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Posts posted by Moolkye

  1. I am sure this site has been posted on here before...

    metarl.com to make in game cash.

    The site is great... all you have to do is fill out a registration, and then start either playing games, filling out surveys and whatnot, and get referrals. You also get point on what your referrals are doing.


    But the cool thing is... it can all be automatically transferred to your in game cash of choice. From Planet Calypso (Entropia), to WoW Gold, to Second Life $L, to a few others....


    It has not only the online surveys and whatnot, but it also has a way to make points by posting HTML comments, making viral videos, adverting in game to get cash, etc.


    Now with all that being said, Once you get paid in game, Games like Entropia, allow you to remove that money via a debit card. So the amount is endless, or as long as the site lasts. But it has been there for a year plus.


    Oh yeah, they also have a prize section. Don't want in game cash? Exchange points for items like an ipad, xbox 360, ps3, mp3 players, game cards, etc.


    I have already been paid three times in the 6 months i've been there. It rocks!!!


    Check it out!

    Posted Image

  2. I rarely believe in any man made theories about anything. Ghosts, monsters, elves, unicorns, telepathy, etc. No on ehas yet to have any proof positive evidence to show us this stuff is real. Wanna know why? Cuz it aint. None of it's real. If it were real, it would be too tempting for one person to handle, and the balance of power in the world would sway one way. And unfortunately thats not how life works. There is a deleicate balance between everything in life, and anything that would upset it, is mere fantasy on our part. Illusion or false

  3. They say that time is a man made idea. The passing of it through space. God lives outside of time. Thats a hard concept to deal with. Living outside of what we prerceive as movement. And isnt that all time really is, movement from one point to another. Distance and time go hand in hand.For instance, we measure time by how long it takes to get from point a to point b.Time to us is a material thing, when it actually does not exist. Whether you call it units or blocks or minutes, it's still only our perception. If you could see what God sees living outside of time, then you would know what has haoppened and what will happen. Amazing idea really....

  4. Lucid dreaming scares me. i would hate to not know the difference between the 2. I mean think about it, if you had to pinch yourself everytime you wanted to make sure you were awake. Or be walking down the street and see someones face melt off..... I mean could you honestly be able to tell the difference? What if you thought you could fly and wound up diving into a brick wall? The whole idea of it jst scares me

  5. A new site has opened up.
    GameLand DB

    This site is devoted to putting together the largest database of virtual land owners on the web. Spanning many different game systems and society games, you can enter your land and search for others.

    This will provide a valuable tool for those investors looking for a piece of the virtual land pie.

    Anche Chung has taking leaps to become the largest landowner, and even She has entered her land info into the system
    Take a look!

  6. Entropia Universe

    What a great game. This game not only has MOBs for every level but the graphics are by far the best I have ever seen in any MMORPG.
    The music is serene and upbeat and the landscape design and MOB design are the most original I have ever experienced.

    Now there are a ton of threads out there as to why NOT to play this game.
    People will complain that they were told you can make money at it, and they played it for a day and didn't make any money.
    Well I don't know anything in life you work at for a day and make enough to live on for the rest of your lfie, unless you win the lottery.

    Play the game to experience it's beauty and gameplay. It's very complex and diverse.

    They are moving the the CryEngine next year, so the graphics and physics will only get better.

    I have been playing it for 2 years now and absolutly love the game. I feel there is none better, and I have tried ALOT of them.

  7. Been a long while since I have been on here. Did a lot of moving around and lost my account, but I am back now.I have been trying to find other sites to host with, but none compared to Xisto. The price is great, the features are awesome, and the service is unmatched.I can not wait for my site to get approved, as I will be hopefully hosting a dynamic portal system with lots of interesting stuff on it. Look forward to interacting with each one of you on this forum, as I have a lot to say :XD:See ya soonAnd thanks for having my back

