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Posts posted by aDDie

  1. Hello, I do not think that Friday the 13th is bad luck . This is just a superstition developed by many young people, who have nothing else to do with their time, but come up with rumors. These people may also do this because they feel that they need something to justify for their bad luck on a certain day. People are also superstitios about black cats, but that stop does not some people from keeping them as pets. Also, they may also do this because they believe in a thing called destiny. I, personally do not believe in destiny, and I think that if a person has enough will, they can get anything accomplished, just with the help of hard work. In conclusion, I am not a believer on such superstitions a Friday the 13th and believe that believing in these superstitions is pointless and will not get you anywhere in life. Thankss aDDie ( =

  2. Hello, My Name is Addi and I am also new to Trap 17 . I just found this website on google, because I was looking for free hosts. I go to a public school and have recently signed up for a web design class. In this class, we have to learn how to design a website and actually design a website for our school. Since our school is very small, we do not have a website yet. Before I found Trap 17, I was looking and signed up for some other free hosts. I signed up for byethost, which looked very complete and easy to use to create a nice web site, but my hypothesis was found to be wrong. It was very hard to use and was very uninteresting, and even though it said that it had many feautures it did not. Well, I hope that I will like this host a lot better. Thankss , Addi

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