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Posts posted by misere

  1. GreatestJournal started out as the free, no-invitation-needed younger brother/sister of Livejournal, so more people tried to wrangle invitations into Livejournal rather than just go with the easier and no worse GreatestJournal because of the cool factor. The main difference between the two is that in Livejournal, you've got to pay to get some of the features, whereas in GreatestJournal, I believe you get all the features for free. Except a few, of course, to make sure that people still believe there's a point in paying for Livejournal.

  2. I love all the seasons.Spring is nice, since that's when all the plants start blooming and growing and things like that, and it rains a lot, and I love rain.Summer is nice, because the sun's always shining, and I can wear tank tops and shorts and get a nice, natural, skin cancer causing tan, and I can go to the beach or swim outdoors, and best of all, there's no school.Fall/Autumn is nice, because the weather's nice and cool, it's no longer so warm, and the trees are changing colours, and it rains a lot, and like I said, I like rain.Winter is nice, because it might start snowing, and we can have snowball fights and play in the snow, and because it's so cold out, we can light a fire in the fireplace inside and sit in front of it and laugh and talk and drink hot chocolate and listen to the wind howling outside, where we aren't.

  3. I like Rummy, Crazy Eights (Consecutive), what Zythrix referred to as Egyptian Mad Screw, but I know as Egyptian Mad Slap, Egyptian War, or Egyptian Massacre, and a game called Big Two, which is apparently a really asian game.


    Big Two is a little like rummy, only better.


    Players: 2 - 4


    Objective: To use up all your cards first.


    The Deal: All the cards are dealt out. If there are only two players, the cards are dealt out into four piles, and the game can then be played twice without shuffling.


    How to Play:

    The person with the 3 of diamonds gets to start first, and play continues in a clockwise direction.

    The first person to go can choose to play just the 3 of diamonds, or use the card in a combo, but the card must be played.

    Play continues until no one else in the game can play something that trumps the cards last played.



    Doubles - two of the same card value.

    Triples - three of the same card value. (optional)

    Fives from lowest to highest:

    - a run of five

    - five cards from the same suit

    - three of a kind and two of a kind

    - four of a kind and one other

    - a run of five cards from the same suit


    The winner is the first person to run out of cards. Game play can continue, with the next person playing on the last card played by the winner, or if they are unable to beat that last card, with any card/combo of their choice.

  4. I've met quite a few local TV stars at random restaurants all over the place, but the best star I've ever met was a guy who used to act in my favorite police tv drama, but is now working in a bank, I believe.I was having lunch with a bunch of my girlfriends, and we were all talking and laughing like girls always will, when suddenly, one of us happened to turn to the side and notice that in the booth next to ours, there was this really hot guy, that looked an awful lot like an actor we all liked. So all of us began to crane our heads to see, and we spent the rest of the meal staring at him. None of us went up to him, though, since he seemed to be in a serious conversation with the guy he was eating with, and we were all contented to just sit and stare at him instead.

  5. Have you talked to her at all since you got sort of branded a freak and a stalker? Maybe she doesn't think that of you at all. In which case, things probably aren't as bad as you think. Keep talking to her, and then if things don't get any worse, and she doesn't ignore you or tell you to get away from her, you could possibly ask her if she wants to meet up with you to eat or something. I wouldn't suggest asking her straight out if she's single, because that would most likely just scare her off, but starting out with a compliment's always good.And if you're worried about not knowing what to say when you finally end up on a date with her, ask her about herself. Most people do like to talk about themselves, so ask her how her day was, or ask her about her favorite things to do, or about the most fun thing she's done, or, if it's near her birthday or christmas, what the best gift she's ever gotten is. Then, when you're listening, or waiting for a reply, don't freak if she just answers in monosyllables, and don't ask her another question about herself. That could really make her think you're a stalker or something. You could try telling her your answer to the question you just asked, but keep it short and change the subject to something else. Since you're both in drama, maybe you could talk about a play or something. Keep things light, and remember that if she actually agreed to go on a date with you, she obviously kinda likes you already. You no longer have to concentrate on impressing her, but work more on trying to make sure you both have a good time.Good luck!

  6. Easy. If you've gotta ask, then definitely not.I know it's trite and cliched and that everyone says this, but you'll know it when you're ready. If you're having sex just because everyone else is, then I have to tell you that unless you're at least in your late teens, just about everyone else is lying. Besides, based on the fact that you're only thirteen, you posted a one-liner with capslock on, and looking at your nick, you're just plain too immature to even risk ending up with a kid before you graduate high school.

  7. I've had something like that happen to me before, and generally, unless this guy is one of your best friends, or more precisely, he considers you one of his best friends, he wouldn't dare to ask you. He'd just pretend like it never happened, since his ego wouldn't be able to take the blow that a girl refused to kiss him, even on a dare.But if he should happen to turn around one day and actually ask you, it's fairly probable that he's attracted to you. Actually, I'd say that he probably is really attracted to you, since you said that he was right next to you ready for a kiss when you were dared to kiss him. Unless he's really understanding and he values your friendship with him over just wanting to go out with you, it's going to be nearly impossible for you to tell him the truth without wrecking things between you.That, or you could lie and just tell him that you weren't very comfortable kissing someone in front of so many people. Or that you had a cold and didn't want to pass anything to him.

