incorporated and update all source code files with code review headers.

    Imagine if you need to open 300 files one by one and append code review headers at the end.

    Since most files are reviewed in groups of 20 to 30 files. We require one header to be placed in say 20 to 30 files.

    To simplify I went back to my class assignment days and wrote this small c utility to open all files passed on command line and open attach code review headers and close them.

    We also need to checkout and check in from source control application, but thats easy scripts.
    So just plugged in this utility in batch file and complete the tiring work in seconds.

    Its simple c file handling in action. I thought of posting it here for my friends who want to learn c file handling most features in a very small program.

    Or for somebody like me who requires to complete his code reviews and is lazy enough to write this. So its all action.

    Its simple you can just modify this skeleton as you like it.

    #include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"int main(int argc, char* argv[]){		/* pointers to file for writing and file containg the header */	FILE * fpWrite; 	FILE * fpReviewHeader;	/* size of file and header */	long lSizeOfHeader = -1;	long lSizeOfFile = -1;	/* buffer to keep the header to be appended */	char * buffer;	/* at least one file must be passed */	if( argc < 2 )	{		printf("\nUsage: acrh <filename>\n");	}	/* open file have the header in read and binary mode 	   you make like to take this also from command line also.	   This file starts with a new line character used	   in case the file where header will be appended does	   not have new line character in the end */	fpReviewHeader=fopen("c:\\temp\\review.txt", "rb");	/* get the file size */	fseek (fpReviewHeader , 0 , SEEK_END);	lSizeOfHeader = ftell (fpReviewHeader);	rewind (fpReviewHeader);		/* allocate memory to contain the whole header file.*/	buffer = (char*) malloc (lSizeOfHeader);		/* read the file into the buffer. */	fread (buffer,1,lSizeOfHeader,fpReviewHeader);			/* get all the file names passed on the command line*/	for(int i=1;i<argc;++i)	{		/* open the each file in append and binary mode */		fpWrite=fopen(argv[i], "ab+");		/* here we get the size of the file and check if the 		   second last character is new line character	*/		fseek (fpWrite , 0 , SEEK_END);		lSizeOfFile = ftell (fpWrite);		rewind (fpWrite);		fseek (fpWrite , lSizeOfFile-2 , SEEK_SET);		int aChar = fgetc(fpWrite);		fseek (fpWrite , 0 , SEEK_END);		/* if no newline is there we append the original buffer with new line	*/		if( aChar != 13 )		{			fwrite(buffer,1,lSizeOfHeader,fpWrite);					}		/* remove the newline character from buffer */		else		{			/* write the block header to file */			fwrite(buffer+2,1,lSizeOfHeader-2,fpWrite);				}		printf("\nUpdated: %s",argv[i]);		/* this flushes the data from cache to file */		fflush(fpWrite); 		/* close this file */		fclose(fpWrite);	}	/* close the header file */	fclose(fpReviewHeader);	/* free the header buffer */	free(buffer);	return 0;}

    Enjoy :(

  5. The Freaker signature is very good. I like the sophistication of the colors and their natural blending. The name fits well and adds to the graphics. It has a very professional and sophisticated look.

    If CoolFreaker entry was not there the second best is Reaver, its a perfect signature.

    1-Senor Maniac (0)2-Albus Dumbledore (1)
    3-Razor (1)
    4-Saint-Michael (3)
    5-Truefusion (1)
    6-Mayank (0)
    7-Avalon (1)
    8-CoolFreaker (2)
    9-Reaver (2)

  6. Hi Friends


    Wish you all a very happy holi.

    May this holi bring lots of colors of joy in your life.

    Have lots of bhang, bhangra, music and sweet

    Enjoy the festival of colors.


    With lots of color



    Happy Holi, would please care to explain what this means? I have no clue, besides that it's Lent right now. =-P


    Hi Nova


    Holi is the festival of colors.

    People play with colors, they believe it will bring lots of colors and joy in life.

    It mark the begining of summers, so people play in colored water.

    They play with water filled baloons.

    Everybody puts color on each others face, this brings friends closer.

    You get lots of sweets. see the link mayank has included.

    you can see how people look on this special day.



    And wish you a very happy fun filled holi.

  7. Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 6I have been working with Rational Rose for a long time now.Lately I feel bad that their product quality is deteriorating constantly after IBM bought it.I just update my rose from version 5 to latest version 6. It is a real pain for me. I uninstalled and installed version Rational rose enterprise version 6. I upgraded all old rose models by reverse engineering. Then I tried to make some new sequence diagrams.Each time I right click the whole application crashes. If however we create a project it works fine. I thought it?s because of wrong installation, so I reinstalled Rose. The problem was not solved.So with thin choices left I just reverted back to version 5. And to my dismay I could not load that model back; it says error while reading petal files. So not all sub-unit could be loaded.Rational purity also crashed every now and then and always for COM components.Please let me know some professional latest good object modeling tools if you have tried one.Also please take care while deciding to buy Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 6.

