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Posts posted by Sizux

  1. This is the first marriage for both.

    This is his first time getting married and he's 50 years old? That's what happens if you make a series of "stupid" kids shows, stupid being in quotation marks because they were so immature, they're considered stupid. They were funny when I was in elementary school, though.

  2. The reason it isn't always 100% correctly translated is because there are different word phrases and word meanings in other languages. There are also many other different words you could use in place of one word. For example, the phrase "Let's go to the movies" could be said the same way with two different word phrasing. I guess my point is be careful--if she finds out you have words down that you haven't learned yet (since the word translating isn't 100% correct, as said above), you'll probably get in even more trouble then before. Unless, of course, you're in a high-level French class were you've learned the various phrasing.

  3. If this is true, then not only will Google look better, but Microsoft would look worse then before. Think about it: Firefox made a better Internet service, Google made a better email service, and now Google will *probably* make a better operating system, which is Microsoft's biggest success. Sad times for Microsoft, indeed.Then again, if the OS doesn't turn out good, Google would look pretty bad. Still, there aren't many popular operating systems out there--and Google has a wide-range of intelligent worker. I think they can pull this off. I sure hope this is true, because Microsoft needs to stop gaining money. They're taking it from other businesses in need. (Not like it would change if Google created a OS...)

  4. They try to make games as real as possible without unbalancing the gameplay. For example, let's suppose the game is realistic in every aspect--you'd die in one hit, so the game would be hard. Once you die, you'd never come back to life. You cannot load or save the game. You have to eat, sleep, and do ordinary tasks as often as you do yourself, which would require patience and much effort. Games try to be as realistic as they can, but they cannot do everything without creating a horrible mess.

  5. I don't play any of them. Although I've been dying to get my hands on Guild Wars. I heard from many sources that the game was excellent in every category, but I haven't had the time nor patience to look more in-depth on that.Must I also add that World of Warcraft is, sadly, the most overrated game in the world. I had a free one-month period, which I made my character and leveled up some. The main reason they make these "long" activities is not necessarily to keep you excited. It is to keep you playing, thus giving them more money. They'll keep adding pointless adventures so you can keep playing without quitting.

  6. That's stupid. Seriously.I think it's completely pointless to request search records just because "sex sites" where searched up. Face it; kids are bound to get into that stuff, no matter what people do.Thank god Google is refusing to hand over the results. What could the goverment possible do? Close down Google? (That?s a serious question) Maybe I do not understand this article completely, but if what I'm thinking is true, then this is very stupid.

  7. Notice: Coding between compilers may vary. For example, "messagebox.show()" is the message prompt in Express Edition whereas "msgbox()" is the prompt in Visual Basic 6.0. All code in this guide is Express Edition.


    In part on, we learned the basics of Visual Basic, including Strings and Integers. Once you feel comfortable with it, you can move onto this part. As said before, the beginning part of learning is the hardest. Since this is still the beginning, you may struggle on some things. Don't worry though; things are repeated numerous times.


    First off, we are going to learn how do use an Input Box, a box where you can enter text and record it. To do that, we need to use another Dim. For this particular case, we need to use the Dim Object command. Dim Object, when declared, tells the compiler to store an object into the memory. Objects can be many types of forms or message boxes--in this case, an input box.


    Dim box as Object

    The variable "box" is now an object. So we need to tell the compiler what object it is. We want Mr. box to be an input box, so let's say so.


    box = InputBox("What is your name?")

    The "box = InputBox" defines it. The ("") is simply text. You can add variables in there by simply removing the quotes. When you run this, you'll see something like this:


    Posted Image


    This is nice, but it doesn't do anything when you click OK. We're going to add a textbox afterwards saying what the user typed in the box. How do we do that? Simple.


