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Posts posted by vblk

  1. Dear Moderator/admin, I am currently hosted on Xisto and am maintaining a free search engine for source code. So i am entitled to spider and index many web sites on the web. My spider was working very well and was indexing considerabally fast at first. But now after a few days the internet speed of the Xisto server i've been using have gone down and the spider has slowed down very badly. Also the server i constantly getting stuck after indexing for about 5 minutes. i was wandering if there is anyway (by giving more hosting credit per day) that i can get more internet bandwidth or more speed for my account? i am willing to pay upto 3 credits per day! :huh:

  2. Dear Tech Support:

    Last Year i upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of valueable space and resources. The new program also seems to need more and better system specs every month. Wife 1.0 installed it self into all other programs and now moniters all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0, Hunting and Fishing 7.5 and Racing 3.6 are automatically blocked and when tried to open the system shuts down. I cant seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking of going back to GirlFriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0. please Help!


    A troubled User,




    Dear troubled User,

    This is a very common problem that many IWfe1.0 user complain about. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to wife 1.0, thinking it is just a entertainment and utilities program. Wife 1.0 is a OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by it's creator to run, check moniter EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall or purge the files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is designed to not allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 users manual under Warning-Alimony-Child Support. I recommend that you keep Wife 1.0 and work on improving your situation. I suggest installing the backgroud application "YES DEAR" to alleviate software augmentation. The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to give theAPOLOGIZE command before the system willl return to normal anyway. Wife 1.0

    is a great program, bu it tends to be very high maintainence. Wife 1.0 comes with many support programs, such as CLEAN AND SWEEP 3.0, COOK IT1.5 and DO BILLS 4.2. However, be very carefull how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to luanch NAG NAG 9.5. Once this happence, the only way to improve the proformence of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 1.0 and Diamond 5.0! WARNING!! DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Secretery With Short Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversable and unerasable damage to the operating system.


    Best of Luck,

    Tech Support,

    I'll send you later more Info on WIfe 1.0




    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    We have joke section. Use quotes when multiple sources can be found http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  3. Don't listen to anyone. Xampp is the best. Well i dont know about Opera so why dont you just use firefox? For your second problem. First off look is your apache and mysql is ON in Xampp. Then normally the default localhost testing folder of xampp is at \apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\xampp in this ROOT folder creat a folder fo r your work and save all your work in that folder so then when you want to view them just type in yur browser "localhost/xampp/"your folder"/index.php it's that easy and this way it works more effectivly.Hope this helps.

  4. I found this great site witch tells us all we need to know about making our own linux distribution. Is'nt it great! Yes we can make our own linux distribution according to our own liking and al. It wont be easy (who said making a OS would be?) but if anybody pulls this off it's sweet sweet success baby. Well the web site is called something like wise guy. The site isn't that goodly made with graphice or anything but it gives the whole thing in a simple whit web page witch load on the click!

    The Web page is Click Here

  5. I don't know if this section of the forum went over this but for all the others. GET THIS the xbox 360 is alegetly told to have some major defects on it! Well according the reporter of the magazine i just read, X BOX 360 users all over the world have been flooding bill gates with mails that thier XBOX 360's are constanly getting heated up (and stuck) and alot of other flas as well. How ever bill gates has ACCEPTED the defects and talled that"all new consoles coming out had defects on them for the first year" (not sure if that's exactly what he said) So, Any XBOX 360 user had this defect?Tell me,

  6. Hey every bosy, I just saw one of the greatest Gaming PC's ever! It's on E-bay® unser the used Desktop Pc category. So why i s this Pc sooo good looking for me? well 1. It has 2GB Ram 2. It has 3 Moniters 3. Neon light in the Casing 4. Comes with Sound System and Web cam(the web cam isn't that alluring)You guys/Gals better go see it quick, it only there for 4 days. It has some great 1024x800 pixel images of th epc (yes wallpaper size!!)Just telling you all!

