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Posts posted by thyob

  1. Ok i still go to schoolI have two teachers in a room one sent me into the hall the other saw me in the hall and took me to the office when i come back from the office to get my stuff the teacher sees that i left my paper on the desk, she wanted me to hit her but i didnt so i tried to leave the room without the paper but she got right in my way as i was leaving the room so i push her arm some i wait take the paper she moved and i walked out later on in hte next period i get called to the office and they suspend me for 10 days just by trying to leave the room with out my paperTHAT TEACHER IS THE MOST STUPIDEST TEACHER I HAVE EVER MET

  2. Well here is my first chapter of my story if you people really like it i will post the other chaptersSerphant Chapter When a peasant named Thyob was walking through the town of Kinotage, he noticed an oger was harassing a half-ling, asking where Bytott Castle was. He walked over to the oger said something in ogarian and jumped up and punched him in the head. The oger threw a punch at his head but he was too slow and Thyob dodged it and pulled out a small knife in his belt and slashed the oger across the chest. The oger picked up a wooden pole on the ground swung it at him and hit him in the leg, knocking him to the ground. Thyob bit back a curse and scrambled up before the ogre could hit him again and ran around the oger jumped on his head and stabbed him between the eyes. He pulled out the knife and blood gushed into his face. He walked over to a bucket and washed his face off. Thyob went up to a guard at the local guard tower and asked, "Have you seen a large amount of ogers around?" "Yes, we saw more than 20 walking north. Why do you ask?" replied the guard. "Just wondering, and what would be the quickest way to Bytott Castle." Thyob asked. "Go north on Kayano Road when you reach the Forest of Koneeden. Cut on through the forest." On the way to the forest a man warned him to be careful cause 40 ogers, ten of them riding dragons in front were on the road ahead. While on the way through the Forest of Koneeden, Thyob stopped at a clearing where people were gathered around a huge floating stone box with a sword encased with jewels in the hilt. "What is everyone doing?" Thyob said to a plump woman. "They're trying to pull out the sword which belonged to the legendary warrior who died 200 years ago," The plump lady said while weaving a basket, "You should try to pull out the sword." Thyob went up to the sword and started to pull on the sword after near fifteen tries it finally came out. The people were cheering and the elder of the village, announced that there would be a feast in his honor. "Tomorrow you need to goto Bytott Castle with the sword." Said the elder. The next day it took Thyob three hours to get through the Forest of Koneeden. When he was out of the forest he realized he was standing on Monster Plateau and on the cliff at the end of the plateau was Bytott Castle. It took him three days to cross Monster Plateau. When he reached the castle for the first time he noticed that behind the massive wall was a huge town and in the middle of the town was the biggest castle he has ever seen. On the way through the town he realized how hungry he was, so he stopped by the Bybucks Food Palace, he only had 10 zocoins so he bought a dragon?s leg, oger arms, dyjo eggs over easy, and eleaphantus ribs. Thyob continued to walk to the castle to look at the buildings. When he was half way to the castle he noticed this tall, skinny girl was arguing about she didn't have enough zocoins to buy the fuolf bread and she would pay him back. Thyob went over to where she was and he told her he will pay for the bread. Five minutes later he noticed the girl he bought the bread for was following him. " Why are you following me?" asked Thyob. "I wanted to tell you thank you," The girl said, "and then I noticed the sword on your back belonged to the legendary warrior Zhyobbitka and can I come with you." After ten minutes of her bugging him he said all right and she said, "My name is Kitika." When they reached the castle's oak doors with two huge gold rings, he touched one ring and it automatically opened. In the castle there were three people sitting at one table sorting people to where they ought to be. When Thyob met the one in the center he said, "I need to see the king now!" Then he slammed the sword onto the table and then he was sent directly to the king. Thyob told the king about the ogers and how he pulled the sword out. The king made him first in command in the upcoming battle. Two days later the ogers came from around the forest. On the battlefield he had control over three-thousand foot man, two-thousand footmen, and nine-hundred wizards. He commanded the wizards to do a magic attack, then the archers to attack the dragons and he would lead the footmen. The sky was a glowing red with arrows flying through the sky. Thyob started running at the middle of the oger group jumped over the first oger stabbed the oger behind him in the head. Then he pushed off the chest of the oger and stabbed the oger he jumped over in the back he pulled out the sword in an upwards slash. Thyob ducked as arrows came hurtling from above striking three of the ogers in front of him. He got up slid on some blood and threw his sword right through the leg of a dragon. He ran as fast as he jumped more than six footmen trying to kill an oger. When he landed, he slipped on some mud and fell, when he got back up he ran toward the dragon pulled out the sword. Thyob jumped on the dragon?s head, jumped at the oger with his sword in the dragons back slicing it as he we got closer to the oger. He pulled the sword up in front of him, jumped toward the oger and started to spin his body around and around and he hit so hard he went straight through the ogers body. He ran up to one of the dragon riders and sliced his head off. He rode the dragon back to the wizards and ordered everyone back to the castle. " All wizards cast a destruction spell at the rest of the ogers." Thyob called out to the wizards. When the battle was over Thyob managed to capture a red dragon, and all forty ogers were killed while they only lost fifteen foot men, two archers, and three wizards. After the battle Thyob went back to the castle to see the king. After telling the king how easy the battle was the king held a festival in the town square and Thyob was given a 300-zocoins reward the next day. Kitika caught up with him and they both looked for the Black Dragon Nest the best inn in town. Two days later Thyob and Kitika left the town with the dragon to look for a town called Spotakigi, because Thyob wanted to know more about his ancestor. On the way to Spotakigi they stopped on the beach of Lake Follototio. Thyob looked at the lake and saw something that looked like two people drowning. Then it turned into a giant sea serphant one mile long. It was speeding toward him at an enormous speed. It happened instantly the sea serphant had ate Thyob. When Thyob had awaken he noticed he was in the stomach of the sea serphant. It looked like the sea serphant had eaten a whole town. Thyob looked around and he figured out that the serphant had ate the town of Houghtins. He remembered reading about a town that was attacked by a giant sea creature. While he was looking for a way out, he was being followed by four adult gremlins. These little gremlins were hunters that were better at hiding and hunting than any other gremlin. Slowly sneaking up on him, Thyob swung his sword around and it sliced off one of the gremlin's head. Two of the gremlins fled for their life while the other one was coughing up a slimy type of liquid all over it self forming a cocoon. Three huge spikes poked out of the cocoon and shot at him in a split second. Two of them went through both of his ears and he caught the third one right in front of his forehead. Thyob walked up to the cocoon, took out his sword and pierced the hard outer shell. The shell started to crack down the center, then the gremlin jumped out and died looking like a mix between a gremlin and a sea serphant. He didn't see any gremlin for three days and by that time he had reached the bottom of the foot of the serphant. Thyob cut the serphants foot from the inside. Then he jumped out of the foot of the serphant but he wasn't far from where he was eaten. It took him thirty minutes to reach Kitika. "I thought you were killed when you were eaten." Said Kitika. "A little stomach acid couldn't stop me. By the way what have you been doing?" Thyob replied. "I was going to make a tombstone for your grave." Replied Kitika. They walked into the horizon together on the red dragon and Thyob decided to name him "Smokey.?

  3. 1. Doom 3 PC2. Halo(pc/xbox) TIll halo two3. GTA 3 PC (till gta sa comes out)4. Gta vc ps25. C&C Renegade6. Xeno saga's for PS27. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic8. .Hack series9. Final Fantasy X-210. Crimson Skys: High Road to RevengeWell those are my top 10 games i can think of but i am playing a game called Disgea: Hour of Darkness

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