           Dim box As Object        box = InputBox("What is your name?")        MessageBox.Show("Your name is " + box)

    When the data is entered, it is stored in the variable "box". Objects, such as "box", can store both alphabetical (strings) and numerical (integers) characters. After the user has entered a value, the message "Your name is " will show up. Then, the value "box" (AKA: The value the user entered" will show up, following the space at the end of the message "Your name is ". Easy? Try understanding this one:


    Dim name As Object        Dim age As Object        Dim state As Object        Dim city As Object        name = InputBox("What is your name?")        age = InputBox("What is your age?")        state = InputBox("What state do you live in?")        city = InputBox("What city do you live in?")        MessageBox.Show("Your name is " + name + ", you're " + age + " years old, and you live in " + city + ", " + state)

    When you want to compare certain information, you use Signs, symbols that represent greater then, less then, and equal. Actually, there is more then that. This table shows the signs and their meaning.


    >                                  Greater Then<                                  Less Then=                                  Equals<>                                Not equal<=                                Less then or equal to>=                                Greater then or equal to

    Tip: If you confuse greater and less then signs, think of their looks. The < sign looks like an "L" if you turn it, which means "Less then".


    We are also going to learn Branching, coding comparing multiple data and varying on their conditions. Branching must always start with "If" and end with "End If" There must also be an "Else" condition in the middle. Most compilers, however, already add the "End If" and "Else".


           If 5 = 5 Then            MessageBox.Show("This code is correct!")        Else            MessageBox.Show("What happened here?")        End If

    Branching is like asking a question. This case, it is saying "Is the number 5 equal to the number 5?" Of course, this is true. So, the value under "If 5 = 5 Then" is what happens when this is true. The value under "Else" is what happens when it's incorrect. So, what'll show up here? Easy.


    Read through the following code and think to yourself what it does.


           Dim check As Object        check = InputBox("You must be 10 years or older to access")        If check >= 10 Then            MessageBox.Show("OK, you're old enough")        Else            MessageBox.Show("In a few more years, sonny")        End If

    This code is simple. If you enter a number equal to 10 or higher, the message "OK, you're old enough" will appear. However, if you say the number 9 or below (negatives count), then the other message will appear.


    Let's now learn comments. These helpers help--and a lot. Comments are side-notes added into the script that do nothing but tell you a note. They are NOT displayed in the program itself. Here is how you do a comment:


    ' This is a comment!

    Everything displayed on the line following the ' is a comment. You can use them to remind you of things. Pretty easy.


    I'm coming to a conclusion on this tutorial. But I'll bring you one nice tip; check over your work. You can make pretty stupid mistakes that you miss. Some compilers will find them for you, but be cautious.


    Dim apple as delicious

    If you have any questions, just post them. I'll try to answer as many as I can. Please remember that I'm not an expert at this; so don't ask me to build an operating system.

  8. The only reason they held it back was because the creators found a massive glitch in the game that needed repairing. After they found it, they thought of some new add-ons, thus moving the release date.Also, don't ever expect multiplayer from an Elder Scrolls game. Like said in one of the interviews, the game is too massive to have online play. Loading 2+ people is like loading the game twice. Not to mention a bunch of lag. They would rather create the best single player game then a game with multiplayer.

  9. You'd think that, for quick typers, there's a lag between typing? What I mean is, the text doesn't show up on the screen instantly like it does for wired keyboards. Then again, I've never had one, so I don't know.I cannot stand using a wired mouse, since the cord gets in the way and sometimes gets caught under the mouse itself. The one cheap wireless mouse I used to use wasn't too good. I wonder if I should get this set? It sure seems to be worth the $150.

  10. Well, I have a few that I enjoy more then others.1) Water (preferably cold)2) Coca-Cola3) Chocolate Milk (plain milk is disgusting)Most of the time, though, I drink water. I rarely drink soda, and very rarley drink milk or chocolate milk. I drink about 3 water bottles of water a day.By the way: Coca-Cola > Pepsi

  11. http://www.g00g13.com/ is the best imo.


    The best thing about google is unlike most other companies, they have a sense of humor.


    https://www.google.com/moon/ for instance. (zoom all the way in :()


    also they always change there logo to reflect the holidays/some famous anniversary to liven things up a bit.


    (not to mention last i checked their stock was going at 400ish a share)


    lmao. That g00g13 thing is hiliarious. I didn't think Google would sink to such an unmature level. Then again, it makes people laugh and attracts more viewers.

