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Posts posted by Spen

  1. First off... Would this all work?




    And a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 6300 Processor.

    Now could someone give me links to a good build? Does not need a good video card. Just as long as I can upgrade it later. Does not have to come with a OS.

    Thank you for any help!

  2. Can you have a HTML countdown for your wallpaper for your computer? I know you can have a animation wallpaper for your computer. But can you have a HTML countdown as your wallpaper? I want to use a HTML countdown for my wallpaper for my computer. So the wallpaper for my computer would be a HTML countdown. Can you/does anyone know how to put a HTML countdown for your wallpaper for your computer?

  3. Wow that thing looks weird and cool! The Americans made a robot that can shoot 240000 bullets a minute. Awesome. But I do wonder though. How fast can it move? And how much noise does it make when it moves? And how much ammo can it hold? Does not look like it holds a lot of ammo. But if it shoots 240000 bullets a minute it has to hold a good size amount of ammo. Thanks for posting this! Great find.

  4. In my opinion I would have to say Windows. I'm currently useing Windows XP and I love it. The reason I say Windows is because the only Computers i've had had Windows on them. And if your looking for any software or games most of them run on Windows. I've never seen any game or software that you can't use because you have Windows as a Operating System.

  5. Well what I want to know is: Will doing a manual shut down hurt your computer? Manual shut down as in not going to (This is on Windows XP) start menu,turn off your computer, and hit turn off. Some people I have talked to say it hurts your computer when you do a manual shut down.Does doing a manual shut down hurt your computer?

  6. I don't know what game would be my favorite... There are so meny games that I love. Final Fantasy,Star Ocean,Golden Sun and a lot more. But I would say my favorite rpg game would be Final Fantasy 9 or 10 (X). I just love the Final Fantasy games. Why I love Final Fantasy 9. I just love the story line the characters and just the hole game. Same with Final Fantasy 10. I thought the story line was great. And the graphics and characters. I love how you get skills and stuff I think it was called the Sphere Grid.

  7. I'll read the other people's post if the topic is not like 6 pages long. If the topic is like 6 pages long then I will just read the first 2 and the last 2 pages or something. But if there is something really interesting or something going on in the topic and the topic is 6 pages long I will read the 6 pages. I like to read the other people's post in the topic so I know whats going on.

  8. Thank you all for your friendly welcomes! By just being here for like a day I can see how friendly you all are! For being here for just a day. I really like this forum and there hosting :(. I hope to be here for a long time. Spen

  9. I found this really great game called "WarRock" Its a shooting game where you can drive stuff. And there are classes and vehicles.The classes are: Engineer. They can repair stuff. Medic. They can heal themself or others. Scout. They have a cool sniper rifle. Combatant. If your looking for a good class with good firepower. Hes the class you want. And then there is a Heavy Weapons unit. He has a cool RPG and mines. And with all the classes some come with pistols and some come with grenades.For the maps there are like 6.And with the vehicles and stuff. There are Humvees,tanks and motorcycles.Heres the website: http://www.warrock.net/

  10. Hello! I just joined today. You can call me Spen. I'm in to Graphics,games and pcs. I play WarRock. (Don't know if you guys know that game or not) I hope to spend a lot more time here and to get to know you all some more. Love the smilies! :( Spen.

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