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Posts posted by tillo

  1. (BuffaloHELP)Although, I crash and burn because I can't get the landing trajectory correctly

    BuffaloHELP it's a matter of not giving up early and practice, practice... But you are not alone, thee are a lot of handy modules for you available to control your flight. For instance the orbiter has an autopilot available that sets your Angle of Attack to 40 degrees to regulate the heat, otherwise you will be roasted. I will plan to post a tutorial in the tutor section

  2. Everyone wants to join a specific group and behave like the others, especially teenagers because they have to profile theirselves. This way of behaviour is the result of fear, fear for rejection by other people. And if there is a guy or girl being him or herself, jealousy is being turned into criticism by others.

  3. Hi Becca,The mermaid tells me you should be a young person and I like the way you did this tremendous job. I will showed my daughters how you did and they appreciated your drawing very much. The way you combined the links and the drawing is very good.I looked at your previous design as well and you can see an enormous progression. Now everything is one mouseclick away and easy to navigate. Proceed like this!

  4. Hi Mich,I like your website, it shows love for nature, caring and it is distinguished. It gives me a warm feeling. You succeeded in combining technique and art.Most webdesigns I saw are focussed on high tech (kind of nerdy) and I think when I'm going to design a website it will be nerdy too because I'm a technical person with less focus on feelings.You can see it is important for you to build a personal website and not a website that is one of all. So from that perspective your site will be remembered easily.Ok now the technical stuff: I browsed it with firefox and I had no problems, all went well

  5. looked it up at wikipedia:

    In Information Science, an ontology is the product of an attempt to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual schema about a domain. This domain does not have to be the complete knowledge of that topic, but purely a domain of interest decided upon by the creator of the ontology.
    An ontology is typically a hierarchical data structure containing all the relevant entities and their relationships and rules within that domain (e.g., a domain ontology). However, computational ontology does not have to be hierarchical at all. The computer science usage of the term ontology is derived from the much older usage of the term ontology in philosophy.

    An ontology which is not tied to a particular problem domain but attempts to describe general entities is known as a foundation ontology or upper ontology. Typically, more specialized domain specific schemata must be created to make the data useful for real world decisions.

    Ontologies are used in Artificial Intelligence systems and Expert Systems. Expert systems are programs that analyze information about specific problems and are made up of a set of rules. Expert systems are for instance used by helpdesk problem classifications and determination.

    A free ontology editor and knowledge acquisition system is Protege Protege a free ontology system

  6. Fravia, this guy is awesome. His website is full of techniques and tutorials, he shows the
    reverse engineering of a program and how to search the internet. The first is to detailed for me (you have to know assembly language). The tutorial about searching the internet is very useful.

    Basic Web Searching Techniques is the portal to tutors how to search essays, images, targets, how to search at usenet, irc and so on. He gives you hints & tips and links to search engines. He gives a tutorial how
    to find the image at the website without having any name. After reading this all you shouldn't lost anymore!

  7. Hi jlhaslip

    Thanks for the reply

    What sort of work do you do at the Computer company you work for?

    As an IT architect I design systems for on demand computing (more the integration of software packages & systems then development of the applications itself). What it makes interesting is that my designs cover the end to end scope, from end user request (web portal) through end user service (deskside support, password resets ...). I am also a subject matter expert at asset mangement and service management and give courses
    related to ITIL, that's the IT Infrastructure Library (now becoming more known in the US).

    Related to personal computers I have a wide knowledge, but I'm not a high tech specialist at a specific subject, but I'm sure I can help others with their questions. I have two favorite programs, one is 'Blender' (a free 3d image and animation suite) and the other is 'Orbiter' (a free space simulator).

  8. I usually play flight simulation games MS like flight simulator, Lock On Modern Air Combat and Orbiter.

    Lock On is the most realistic flight combat game, if you have a joystick like for instance Thrustmaster Hotas Cougar you can fly like a real pilot (radar, navigation, weapon selection, locks). The graphics are awesome, the scene is based at Krim (Ukraine)

    Orbiter is a wonderful space simulator, you can plan to orbit earth, go to the moon or beyond. There are guys playing STS (space shuttle) missons and Apollo missions. Orbiter is very realistic and free. You can download it at Orbiter - A free space flight simulator. It is written by Martin Schweiger.

  9. Glad I could be of help.  Here is a template version of my tumbnail link page for your photos.  You can edit it to suit your needs.


    Zip File Containing Template


    Be patient when you click on the link, it takes a few moments for the download window to appear.  If I can help in any other way, please feel free to PM me. :(


    Mich, very much appreciated. Thank you for your help, I will check this out!

  10. I'm new in web design and I want to build a web site where my family can view thumbnail pages with family photos and select the thumbnails to view the original photo. As a starter I thought about a couple of thumbnail pages to increment or decrement. I want to generate the pages with a free tool in order to review the html code for self learning purpose. Is this a good approach and is there any free tool suitable for this?Tillo

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