  12. I find it strange how big the galaxy is and how many things we've still yet to discover. Even so, will we be able to launch to every planet? How much will technology improve over the years? Will we be able to visit different galaxies soon? Does the galaxy end? If so, what stops it? A wall? What is inside that wall? I think we'll never know...

  13. NOTE: This guide assumes you know how to operate your compiler, meaning create objects and forms. This guild will only teach you the scripting.


    Almost all program users and game players alike want to create their own software, whether it being a massive game, an easy-to-use calendar, or maybe even a hack. However, they must master, or at least know much about a programming language. If you've ever seen a Source Code , a text code written by a programmer and execute tasks by a computer, you'll know how much time and effort it takes to learn these nevertheless create them. This tutorial will demonstrate the basics of programming, which I feel VB is. VB, or Visual Basics, is a simple programming language created for inexperienced programmers to enter the world of programming. Once you've mastered Visual Basics, you can easily advance to harder languages like JavaScript and C++.


    Before I get to the main subject, I'm going to mention a couple of important requirements. I recommend this language to you as long as you follow these:

    You have an understanding of the language HTML. You should know a little bit of these before proceeding.

    You have the patience to spend numerous hours devoting your time and effort into testing and maintaining scripts.

    You know basic algebra.

    You can study terms and uses for a long time and attach them into your mind for long periods of time.

    You have nothing better to do. If you have a good life, don't spend your time with us nerds.

    Now let us begin. Please note that I'm trying the best I can to simplify it in words and phrases you'll understand. If you don't understand something, don't panic. Most likely I will repeat it more clearly later on.


    First off, you should get a nice program that runs and debugs Visual Basic script. I recommend Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition, which can be downloaded for free. Search for it to find it, since I don't want to post website links.


    Now lets get to the good stuff--the programming. First off, every element has events. For example, the Enter your Post message form. When you enter your post and hit "Post New Topic/Post", the computer looks for code for that command. Cool, eh?


    Dim CoolString as String

    So, what does the above do? Well, "Dim" means to define. "CoolString" is the name of a variable. It can be anything you want. And "as String" means that the variable "CoolString" is a String. A string is simply a text. "CoolString" is a text that hasn't been defined yet. The Compiler, a program that runs scripts under certain programming languages, stores that variable inside its memory. You need to define what the variable is, which can be done later one.


    Dim CoolInteger as Integer

    The above code is similar to the first, except "CoolInteger" is defined as an Integer, which is a number. You can define what number "CoolInteger" is at anytime.


    So, whats the point of these? Well, suppose you wanted to add two values that can be changed. For example, the user types in "Hello" in one form, and "World" in the other. When he hits "OK", he wants the text to combine and say "Hello World". So, this is what he would do.


           Dim box1 As String        Dim box2 As String        box1 = TextBox1.Text        box2 = TextBox2.Text        MessageBox.Show(box1 + " " + box2)

    Can you guess why this works? If not, I'll walk you through it.


    First off, you call the variables "box1" and "box2" as string, which means they are both text. Then you tell "box1" that it's connected with "textbox1", which is the name of the first textbox. "box2" is connected with "textbox2", the second textbox. The "MessageBox.Show() command displays a message. The message is box1 (whatever the user typed in for textbox1, since they're connected) plus " ", which is just a space, plus box2 (whatever the user typed in for textbox2, since they're connected.) Easy, no? Well, the beginning stages are very confusing, so stay with me.


    Now lets try Integers. We'll try making two forms that add numbers and display the results. Try it for yourself, and then compare it to mine.


           Dim box1 As Integer        Dim box2 As Integer        box1 = TextBox1.Text        box2 = TextBox2.Text        MessageBox.Show(box1 + box2)

    As you can see, it's identical to the previous one, except the strings are now integers and I removed the space between the adding of box1 and box2.


    So, now that you have this knowledge fresh in your mind, test around and try out the various types of coding. You can try the various Dim features and others you might find as well. I'm keeping the first tutorial nice and short to avoid losing my viewers attention. Once your done, check out my soon-to-come part 2 tutorial, which will discuss more features. Remember that the very beginning of your learning is hard; soon enough, though, it'll become easy.

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