  8. It?s a very nice theme, simple and clean.It will be nice if you can improve on the login UI.It should have a title bar like main menu and copyright. If it?s within title bar it will look fine even with left layout, also if you can decrease the size of edit box it will look better. Whole of your site's font is smaller compared to the edit box size. The navigator is not showing the links page a little bug :(. Name title bar looks out of place in contact page.I cannot read welcome to bus stop on clicking the Home navigation button.Until its highlighted; nice effect but looks odd for a professional site.The center place should be same UI shown change minimally.Like some times title bar is present; in forum its not there and on contact page there are two together. It should be same... in all cases one title bar with white letters.Hope you don?t take it as critics. It?s just to get it better for you.Enjoy ur site...

  9. HANOVER, Germany--Robots that can mow the lawn, a webcam that can improve your dating prospects and a diamond-encrusted USB memory stick that lends computing a bit of "bling" were among the new gadgets starring at the world's biggest high-tech fair Friday.The CeBIT in the northern German city of Hanover bills itself as a serious event by and for IT and telecommunications professionals.

    The new robots displayed in CeBIT this time... watch out...

    NEC Japan had a mini-robot with built-in cameras and microphones that is capable of recognizing people using biometric clues and also addressing them, nice showoff.

    Electrolux showed off a robot lawnmower that can cut the grass and return itself to the charging station to have food :(

    Infineon developing an electronic carpet that wirelessly navigates a robot to vacuum and can even direct the machine to spots it missed nice job.

    A Taiwanese company Asiamajor has developed a webcam that can make users more attractive than they are cool for Internet dating. Its said to removes blemishes and give users a sun-kissed tan or creamy white skin.

    Enjoy CeBIT till Wednesday...

  10. AMD is really beating up Intel's server market share. On Wall Street Intel is just trading on 17 times the 2006 profits where as AMD is trading at 27 times the profit. This is the belief of thousands of people in AMD.

    Intel already spending billions on crappie old technologies. I read that Intel like before is having a long road map nothing else. Its just launched its Dual core Xeon processors. Its working on around 17 projects for having more advanced technologies to be used for server processors.

    Read this

    As of now they claim in CeBIT 2006 to release Dual core Hyper Threaded server processor, which combines the benefits of Hyper threading technology in dual core configuration. I guess Intel is just fighting to sustain its market share its no longer on leading technologies.

    AMD proved with its excellent Opteron series in 2003 capable of running 32-bit and 64-bit software.

    AMD is having a real advantage over Intels situation proved by increase in demand in its chips.

  11. millions in actual production and designing, but only billions in stock though. But I think though AMD is pretty good for what its supposed to. both amd and celeron are pretty good for the computer systems that have been coming out in the last few years. But of course I never touch a computer that had Itanium, running though, mostly been running pentium processors on the computer I used.

    Yaa in personal computing too, Intel is loosing its market share to AMD 64 bit processors for Desktops and Notebooks.

    Intel ready to see yet another Inflection Point I Guess :(

  12. SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) - Much to Wall Street's dismay, Intel is continuing to invest billions of dollars in Itanium, a chip that most of the industry has written off.

    Itanium, Xeon, Woodcrest and Opteron

    Itanium introduced after ten years in 2001, with no 64-bit software to run and its crappy performance for 32-bit software is already cost a lot to Intel. AMD took the advantage and with its Opteron chip in 2003 which ran both 32-bit and 64-bit software.

    Intels effort to adapt a 32-bit chip to run 64-bit software also (Xeon) is no good either until Dual core processors are released. It appears to be a hard time for Intel if it still has to invest in Itanium.

    Woodcrest another Intel's codename for an upcoming 32/64-bit server chip which Intel claims will outperform AMD's offerings.

    IBM and Dell already shifted to make servers with AMD's Opteron chips. Sun also abandoned its plans to port its Solaris operating system for Itanium systems.

    Is spending billions of dollars in Itanium a wise decision?

  13. I like to Google. Many email providers boast of Pop and SMTP but GMail was the first non paid free and nicely working mail server for me.Google search is the first webpage I got to see when I joined the internet community. Then Froogle is good too, though it annoys sometimes showing eBay auctions at times. I hate eBay auctions they are just virtual. The good feature Froogle has is the ability to rate and review customers. It?s easy to buy if the rating is good even if the store is small and you don?t know about it.I like to see the roof of my two houses and glide on the planet. It?s amazing. I like all features of Google. They are the smart people.They are taking us back to the concepts of Network computers. You own system may not work; your office system may not work. But yes you can always Google to check your mails and important information in it.Now I am waiting for the GDrive and Google office once they are out it will be great. Every thing of yours will be secure on the best servers available to your through out the world. So you can move around to Europe, Asia, America all your stuff will be available to you.Salutes!! To the Google team.