  8. Ok I have to poke my head in on this one.Religion is not here to manipulate or control you. As a matter of fact, you have the right to choose, whether it is right or wrong, you can choose either. That's called free will.People have these serious misconceptions about religion.1) Do not base what you believe in on one person or a few peoples actions. For instance, George Bush says God talks to him, ok, well so what, God is not telling me what he says to him, so I don't know if it's true. And whether or not God does talk to him, he can choose to ignore anything God says.2) People are human, plain and simple. And do not want to own up tp anything they have done wrong. It's in our nature to lie. Therefore, if you believe in God and he tells you to confess your sins, people automatically put up a wall to do whatever they can to NOT confess or admit to doing anything wrong, because of the consequences of those actions.3) People think that if you believe in 'A' religion no matter what religion or denomination they are all right and we are all saved and going to whatever lies after death. Truth is, no one truly knows. But you have to have 'Faith' in order to believe in anything.I am a Christian and I have faith that what I believe is right and that there IS a God and he is living right now, not dead, or hanging on a cross, or living in the desert in Irag, or where ever. No my faith in Him tells me that I have to be diligent and faithful to Him. And have passion about him, and therefore proving to others that He is God, the one and only.People will say, that I am forcing my religion on them or too radical about it, but it you believe in something great enough, and you want others to believe with you then you get passionate about it, and try to spread the news as best as you can and too as many people as you can.For instance, if you knew for a fact that a volcano was going to erupt, and you only had days to tell 1000 people to save them, but they didn't believe you because the volcano has been dead since before they were born, but you had seen the signs and researched it and truly believed it was going to erupt, and you didn't want to see those 1000 people die, wouldn't you do your best to convince as many people as you could just to save them? Would you go to all kinds of levels just to show them that it was going to erupt?That is what passion and faith about God is really like. That is what belief is all about.With out faith, there would be no science and no future. We would all be living in a world where empirical evidence ruled. And we trusted no one based upon their word. Religion can only bring out the good in people as long as they truly believe in it.Perverting religion has ruined it's strength. And believe it or not, religion is losing ground in todays world. Look at what morals we are losing today.

  9. Ok great! Found the article read it and applied it. Awesome.But upon installing another component, and trying to chmod the driectory and sub directories to 777 I get this error:550 Could not change perms on /www/insert/directory/structure/here/expose_com: Bad file descriptorAnyway to change the chmod for this directory?

  10. For instance I have been asked if these things are installed on my web server:

    System RerquirementsThis application requires that PHP version 4 or higher, the GD library, DOMXML library and
    the iconv library extensions are installed on your web server (iconv comes on most Un*x-type
    OSes). You will need Flash Player 8 to open the application in a web browser.

    Are they?

    Thanks in advance

  11. On some of my components I have installed for Joomla, that will allow me to upload files to the server or site, it tells me that I have an upload limit of 2 megs, and that it can be edited to be larger, and that the edit is made within the php.ini on my server.And I can tell you that it IS in fact 2 megs because anything I uplaod larger than 2 megs will not work, but anything smaller than 2 megs uplaods fine.

  12. technically I'm not providing free music, I am providing a service for which ppl can express their creative talents. YouTube is yes a great service, but there is so much crap on there, no one wants to filter through all of it just to find somethign of interest to them. This would be a specific service.And the RIAA can kiss my big ol white butt. This kind of stuff has gone too far.And most copy laws state that media can not be copied and reproduced and redistributed to gain income. The files would be in a specialized player, that can not be copied locally to the End users hard drive.But I think it is completely plausible and could provide a decent income at some point and time via referrals and/or advertising

  13. Back in the early days of the internet online file storage was a great idea. But now a days with USB drives, larger hard drives, and faster internet access, who really needs online storage?Besides the fact that even if a company offers it to you, what protects you as a user from them stealing anythign you put up there, or how do you know that the company is even going to last long enough for you to benefit from it's service?

  14. But it's not about big production numbers, it's about the idea. If you are an amateur producer, and want the exposure than the website does that for you.This could become a hotbed for talent, a place for musicians new and old to find new innovative ideas for their music. Usually they only have a few choices to go with, and you have to admit that the videos now a days are run of the mill, out of the box generic.Why not put the kind of cinematography into music videos that they do into movies. The talent is out there, and it's just a matter of someone taking the time to implement a website to promote it.Then you could make money from that by becoming a payable conduit, via contact information of producers

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