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Posts posted by cbaxter94

  1. This all depends though on the age of the person and the type of music they frequently listen to. Myself I listen to all types of music so my opinions are more diversified. Other younger people might pick a group within the last 5-10 years. They are all good. Music is good. It enriches the soul.

  2. If Kerry wins, like for the tax rate to increase, look for foreign relations to improve due to Kerry's attitude of the war in Iraq, look for us to pull out of Iraq within the next year and look for the Islamic militants to take over the entire middle East and forcing a WW III type assult on Europe and North America.

  3. I am really not a big fan for either Bush, Kerry or Nader. Nader is way far out there in terms of reality. Bush is puppet for the Republic party and Kerry is brash liberal. Everyone has good points and bad, but they seem to always get in a battle over who said this or that. That's *BLEEP*. Tell me what you will do for me, not what he can't or won't do for me.

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