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Posts posted by nzas^TROOPER

  1. Americas Army is the best free game ever, in my opinion. I have been playing for 2.5 years, using multiple accounts. My highest is nzas^IR0N-ST0RM, with 96 honor. My other account (the one I use most often) is nzas^TROOPER, I think it has around 31 honor. AA is a lot better now, simply because there are a lot less hackers (or cheaters). Punk Buster has finally caught up to them and you see a lot of them getting kicked when they join (if you don't believe me, look at the AASA cheater list).For those with 400Mhz PC's, or 56K internet, I think you will be dissapointed with Americas Army. No matter how good you are at the game, your Frames Per Second (FPS) and Ping will create a cap on your capability. If you go to maps like Pipeline, or SF Hospital, you will see 80-90 honor guys getting 4-5 kills a round. If you have a below-average PC, don't expect to be able to do this. Not only are those guys good, but the have above average PC's (80 FPS for example, not like the 12-19 FPS you get by just meeting the requirements) and a good ping.The maps I usually play are Bridge Crossing, Pipeline, SF Hospital and Weapons Cache. The server I will usually be on will be a {TAC} Honor Aussie Server (SF CSAR or Hospital) or =ALCO= Australia honor server (Bridge Crossing).

  2. I have a Nokia 2280. Got it around three years ago, and I am surprised that it still works. I stopped counting how many times I have dropped it when I got to 11, plus it got knocked around a bit when my friend decided to play soccer with it at school.All Nokia phones, to me atleast, seem pretty well built, and can be knocked around quite a bit.

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