  8. What do you normally talk to her about on MSN and myspace and all that? You could always just keep talking to her about the same things, or if that's not possible, there's always the good old standards.People love to talk about themselves, so ask her about herself. Things like "How was your day?" and if she brushes the question off with the usual "It was alright", you can say something like, "No, really. I'd like to know", but try to keep it not too stalkerish, and then hopefully, that'll lead into a nice conversation, and by the time that ends, you'll be comfortable enough to keep talking. Or, you could ask her out instead of waiting for her to ask you out. That way, you could pick where you hook up with her, and have a little more control of things. You could always find out if she likes certain activities more than others, like perhaps she likes playing mini golf. So arrange to go play mini golf with her, and doing something instead of just sitting around will let you not have to worry too much about coming across as shy.Good luck with your relationship with her!

  9. Thank you all so very much for all the advice and suggestions. A whole bunch of things ended up working out for me in the end...for starters, a lot of school-related things started going crazy on me, which resulted in my not really having enough time to think about anything outside of getting work done. Then when things started to settle down a little again, he went on a month-long vacation with his family, and now that he's back again, things are getting busy for me again, so it really doesn't look like I'll be thinking too much of him for another long while.The thing is, I think I'm finally over him for real, but I'm not sure. I've thought that I've gotten over him countless times before, but always, just as I'm almost entirely sure I don't feel anything when I'm around him anymore, he does something hopelessly nice and I'm lost again. I'll be seeing him for the first time in about a month tonight, which will be the ultimate test of how over him I am, so wish me luck!

  10. Care to explain why adding your name at the end of a post is so bad that it deserves handing out a warning? Just sounds a bit too totalitarian for my liking.

    I'm not saying that this must be why, but I'm thinking that it's probably just because it's been mentioned as part of the rules, that you shouldn't be doing it, so if there's still people out there who are doing it, then it's obvious that they aren't reading the rules. So maybe it's more that they're being warned for not reading the rules, or thinking that no one will notice, than it is about the adding your name at the end of a post.

    Yeah, just my take on things. I for one think it's stupid and pointless and demonstrates glowingly how stupid some people can be. But like I said, I'm still a newbie round here, so...

  11. It's easier to say what would gross me out the least...and even that depends. Like for "Food falls on ground/floor", it would depend on how dirty the floor is, and what kind of food it is. Say if I was at home eating a piece of chocolate and I dropped the chocolate, I'd still eat it if it didn't roll somewhere that's really dirty or something. And if it's my hair in the food, I'd still eat it after I picked the hair off, since it's my hair, and it doesn't really matter. Same for sneezing and coughing, if I'm the one that did it, it doesn't make that much of a difference for me. And for "Different foods are mixed together", it'd depend on what foods they are, and what they taste like. Although most of the time, unless one or both of the foods is something that I really don't like to eat, I'd just eat them both anyway. No biggie.

  12. Um...I didn't realise you could use a debit card to buy things online. I have one, and as far as I can tell, it's always credit card that they want. Although I think PayPal might except cheques from a debit card account or something like that. I'm not sure, though. And for what you have to do to get one, and the certain sum of money, and the interest rate you have to pay, it depends on the account, I believe. The one I have is like a normal bank account, with a card that I can use to pay without having to use cash, and instead of having to pay interest, they give me interest instead if I leave it in the savings account instead of the chequing account.

  13. Thanks for the welcome! And don't worry, I'll definitely keep rambling. Seems to me like I ramble more when I get tired, probably because I can't seem to keep track of what I've already said and what my point is/was, so I tend to just keep going on and on about nothing, and then I end up with nice long sentences that I can't shorten because I've got no clue what I was trying to say. Yeah, like the last one. And then I tend to follow those with shorter sentences. To make up for the overload, sort of. Um...yeah... >.>

  14. Erm...from the female perspective, I'd say that it could be one of two things, depending on what kind of person she is. She could just really be crazy about you, and the taking it well when you first rejected her part is just her way of trying to make things easy for you, and then the change of heart and the clinging on to you could be because she really just can't let go of you, or maybe that her friends told her to keep fighting for what she really wants, which just happens to be you at the moment. If she was the kind of girl that always did what you wanted to do and always let you decide what to do and things like that, this would probably be it. That, or she's just trying to get back at you by bugging you to death. If it was the second one, then yeah, getting her a new guy to obsess over like Earths Daughter said would probably be the way to go. If it was the first one, though, you're probably going to have to hurt her feelings pretty badly to make her leave you alone. If you don't discourage her though, she'll probably just keep coming after you, until it finally gets through to her that you really are over her.

  15. I had the same problem with a site that I've since closed down. I would get these gibberish posts from people, but I wasn't able to check the ip address. The posts wouldn't even have words in it, but just long strings of symbols and such, and the poster's name would also have symbols in it. I ended up having to go through and delete these posts every now and then, and then there were also these posts that went along the lines of "I loooooooooooove your site!!!!!!!!! It's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!" only with a LOT more 'o's and a lot more !s. Those posts usually were horrendously long, and painful to scroll past.

