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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. My personal view of the american people is good. I meen i'v not meet anyone in person to tell how they are. Here is thoth that the USA is the land of all oportunityes. Let me tell you another thing here in Romania were i live with enoght money you can make what ever did you whant. Literaly. Personaly they are to confident and to cocky about all other contrys. They think about their sell like the centre of the world. Now with all the world changes due to terorism thier thinking was changed dramaticaly, they realized that tehy need friends and alies to succed, and to make their point. Well i hope that they succed becoause if USA didn't exist now in Europe we all spoke german or rusian no ofence. We all have something that relates to USA. Hope to go there some day to make an impersion about thier real life. Sorry about my english
  2. Hi . I'm from Romania and i'm wandering if enyone else is form here on this forum. Never the less. What do you think about my country ? Good things or bad ? The moast forign people that i'v asked what they know about Romania is O-zone Dragostea din tei. One melody, reached top chart in all major country. Did you here it ? It's preaty good. Anything else that you know ? I'm starting from konw the Romanian corner on this forum :PI how to have succes with it.
  3. My last book that i'v read was Carnegie, Dale - How to win friends and influence people the pdf version. It's good book that explains how to develop your comunication skills. I'm not into this but one friend of mine recomandet higly and wasn't in vane. I'v learned much. Sorry abou my english. I'm better speker than writer.
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