So some of you might have enough of playing fair. You can use cheats(not cheatcodes). Most CoD servers are protected with PunkbusteB so you cannot use older public cheats there, some servers have no PB so you can cheat there.I started cheating after a month after getting CoD. I got them from Soon I started to program my own cheat that were undetectable by PunkBuster. I've made my private wallhack + Uber AimBot that I only share with my friends. I was taken to the MPC(MPCFORUM) CoD clan. We all made hacks(some were let public). We hacked everywhere. Now I've left MPC and stopped cheating, I play CoD rarely and without any cheats at all.I reccommend just trying these cheats, they are pretty fun at first. Do not play with them for long, you'll be playing as a cheater forever.That's all.