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Posts posted by reciter

  1. Has it been activated on your site ?

    If yes, There is some XML thing with which you can use it. I really have no idea regarding it, but when I asked my server host people, they said something like that... So please open the JSP tomcat manual and check the procedures..


    Yes,I have been activated it on my site.

    But I cannot find any XML files(except for uploaded by me)

    What should I do for use JSP&servlet on TOMCAT?

    and sometimes showed "page not found"oh....

  2. I 've tried accessing http://forums.xisto.com/jsptest.jsp
    the result:

    Sample Application JSP PageThis is the output of a JSP page that is part of the Hello, Worldapplication. It displays several useful values from the requestwe are currently processing.
    Context Path: 
    Path Information: 
    Query String: 
    Request Method: 
    Servlet Path: 

    I think something wrong with this.these important things aren't showed!

    port 8080,http://forums.xisto.com/jsptest.jsp
    and my site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and port 8080, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    the results are the same as:

    HTTP Status 404 - /jsptest.jsp

    type Status report

    message /jsptest.jsp

    description The requested resource (/jsptest.jsp) is not available.


    Apache Tomcat/5.0.28

    And I tried accessing this file,"jsptest.jsp" with my file manager,the result was the same as http://forums.xisto.com/jsptest.jsp

    I know that TOMCAT is running because I accessed http://forums.xisto.com/
    I think that JSPs don't work in Xisto now(by mistaken configuration).Please fix it.

    Or did I mistake the paths?

  3. I work With Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 For edit Java


    Oh,It's too expensive for me! :( I am using texteditor and sourcecode-based-editor(it is located middle of texteditor and IDE).I have already told about DJ JAVA DECOMPILER other thread,it can not only decompile class files but also edit sourcecodes.

    now if you are a java beginner you sould use a simple texteditor to understand the whole language.

    I agree.

    I think all programs and IDEs are based on a texteditor. :(


    I haven't used Eclipse yet.I'll try it later.

  4. I am using DJ JAVA DECOMPILER.If it refers to the keyword "decompiler", in Google,it will come out to the top.Therefore I found it out without any difficulties. :( I learned JAVA with it very much.For example,hou to use constructor practically,how to make classes efficiently.Thanks to it,I am no longer a beginner. :( I hear obfuscated codes can also decompile with it,but difficult to read.(I've never tried this.)When you use it,only what you have to be careful is not to disclosed to the author of a program.

  5. Don't buy MX 2004, not friendly for beginners. I was so disappointed when they removed the Standard more on actionscript tab. I suggest you get the earlier version, the MX series.

    Hi invalid.I am using MX 2004 trial and Squirlz Lite.
    As you wrote,MX 2004 is hard for me. :( I want to make my website without paying money. So I use Squirls Lite the present.Because I am a JAVA beginner,I can't spend time to study Flash technics(I have to study JAVA)
    Both JAVA applet and Flash aren't necessary to download.
    This is why I like them.thanks.

  6. Because More Website and More Free scripts About JSP

    people Like to download JSP code and Use on web site

    and Usually Dont Make JSP file

    and dont programming JSP


    hmm..I think that even if that is other script language like CGI and PHP, it is the same.


    Anyway,Before you complain that There are few people here , let's make this category animate. :(


    But I complain "Why There are so few free web hostings supporting JSP and servlet?" :(

  7. Thanks for your replies.



    it would be better if microsoft would ship an up-to-date sun jre with their windows, but for obvious reasons they don't do: C# is a concurrence for java and as C# is a microsoft product they do everything to get  rid of java...


    hmm...C#....Is it better than JAVA? :)

    If not,Why didn't microsoft unify JAVA language's'?


    If you are installin java it asks you if you want to use Sun's java or the standard Java which comes with the IE. If you want's to use Sun's you must check this option douring the installation.


    Thank you for your advice.I'll try it.


    I am a beginner(both English and JAVA :D )

    Anyway, let's make this category animate.

  8. I am a Japanese.Why can you speak so many languages? :) I can speak Japanese most.And a little english.I have English classes,but I cannot speak fluently,write exactly.English tests are difficult. :D I hear few Japanese can speak another languages.Regrettably,I think it's true. :D Please tell me your secret(s) of mastering foreign languages. :D

  9. A person probably has around over 500 friends....you can't really count friends because you have too many. Plus you don't know who are you're real friends

    I agree.I have many friends and classmates but most of them are my 'public' frieds.I think reall friends are more 'private' than others.And I have 2 or 3 'private' friends.I talk with them without constraint.I really need them.
    On the other hand, to be sure, there are too many friends.When they gather for my surroundings in large numbers too much, I may sometimes be irritated.
    What do you think? :)

  10. Hi.There is a matter to know.


    I studied how to call the public method of a JAVA applet from javascript on the other day.(Within javascript, this is possible, if it carries out like document.applets[0]. method ();.)

    I want to have come to know then suddenly,it is contrary to this,

    Is it possible to call functions of javascript from a JAVA applet?




    Please tell me this. :)

  11. Don't think that this is a nonsense topic! :)

    How far can you recite the circular constant?

    I can recite it more than 5000 digits.


    (The 1000th digit is 9)
    (The 3000th digit is 1)
    (The 5000th digit is also 1)

    The world record holder of recitation of the circular constant is Akira Haraguchi.His record is 54000 digits!This is more than 10 times me.He is incredible!

    BUT! I'll break it.<_<



    How far can you recite the circular constant?

  12. The big earthquake set in Niigata in Japan on October 23. Main shock: 5:56 M6.8 6:03 M6.2 6:12 M5.9 6:36 M6.3 Over 15 hours, aftershock happens 200 times or more and after that also continues intermittently now. Since the focus was as shallow as about 20km, it led to serious damage -- a large-scale mudslide and the Joetsu Bullet train under run derail. <_<According to the Meteorological Agency, there is almost no case where about six-magnitude aftershock succeeds one another this much.Therefore, it is said that there is almost no earthquake which can be compared.((((;'Д'))

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