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Posts posted by logman92

  1. Hi,At the beginning, I learned algorithm concepts with Pascal at school and after the basics of Object Oriented Programming with Java. Java was an open door to find my first job :D . I recommend you to know this programming language because it is often required (and with experience .NET too) ! :) Today my new job offers me the ability to program with ASP, JSP, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, JAVA, .NET and completes this knowledge with databases like MySQL, IBM DB2 or Ms SQLServer.

  2. Hye !

    You succeeded in finding an interesting look for your main page and it could be better than the remainder of your Web site preserves the same appearance ! Don't care, sometimes the most important work is to adjust the style sheets :P

    Another notes about your Web site !

    The first is that you maybe move informations at the bottom of your main page elsewhere or make them more discrete :P

    The second is that you must pay attention about "KARoogle", I am not sure that "Google" could accept this :)

    The third point that you should present images with more quality !

    Otherwise, your web site has an interesting content ! Let's go on like this <_<

  3. Hye !


    There are 2 points to consider :

    The 1st point is the code is interpreted on the server which host your PHP pages and the result is transfered to the client browser. The server has only to support PHP pages.


    The 2nd point is you must to be sure of the compatibility of your code in others browsers than yours :) . You should take caring of the HTML code inside your PHP pages. You should know that all instructions in this programming language (HTML) are not compatible with all versions of different browsers ! Check the compatibility before using it !

  4. Hello !This solution could possibly be good only if you host yourself your JSP pages <_<. At this moment, you can interest you to this web server, otherwise, you can observe that it is very difficult to find a web host which propose JSP and among these, the web hosts which propose JSP without Tomcat like web server ! :)It is just a little reflexion :P

  5. Good news !!

    I was integrating your script in a basic HTML page and I found the anomaly !
    Go to the line 15 and correct it like this

    myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
    You only forgot the "t" of "client". <_<

    I recommend you to debug your program with command like alert('...') in JavaScript, it helps to localize little bugs in all scripts :)

  6. Hello !


    In the same idea <_<, i discovered another script about customizable forms. You can find all what you know about it at this url Usable forms.


    This script shows and hides form fields based on user actions. It is very interesting because it handles radio button and checkbox too !


    Try the example on the page, you can test the script and observe the different results.

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