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Posts posted by tapan

  1. I dont know if this is the place to ask this but i figure it the most relavent
    ok one guy told me that he makes money off companies putting their ads on his website. he sais that he cleared off a little space on his website and companies pay him to but their banner or link on his site. not like pay per click but like for him to put the banner on his website for a day or 5 hours and so on. He sais he gets payed 500-700 for each banner. I want to do the same but i dont know how much to charge. is there like a rubric to it. for example like if you have 50 people coming to your site then its 100 dollars for and hour. Can anyone tell me more about this system?

    Wow, I have always been looking for something like that...
    Can someone please provide us more info...
    Even I'm intrested in this field.....

  2. Code Spy Code

    Description Anyone who comes to ur forum's IP Adress, Site they came From, Their Browser and the time they came will get saved in a place that only the admin knows the location of...

    V.2 More features coming up in V.2!!! POst suggestions/problems...





    ^^^^^^^That shows all the IP's, Browsers, Time, site and stuff....^^^^^^^^



    First of all, you'll need to host the files....

    I suggest you make an account in http://www.seektoexplore.com/?dn=ripway.com&pid=7POF8BU45&_glst=2 or other host that allows php.....


    Now make a new text file in ripway.

    Name it spy.php and put this in it:-




    <title>Spy on yor site code by tapan21 of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ </title>


    <table border="5" bg color="white">







    // Spy on your website! Logs in time, ip, the site you came from and browser!

    // Created by: Tapan21 of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    $spy = fopen("spy.html" , "a");

    $site = $HTTP_REFERER;

    $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;

    $browser = $HTTP_USER_AGENT;

    $time = date("H:i dS F");


    echo "The site you came from: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] . "<br />";



    fwrite($spy,"<<<<<------------BEGIN------------>>>>><br />");

    fwrite($spy,"Site you came from: $site <br />");

    fwrite($spy,"IP Address: $ip <br />");

    fwrite($spy,"Browser: $browser <br />");

    fwrite($spy,"Time: $time <br />");

    fwrite($spy,"<<<<<------------END------------>>>>><br />");








    </table border>




    Save it...


    Now make a new text file and name it spy.html

    Add this in it:-




    <title>Spy on your site! Code by Tapan21 of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/




    Save it...


    Now go to ur site/forum and put this code in the "<body>"tags...


    <script src='LINK TO SPY.PHP FILE!'></script>


    And you're done!!!



    How it works Every time some one goes to your site/forum index page (i think) their info will be saved in your spy.htmlfile! Dont ever forget the url to the spy.html file!


    Code From:Arcade Highscore


    So all you have to do is go to the spy.html file to see all the info.....

    You can even edit the spy.html file if its over full!

    It''s very easy to use!


    PLease post any questions, complaints or suggestions for my next version!




  3. Here's a good Fire code:-


    -easy to install

    -super small

    -lag free(in most browsers)

    -great look/effect!


    Here's the image, it goes upwards...

    Posted Image


    So basically, your forum would have these fire images flying from bottom to the top. It is lag free, simple, looks great and best of all, it takes very less space in ur wrapper...


    All you have to do is simply put this code in your site in <body> tags...



    <script language="JavaScript1.2" src='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;




    That's it!!!All done!!


    Code From:-http://deti.zp.ua/eng/show_title.php?keyword=appeals




  4. hmmn.I have seen a similar tutorial, somewhere in google.you sure, this is yours? :huh:

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Tutorials in this Forum have a Review Process.Part of the review includes checking for plagarized material. Another part is to know the member, their ability and how they handle their account and whether they are capable of writing materials at the level indicated by the Tutorial they present. Please don't accuse any member of copying without support for your claim. Thanks.

  5. 512 MB: Seriously now, this is the most useless size. Anything you need can fit on a 256! only thing that can't are pirated movies, which can't fit on a 512 anyway!

    I truly dont agree to that!
    I mean, 512 mb is almost like a CD Rom, and you can always get tons of softwares and programs that would require more then 256 mb...
    I'm using 512 mb, and I have used up 486 mb, It is totally worth it for me!!
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