Maybe it's just me, or my personality type (INFP) but I am constantly looking at the meaning ofthings, themes, people and relationships. It is vastly a part of who I am, but I was just wondering howmany of you here in this forum think about the same things. Do you wonder about where you are going and where you have been and where you are going to end up? Do you ever wonder if your dreams are going to be fulfilled and how do you go about getting what you want?Are there some things in your life that you find more fulfilling or are there things that you do when you feel down? For me sometimes I write poetry, sometimes I write music. Sometimes I think about things that make me happy to try to get me through to the next best place. And when I am working hard toward my future and it seems too hard, I try to imagine what it is going to be like when I have accomplished my goal or goals.I am deeply philosophical in nature-any thoughts or posts would be greatly appreciated.