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Posts posted by Editor

  1. Yeah its the same way with my science class (not as bad). Like i have been turning my work in and when grades comes out it would say INcomplete and i know that i turned it in. She comes up to me and say "You didn't do this assignment". Told them that i have finished it and turned it and everything. It does sucks how teachers do this and make us miserable (when parents finds out something, not all parents that does this). My parents gets mad if i have an imcomplete assignment. And i always says that i do my work and turn the assignments in time. But sometimes she doesn't really that i told the truth. But oh well thats what the teachers are. Really can;t do anything about it (tell the pricinple about it, or consoler someone about it).

  2. tha psp is tha crazy, awesome graphics and awsome features


    I would technically woudn't say that. PSP may have good graphics but it will never going to compare with the game console. The features are pretty awsome but consoles are better, that's what i think.

  3. I have been called few times, not going to say what it was. Yeah, I have gotten over it and its really annoying how people use "lable" on someone. It's because they don't have a life and they wanted to bring someone down. Make them feel back for that person called a person a name. I usually don't helped the person, if someone does it. Then the person will come after you and so fourh.

  4. I wanted a PSP for christmas but i wasn't been able to get it. I', hoping for the price to drop for me to able to get it. My friend has one and i got to play with it for awhile, its actually pretty good, the graphics isn't that back ands its better than the DS portable system. Its really worth getting it. IM a fan of Madden games. Watching movies in the car with the psp can't get any better. If going on vacation that you sit in the car for very long time. The portables are not going to compare with the consoles, no doubt it. It might (possibly not). Consoles are better than an portable system. Which it has something the PSP or DS will not have. And same with the PSP and DS have something that the consoles will never have.

  5. Some of my spainish teachers gets annoying sometimes if we get the words wrong or tells us to do it over again untill we get it right. I think (my opioion) is a good way to learning a second language. Is the fact Spanish and English are the top 2 languages used in the United States. Getting a job and some of the employies are spanish. There is no way you can understand them or help them. Having a spanish class early in life, could help you in later in the life time when you do need them.

  6. i would chose playstation 2 overall, i have xbox also. But im more happy with the ps2. I have had a playstaion console from my whole life, not technically not but it seems like it is. Playstation 2 games have been better than most xbox games. By graphics the xbox and the xbox 360 has better. Unforuntly, the ps3 has better graphics by far of right now, that's what i have been hearing.

  7. money could be good thing or bad thing depends what your looking at. The ways good money could work is in your pocket. Sometimes without money you can practically do nothing. Everything is about money, poeple want money, money, money. To get rich and powerful, most people would say. I think people with the most money are greedy, just my opioion. If you look at it that way, they can just brag all they want to just bring someone down saying they don't have money. Or you can't do this or that, look im doing sometihng that you can't do. I hate those kind of people that do other people like that. Like someone metion about if there was no money in the world, The world starvation would be wose, but it is right now (without money it could be even worse).

  8. i would say both in a way. PSP is like a travel, play games, music, or watch movies in vacations or even field trip. Its light compact and easy to carry around. yeah i can say a few things about it that i dont likeConsole is more for home, play the actual games on your tv (big and small). Quailty of the games are much better than PSP. PSP uses battery, consoles don't ( thats another consideration to think about). i would say Home Console

  9. I personally think the Playstation 3 will be better than Xbox 360. Due to the playstation is set on 2006 and they have everything what they need to improved to the console. (They might have bugs when its released) but it will be less than the Xbox 360 has. Sony doesn't like to bring out products that would defectively like Microsoft did with their xbox 360. Everyone got mad about the bugs and issue. Another thing what i heard about the Playstation is alot better, powerfull than xbox 360 console, (I could be wrong). Looking at the new Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer, it was sick and everything looks so real. But looking at Mircosoft Xbox360 games trailers, doesnt really seem real (besides Madden 06, Fight Night (i think its on xbox 36o).Overall im going with the Playstation 3

  10. I have the game quite time, im very impressed of the game. Yeah i sort of hate when they took out the drifting and drag. Those were fun to play with. And i can't believe its on online :) . That would have some compietion going on and seeing other people race. Im like half way throught the game already. Its straight followed and its not tthat difficult to get to the top blacklist. Theres some aggure about the game i didnt like but overall its pretty good.

  11. Its been awhile since i played. At first it was very additive only got to a lvl 34 then i starting to stop playing. After few months try to play it again, it wasn't the same as i was playing it. It was fun while it was last. Their making Runescape2? hmm wow they actually doing something to the game. When i played it they never do updates good for them. Is runescape still running?

  12. If you look at the Xbox 360 for a second and look at the xbox some of the graphics seems to be the same. They didn't really improved the graphics abit, "maybe a few" but it looks the same. Look on the other side of the company. from ps1 to ps2. There were huge difference into the graphics. But Ps2 to Ps3 could be the same type of graphics or even better than what xbox did. I personally wouldnt buy it, hearing all this problems. taking out the HDD would help better. And Releasing early is usually a bad idea to do, then you would know there will be problems.

  13. Name: ChrisAge: 16Im not that every new here, retired from hosting and came back few days ago. Just to refreash, i personally like to do Websites/maintaining them. I play football and outside out alot. After-school activities boring staying at home doing nothing. And thats about it.

  14. you say its useless however its actually pretty neat i like the fact that technology has come so far as to know that. and no really if you put a 1 at the end it doesnt matter because 11 times 11 is 121 so therefore putting a 1 on the end doesnt really do too much. anywayz im in calc and thats something that i'd like to bring up to my teacher is just that fact that technology has come so far as to realize this...as for a computer making a mistake....for them to prove that something like that is true and to get the actual number they would have to have a really high powered computer and very advanced and im sure that it would have been tested many times over. so if someone has actually proved it and it was in an article...granted you cant trust everything now a days...but still if it was somwhere that u know is credible it was tested a lot of times to make sure that it is true. i still think that its really cool though thank you for the info!


    Wow, i could completely agree with you. And its an unique of finding prime numbers beyond anyone could amangin.

  15. The worest game i could come up with is Dragonball Z all the series. You see on comericals and sites, says its the best game and you thought to your self it is. And went to go buy, and played for few minutes, its totally sucks. Wish you wouldn't buy it. My game stop working after an hour or 2. Just waste money. I even called the number and didn't even help. So i just threw it away, and never saw it since.

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