  7. Dear Yarrgh,
    Hey i read your's and spectres's posts on how to fix it but the unfortunate thing is i don't get a single thing spectre's telling.(maybe it's because i'm dumb :huh: ) But hey i've given all my coding below, can you edit that coding and post the corrected coding?

    <?php 					//check to see if they are trying to view a certain projectif (isset($_GET["id"])) {	$id = $_GET["id"];	// Connect to the mysql and select the database	mysql_connect ( "localhost" , "" , "" );	mysql_select_db( "projects" );	// Get the data from the database   $a = mysql_query ( "SELECT * from `PROJECTS` WHERE `id`='".$id."'");	// Put the info into an array for easy use	$info = mysql_fetch_array($a);}else {   // Some other code to list the projects}?>

    Note that i've created the databse and have already added info. an example Id is 001

    Thankx For your help, ;)

  8. Dear yarrgh thankx for your elp before but i caught a ssyntax error in the coding.

    The page displays but instead of the info there a long syntax error by mysql? The problem was with the array codin to get the array from mysql!


    Heres the problem,

    Warning:  mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in F:\XAMPP\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\xampp\all.php on line 137
    (Note:That i test my web pages in my own PC. It has Xampp 1.4.12 And phpmyadmin 2.6 AND Mysql 4.1 :) )


    So you think you can help me on this? :D



    VBLK :rolleyes:


    Notice from KuBi:

  9. Dear Anybody, I'm going to start a website (on Xisto) which will give away free VB source code. Now i hav got a list of all the Projects and have written them all on the web. But i want a visitor to be able to click on a certain heading ofa project and then he/she will be taken to a automated page giving all the projects description and letting him/her download it. Now the problem is that i WILL NOT BE ABLE to type a whole page for each and every project i'm going to give out. I know that comercial websites use asp or php to automatically make the same page display different info according to the heading earilier clicked. Mind you i have made a mysql database on all the projects. I anyone actually understands what i mean please reply or point me in the right direction.Thank You,VBLK :):rolleyes:


    Dear Sinmin,

    Where do you live? (i don't want to know for myself) but i live in sri lanka and CD piracy is all ahoy here. It's really difficult to find a authentic CD. Normally the worng CD error comes in pirated CD's. There is a way to get rid of this, most CD pireters ( if not all) put somthing called a crack into your cd, (normally inside a folder name Crack. I can tell you how ro fix this error, but by doing this you'll be breaking the law :):D , If you bought your CD for the whole original price then return it to the vendor or if you got it real cheap and just want to play the game whether the cops catch you or not (mind you htey have htier way :rolleyes::angry: ) follow the following


    1. Go into your GTA 5 installationa CD if it's a DVD go into it if its a CD go into the First CD

    2.Find A Folder caled Crack OR Pacth or Some folder with aunlikely name (like hound or ect.)

    3. after going into the folder you will see a icon/program identicle to the icon/program executable of your game. Copy this program and all other files inside the folder and paste it on the folder you installed GTA


    This should work or other wise you cd's just plain broken.


    Best of Luck

    Bye :angry:


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    You know it's beaking the law, then why do you talk about it? Did you not know that you were breaking forum TOS by discussing even the method? Caution!

  11. Hey guys i just found the largest break through (for me) in Messenging,

    Have you ever heard about Trillian? Well it's a cool Messenger made by Cerullian Studios! The messenger supports You to chat with friends of Yahoo, AIM, IRC, MCQ and MSN! It also supports all the above told services's Chat rooms! :D:angry: Can you beleive that! If you think that's cool listen to this, IT'S TOTALLY FREEEEEE!!!!!!! :rolleyes::D Yes Trllian Basic Is totaly free, though there is a PRo version for money but i cant figure out what trillian is missing!

