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Posts posted by SURESHOT

  1. what ftp program do u use. i use SmartFTP because that was the first one i ever heard about and its free so yeah. i love it. is there any better ones i should know about? i mean like with an easier layout or something. ive heard of CuteFTP but ive never tried it

  2. im new here, looking for some good hosting, and your hosting is madd nicce. yeah, sup guys? im hoping to make a site here. im 12 years old but im good w/ computers. i live in michigan. AIM- dshizzzzMSN- d22tmnm@hotmail.comYAHOO- d22tmnmi didnt memorize my ICQ

  3. whoa, and i though MP3 player was cool. cant u do everything that can with a camerra phone? lol just kiddin. but yeah that sounds hella pimp haha. ima defintely get one when they come out. (or ill just buy a camera phone) :rolleyes: . nice find, ima save up my moneyyy

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