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Posts posted by xuiin

  1. Got a free account 2 years ago right after shadowlands came out. Still playing this one today despite all the others ive tried. Its simply the best free or ptp mmo out there. And if you cant get past the lack in most up to date graphics I would say that mmo's arent for you period. People who choose to play mmo's arent playing for graphics alone, or so i would hope. Oh and there not that bad anyway theyve updated the graphics as good as they can without revamping the entire structure. Which if they where to do that they might as well make a whole new mmo (which i highly wish funcom would do because camping sucks!!!!!!) and so does everything else about the new lvling pounding mob killing skilling mmo's that companies are dumping on people nowadays just to get another game out and make money. Also wouldnt it be nice if someone from bethesda soft would get the bright idea to make an mmo for a change. (praise to elderscrolls series!) Bethesda Soft could probably make a better mmo than every other company thats brought out an mmo combined (aside from funcom)!!!!!!!!!

  2. There was a recent post about someone asking what good free mmo's are available for free download. Im not necessarily going to make a list but all are welcome to do so and comment on what im about to say. I without a doubt believe that for anyone who tries it and hangs in there long enough to see all the features of the game that ANARCHY ONLINE is indeed the supreme in free mmo's. I would even argue that this game is better than most pay to plays. Also it has 4 expansions and you can get them all for only $9.95! I have played everquest back in the day and it was ok for awhile. I have tried a multitude of free mmo's that are always lacking in too many areas. I just recently finished trying out the much talked about Final Fantasy Eleven Online (and expansions). And needless to say i cancelled my account to download and countinue my account with anarchy online (did make a new char because niiux is gimped)((kept him though)) So to all of you out there searching for something that has ptp quality but its free i would suggest you try anarchy online. And dont just download it finish noob island and say it wasnt for you! Give it a good month and actually test out the entirety of the game. I Gurantee you will love it! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ heard dark and light is gonna be good or is good. but thats ptp.

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