    Trillian Basic Has:
    Supports all Major Chat services Including Yahoo, AIM. IRC, MCQ and MSN :angry:
    Support All Chat Rooms :angry:
    Support creating chat rooms in all the services :lol:
    Suppots Voice Chat ;)
    Supports Vedio Chat :)
    Supports Vedio Conferecing Supports Audio Conferencing :D
    Support The "CHECK MY MAIL STATUS" option as well :angry:

    Trillian is about 8.5Mb to download, and is totaly free ( i already told that i know)

    You can get that at Download.com or CLICK HERE :)

  12. Hey Guys, :) I was thinking fr some time about buying a new mobile and just couldnt make up my mind! I know i'm going to buy a really cool one but there are Hundreds (i think) of models on the market! First off i thought about buying a 7700 but then i thought though it's really new here in my countrey it still doesn't have the carisma and any special stuff on it! Then theres the Sony Ericson Walkman Phone. It's got all the caisma and the coolness you want. But i thought to my self. Will i really pay extra for a mobile just to listen to music from it? Then one of my friend s to;d me to buy a 6600! It's like really really old! (that's what i told him! :angry: ) but he told me that there aremore softwares and utilities for it thatn any othere mobile on the market! Thinking about it while going home i saw a really cool sony ericson it was really cool and had all the graphics and effects you could ever want.By now you can probebly see that i'm really confused so what do you thionk is the best mobile phone to buy! Doesn't matter the price just tell me your view on which ind or brand of mobile is the best!! Thanks! :angry::):D:angry:

  13. OOH, Yes i know that Files in P2P programmes are illige. But here in sri lanka (i live in sri lanka) You can even by windows XP PRo for just Rs. 100 thats $1 :) and theres no law to stop IT! Also who doesn't want to get all that really good software for free! Anyway Amarican users beware YOU on the otherhand are in BIG trouble if you are caught using software illigely (they got ways to find out!)Just thought i'd share my knowledge Bye!!

  14. If you really want to see how vist's new themes really look like. Just download the vista transfromation pack! The newest version has over 10 themes and 2 aero glass. And the aero-glass login screen and everything! it even changes all the icons in my computer and all the look and feel of all windows budled software! It also has the windows media player 11! :D:) I don't know a specific web site for it!Just search on google for Vista transformation Pack! and Viola! :angry::)

  15. I agree, I too used registry mechanic cause it was advertised every where. I also had the same problem as you! I did the stupid registry optimizer thing and my pc restarted agian! Then it went to the scandisk and wil not lod the login screen or anything! So all I got to say to all the people out thereDONT USE THIS SOFTWARE :D:):angry::) YOU CAN USE IT IF YOU WANT TO LOOSE ALL YOUR DOCUMENT AND SAY BYE!!!Bye!

  16. Hey it?s time again where I bring you the best the web has to offer to you. I was reasenlt struck by the idea that hey, there are dozens of compression type out there (.zip, .gzip, .rar, .cab ect) and to open each one of them, we have to download the specific software (which is either very hard to get or is very expensive) So while looking around, I found ?7-Zip?. A compression software which can open and zip file in almost all the formas out there and best of all it absolutely free! So here?s the Review! :)


    Name: 7-Zip

    License: Free-ware

    Founder: Igor Pavlov

    Supported ?Extracting? File types: .001 , .7z , .arj , .bz2 , .cab , .cpio , .deb , .gz , .rar , .rpm, .tar , .zip


    Supported ?Compressing? File Types: .7z , .bz2 , .gz , .tar , .zip


    Compression Ratio of 7zip format: The 7Zip format which is this software?s one unique format can compress (at ultra compression level) better than the ?Enhanced Deflate? level of WinZip? 9 and Equal (sometimes a little less) than the ?Enhanced Deflate? level Of WinZip? 10.


    Web Site: 7-zip.org Click Here

    Support (only for registered customers) : support@7-zip.org


    Extra: Although the GUI of the software is not as good as WinZip, it is still quit good.


    Hope This review helped you,

    Bye for Now, :):D


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