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Posts posted by xadet3

  1. It wasn't going slow yesterday but today it's started to go slow again. It's not just on the homepage, its all over the site and it times out sometimes to. It's not just me either people have been reporting the same to me.

    I don't want to be annoying but when being a free forum host it dosn't look good when the site is slow.

    I checked the logs and saw PHPBB14 with lots of outgoing mail records. May be you can cut that a bit down.. Are you hosting crons ?

    When someone requests a free forum it sends them a confirmation email

  2. I can't see any errors on the error log which refer to this one. It's almost as if the site timesout, but dosnt show the page has timed out, just shows a blank page.I put the site offline because well, you can see from what it says "under heavy maintenance".If the mysql information wasnt there it wouldnt load the skin, images, site, the closed message etc.

  3. I keep trying to get onto my site, sometimes it works sometimes it dosnt.When it dosnt work it loads but then just brings up a blank page, the title is then the page url.I really need this sorted because i had to stop doing maintenance which i've been trying to carry out the past few days.Many thanks,xadet3

  4. Well the site was down, I spoke to opaque and understand why etc now. But after that I tried logging into the ftp and it says my pass is wrong. It's the same as in the email, same as ftp etc.Please help me out, I was supposed to be doing maintenance on my site tonight but It look's like I no longer will :(My site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ like my site is down again.[edit]Looks like my mysql is down again.Time to search for a new host. No offence but this host probably has a uptime of around 80%

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