  16. I had meant for this to be my first post, but for some reason, it didn't occur to me to look in here for the Introductions part of the forum. So this ended up being my fifth post. Which is fine. Whatever. It doesn't matter, right?Anyway, I'm me. Erm...fairly verbose, with what I like to think is a good vocabulary, and a somewhat overinflated ego. Sometimes, at any rate. Actually, I don't know what I always do an introduction post, since I never know what to say about myself. I don't really find myself that interesting, and I can never figure out what I should say to what's essentially the equivalent of a roomful of strangers. I mean, normally, if I had to introduce myself to a roomful of strangers IRL, things would go largely along these lines:I walk into the room. I look around and start feeling awkward. I say "Hi." An awkward silence falls.So yeah. Actually, this post probably says a lot about me that isn't very complimentary. For example, it announces loud and clear that I have a terrible tendency to ramble. A lot. And that I'm just a little strange. And...I'm just going to shut up now.

  17. MUDs rock! I tripped over them by accident a coupla years ago when I was looking for text-based RPGs after I read about text-based RPGs in some book or the other. The computer I've been using for the past 5 or 6 years is too old to play most computer games on, since the lack of RAM causes the game to lag so horrifyingly that there truly is no point in trying to play since the lag always causes my character to die a horrible and needless death. (At least, I think it's the lack of RAM that does it...)So anyway, to answer the question, yes, most MUDs are RPGs, although I have come across a few that aren't so much games as they are chat rooms of sorts which can still be considered Multi-User Domains. And yeah, there still are people who play it.I was actually trying to code my own MUD a while back, but the lack of coding knowledge did me in. I did manage to start a SUD (Single-User Domain), but the amount of bugs I ended up with and the sheer amount of coding that had to go into it just killed me. So I never did get round to finishing it...

  18. I'm in the Executive Committee for a youth group that's supposed to be led by youth for youth. Sounds great and all, and most of the people in it are awesome people I'm proud to be able to call friends. But there's just one teeny weeny fly in the ointment. (Ok, not really teeny or weeny, but still...) The president. This guy, who was one of the original founders of the group, had been in a youth group like this before he moved here, and so, because he's the only one with this kind of experience, he became the president by default, more because no one else was confident enough to take it on than because we were all sure that he could lead us. Now what's happened is that he's taken over everything. I understand that the president is supposed to be in control and all, but the last time I checked, the purpose of an Executive Committee is so that we can have some input as well! Instead, we all just end up sitting through these interminable meetings during which he just talks and we all pretend to be listening. There's a lot of nodding going on, but not much else. That really bugs me, but since we'll be having elections for the Executive Committee members fairly soon, it's something I can live with, since I'm pretty sure he's not going to get reelected this time round.But as if that's not bad enough, he has the habit of planning elaborate, time-consuming fundraisers that are really awful to set up and clean up after, and he insists on holding meetings that are, quite frankly, a complete and utter waste of time just before the event, and at these meetings, he always makes a point of saying that as the leaders of the youth group, we should set a good example by going early to help setup and leaving late after helping to clean up. Most of us do actually do that, unless we have valid reasons that are unavoidable, but as for him, he arrives just a little early, just in time to make it look like he was there to set up without having to do any of the actual work, and leaves just a little late, just late enough to look like he stayed to help clean up and just fast enough that he doesn't have to do anything. He's also a master of delegation, so on the rare occasion that he actually gets pinned down long enough for setup or cleanup, he still manages to get by with doing nothing. He's also abitrary, assigning duties without considering the victim at all, without thinking about whether the victim already has too much to do or has the capabilities to do the task. *sigh* I can't wait til I'm no longer in the stupid Executive Committee with this guy...he takes all the fun out of the things we do.

  19. There's this guy I know that I've been crazy about for years. He's always had girlfriends, but he was never really serious about any of them, and so although I told myself each and every time he hooked up with someone new that it was time to get over him for once and for all, it didn't really work because I knew that he'd break up with them soon, something that always happened. Then last Christmas, he found this girl that even I can tell he's serious about, which definitely means he's into her, considering how blind I can be where he's concerned. I've been telling myself since then that this time, I really have to get over my ridiculous crush on him, since it's also obvious that he's never going to see me as anything other than a buddy to hang out with, but despite all the talking-tos I've given myself, I still can't stop thinking about him.What should I do? What do you people do to get over unrequited crushes? How do I get over him?

  20. Wow! I must applaud the boy for coming up with such an innovative way of communicating with his girl! It really reminds me of one of Shakespeare's sonnets, where instead of talking about how red her lips are and how white her skin, he went on about how ordinary and normal she is, and as I read the sonnet, I remember thinking that it was painfully honest and probably would earn him nothing more than a slap, but the last few lines were so sweet they made up for everything. Erm...what I'm trying to say is that when you looked beyond the obvious and stuck it out to the end, instead of reading the first few lines and chucking the poem, there's a really sweet declaration of love hidden in it.

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