  14. It?s brilliant software!!Not only it?s small and speedy it?s very popular because it?s having a lot more features for graphic savvy buddies.You can quickly view images, browse thumbnails though it?s an extra step, print, and sort and manage image, audio, and video files. Do a HTML export for generating simple hyperlinked thumbnail pagesIt provides image editing and manipulation like rotating, flip, resize, color correction very good feature, sharpen, etc. Did you try the special effects 3d button, blur and emboss oil paint, edge detection, median, explosion they are fun. And the best I like is its Batch processing functions you can convert, rename, scan, and capture screen shots all in batch mode. I love it!!

  15. XoftSpy?s has rich customization features; these options give you power to choose what you?d like to scan, and then schedule those scans whenever you want. However it detected many applications as potential spy ware. So take care not to remove all such applications otherwise you system will stop functioning. It also crashed my system I guess because I have an officescan running too. While its running it appears the system is freezed for some time.I was a bit disappointed with it. :(

  16. I think its Google's share of ebay. They are promoting it, the one good thing i like is they are adding features to help users. Like the seller's rating and reviews. Its cool to find rviews about regular small online stores their credibility and ranking. though it will take some time for Google payment to mature to keep up to mark as they are always.

  17. There have been a lot of research for sexual activity and behaviour in animals.

    Its dificult to undestand nature and the creator.Scientists have discovered a goby, which can change sex in just four days, and then revert back.

    A human embryo is originaly female, unless chromosomes alters the process. A fetus contains a Wolffian duct, a Mullerian duct, a sex gland and a genital tubercle. If an embryo percieves two X chromosomes, the Mullerian duct, the sex gland, and genital tubercle develop automatically into female reproductive and sexual organs, while the Wolffian duct shrivels up, leaving only remnants behind.
    But, if the embryo has both X and Y chromosomes the SRY gene on the Y chromosome during the sixth or seventh week of fetal development triggers other genes. One gene carries the code for a protein, which causes the sex gland and genital tubercle to develop into male sexual organs.testosterone are developed of Wolffian duct and another hormone, called MIH, which causes the Mullerian duct to wither. These hormones are regulated by the TDF gene on the Y chromosome. So becoming male is actually a transformation of the "normal" process of development.

    A theory says, there originally was no Y chromosome; it evolved only during the last 250 million years. With the development of this new chromosome, gender became hard-wired, rather than being due to environmental conditions. So we are moving towards a change nobody know how it will turn out to be.

    Bagemihl, Bruce. Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999

  18. Yet another great offering by Google soon Google Office.
    As per CNN news Google wants its users to create, share online documents with an interface similar to Microsoft Word, a new strategy to compliment its advertising business.

    I also heard Google having plans for project called GDrive, its an online storage where users can keep their documents, spreadsheets, bookmarks, and other data. GDrive has not yet been officially announced.

    SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) - Google's acquisition of Upstartle, the Silicon Valley-based provider of Writely, a Web-based word processor, is the surest sign yet that the company plans to take on Microsoft in the market for office-productivity software

    Its good news for Google users like us.

    A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street,going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down
    when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared.Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.

    The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic.

    "Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded.
    "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..."
    With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot
    just around a parked car.
    "It's my brother, "he said "He rolled off the curb
    and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."

    Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please
    help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."

    Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling
    lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the
    wheelchair , then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
    scrapes and cuts.
    A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.

    "Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger.
    Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

    It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept
    the dent there to remind him of this message: "Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't
    have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not."

    Thought for the Day:

    If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.

    If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.

    He sends you flowers every spring.

    He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!

    God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears,
    and light for the way.

    Read this line very slowly and let it sink in...

    If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."

    I got this article in mail and wanted to share will all, I guess the origin of this story is url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  20. If you want to enable Regional languages on your WinXP, read on.As you might know, WinXP is UNICODE, and supports regional languages. Office 2003 is also UNICODE compliant. I took this opportunity and requested our Admin to enable UNICODE support on our Exchange server, thus enabling Outlook to have UNICODE even in the "To" and "Subject" of the email, apart from the message body. :-)WinXP supported many regional languages I looked out for:---------------GujaratiHindiKannadaKonkaniMarathiPunjabiSanskritTamilTeluguUrdu---------------However, support for regional languages is not enabled by default. But the step is really simple. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS CHECK A BOX,1) Start->Control Panel->Regional and Language Settings2) Click on Languages tab card3) Check options for Supplemental language supportIt'll ask you for WinXP CD (for i386 folder)Enjoy :( Hope this is exciting...

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