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Posts posted by apollo

  1. I was trying to remember that tutorial, where i can see host speed or whatever. So i bring out my own tutorial.

    With this you can see some cool stuff about your PC. Maybe it won`t work for you, cus it didn`t work in school, but at home it was OK:)

    Let`s start. At start go to Start-Run-write in Ping, ou know, sth. will open, but very fast will close. So i took a SS:) Here you go, what appears there.

    Link: https://imageshack.com/static/go?id=edping4oaj

    So, now you can go back to Start-Run-and write in PING and that stuff what appears on top of black image. ex. [-e]. [-a], [-n count] and much more..

    Ok, have fun and more... See, what you PC can do:)

    written by apollo:)

  2. I think, that this says enaught...

    The page cannot be foundThe page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    Please try the following:

    * If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
    * Open the users.nex.net.au home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    * Click the Back button to try another link.

    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Internet Information Services

    Technical Information (for support personnel)

    * More information:
    Microsoft Support


  3. No more then 8/10... It`s not enaught good for your skills. Renders looks bad... I don`t know, but i don`t like something. Red colours on renders looks bad, as that red stripe. That`s bad.. Text should be better. i don`t like it, it`s too small and simple. btw, text is going to looks same in all sigs ar last time. Plain, 1 px, borded looks bad, for so nice sig.Blending and brushing is Ok. So try out to change text:), maybe, render too:)!

  4. Hello. I like your page a lot. It cool.Layout - i like it, nice logo, background for titles is nice. At att, layout rocks.:huh:!Colurs - They are perfect. The colours changing when drive over link is cool.Text&Desing - that cool too, maybe, contect could be written with 12px times new roman, cus 12px Arial or Verdana looks too Big. Page could be shoret... Those all news or what is it in mainpage - you can show just first and under it - News Archiv - click on it and everything appears:P)!Ok, that`s my mind,. 9.2/10 for your site.

  5. Yes, skiing is *cool* think. I remember i went skiing two years before first time. It was with my brothers class. Most of them knewed how to do that think... But I..:huh: OMFG my but was blue and it hurt so much as after jail`s shower appointment:) Now i really like it, and every weekend i`m going skiing somewhere... Just one problem, there aren`t normal mountains in Latvia. Longest run is 450 meters. So every spring holidays i`m going to Finland or Sweeden skiing. That`s much better. This year i`m going to Salen, it must be Ok, but last year i was to himos [http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ all, don`t be scared and have fun. It will be ok... btw, are you going to snowboard or skiing? Snowboarding is much better and *cooler*

  6. Wow, thnx a lo. Nice tutorial. BTW that meens that this is very fast Host? not Xisto but home.lv (code down). Cus here are 17 ms but for trap it was much more...

    Microsoft(R) Windows DOS(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.
    C:\DOCUME~1\TEST>ping home.lv/
    Pinging home.lv/ [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=247
    Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=247
    Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=247
    Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=247
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 17ms


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