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Posts posted by Goofy

  1. The reason I was so good at KH when I got it was because I had pretty much spoiled the entire game for myself on the GameFAQ's FAQ's, Scripts, etc. I had actually gotten it 2 years AFTER the release so.. :rolleyes: I was good and prepared! I sang Simple and Clean so many times walking home from and during school. I played for hours! Kingdom Hearts add-ict! @.@. I just can't wait to be singing Passion! (KH2's theme song*Omoidaseba haruka harukaMirai wa doko mademo kagiyateta<3 Those lines in the Japanese version of Passion! <33333!!!The lyrics and video fit right in! In fact it'll give a lot of people the idea that Utada made the song just for KH2..again XD. Tetsuya Nomura is rular of the game I'm addicted to..therefore I'm addicted and WILL stalk him x3

  2. Helpful tew da maxx IMO. I first actualled USED a self check-out during a nice visit to WalMart with my parents. It was smooth over all. There was one item (I forget what it was) that made the thing go crazy and make us have to wait for a frikin worker to come. Worst..15 minutes...ever! Lawl @ having to verify able knife buying age :):rolleyes:.

  3. Blender is free, but has an extremely high learning curve due mainly to scattered and often out of date tutorials online.  The only book I know of (The BLender book by no starch press) is woefully out of date covering version 1.8 when Blender is now at 2.4 and everything has changed from the rendering engine to the User Interface.  Still if you want to learn the basics, blender is a good place to start.


    Maya also has a free learning version, but there are some restrictions on saving and output.  However, Maya was just purchased by the same company that owns 3D studio max, so the product's future is still a question mark at this point


    3D Studio is very popular for game designers, and those using Autocad since the same company owns them both.  However, with Autodesk buying Maya, the product's future is in question.


    Lightwave http://www.newtek.com/ has been used in several films and many TV series including Babylon 5 and most recently Firefly and the New Battlestar Galactica.  Lightwave is aimed more at TV broadcast material, but can be used for games or film.  Also it only costs around $800 now I think.  Maybe it's $1000, but compared with $6,000 for Maya and $3,500 for Max, it is realtively cheap.  Lightwave also is one of the few systems that does have an out of the box broadcast quality rendering engine included. 


    Another popular system for beginners is Truespace.  http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.  You can download and use Truespace 3.2 for free!  So that makes Truespace an attractive alternative. 


    Cinema 4D is another popular package for those wanting to learn how to do 3D work at an affordable price.  https://www.maxon.net/en/  One big note, they are the first company to release a native distro for Intel based Macs...


    Hope that helps

    Thanks alot! I plan to use at least one of them. I'll probably try them all out and then decide which one I like. Thanks again :)

  4. Free webhosts with banners. People that tlk lik tis/dis. Pop-ups. Mediocre support on free or paid webhosts. Sites that steal info. Spammers. Those cheap e-mails that your e-mail provider sends you. Pop-ups. Insufficient bandwidth/space. Downtime. MMORPGS with tons of idiots on them.I could go on forever. I could go on forever and STILL find things in the process. So I won't go on and that's that.People that can't spell right. n00bs (not newbs). Free webhosts with false advertising. Idiots. People who could go outside and play ball but sit at their computer and try to make that last level on that one game. You. Dumb animations. People who try to act cool on the internet even though they've never seen the light of day since they were 7. Rapists. Racists. Plagerism. You.

  5. Your entire post can be answered in one sentence: this is in the Your Review! forum. The member has the rights to do that.


    Of course, common sense all tells us that no member here would ever degrade to Geocities after being hosted here. Don't you agree?


    Yeah, seriously :).

    I think someone needs to read the description better.

    Back on topic now:

    I've made a Geocities account once...

    I hated it! I didn't like how you had to make/have a Yahoo! account! It freaking hard to figure out a name that hasn't already been taken..like if you want your acc to be "example" you have to add all sorts of things like "example6541_54@457" :). I just hate hate hate it! The space is too limited too :D.

  6. From those few lines I can already tell that it is 73|-| suck. Getting logged off while uploading things!? :) That's extremely low. The support sounds horrible, non-responsive and all. Even if they did respond they'd probably have some retarted automated message like:"Thank for sabmating ur prob. we tak cr af at son **bottom** posibl. here tak a rais in siz lamat you get 1 kb saiz lamat":)

  7. Photoshop FTW.It's truly IMO the best graphics program out there.I think that because I've had some experience with it and I can make so *pretty* good graphics with it! I've made all of my graphics in it in fact. Banners,Sigs,Avvy's etc. But I've also worked with flash..for like 2 seconds..Photoshop overall is fairly simple to learn if you pay attention or at least learn quick. :) I just <3 it

  8. Did anyone hear on the news or anywhere that Disney planned to buy Pixar? The deal would cost about.. 7 and a half m/bil! I can't remember which ><. This would be major for Kingdom Hearts 3 (if there is going to be one). New worlds, characters, keyblades etc. And just imagine the movies! O_O The Incrdchicktoystonemo...inc? XD It'd be awesome to have a movie like that o_O.Discuss!

  9. I know exactly how you feel. Cold first sleep after! xP. Currently I have a HORRIBLE nose blowing epidemic..thing. It dropped my social points by 600 but who cares? :( I have my friend Nelson who cares not one bit.COLD FIRST SLEEP AFTER! :(

  10. Why do people always strive to replicate reality within something as virtual as video games? Is it solely for the sake of immersion? That being asked, I feel that games do not need to mimic reality in order to be "immersive". Let's take the Metal Gear series for example. The kind of things that happen within the series is ridiculous. There are people contacting the dead, surviving falls from gigantic bipedal robots, controlling wasps, taking down tanks singlehandedly, using psychic powers, calculating ricochet physics precisely and instantaneously, etc. However, this series is simply compelling. You "believe" it can happen, even though common sense tells you "No f***ing way!". If this is possible, why is it that people complain about some games not being "real" enough? The entire game is artificial, yet people strive to make it as close to reality as they possibly can.This brings me to the graphics. Why do so many people want their games to look "realistic"? What does that offer us? If we ever do reach a point where our games become photorealistic, won't it just look boring? Where's the artistry in simply reproducing what our eyes already see? The medium is capable of so much more than this. Take the games from Clover Studio for example. "Viewtiful Joe" looks quite good to this day, yet it's far from being realistic. The upcoming "Okami" is even further removed from reality, but I can't help but be intoxicated by the visuals. And what discussion about video games as an art form is complete with the mention of "Ico" and "Shadow of the Colossus"? Ico's textures weren't all that detailed, and neither were the character models, yet it's breathtaking. I felt as though I was "in" the game even though it was clear that what I was looking at was not reality.Discuss before I go nats >>

  11. Imagine if there WAS 10th planet? >_> School textbooks would have to be mass updated. XD I wonder it'd look like :(. Maybe another planet that could possibly have oxygen? If it was far out by Pluto, it's probably be too cold x.x. Maybe a giant planet shaped like a parrot and had feathers? >_>

  12. Choked..your..sister..o.O. Seriously, I mean absolutely no offense here but: your mom has problems. I'm very sorry if that was offensive but..choking a person in front of anyone shows a sign of needing a bit of psychiatric help ><;. Again I'm terribly sorry if it offends you :(.

  13. Are you kidding?! You just had to get me started right? Kingdom Hearts II will go down in Action/RPG history! It'll be all the hype in the first few weeks of it's NA release. Thousands will line up in front of Gamestop's. Few will be lucky to get their hands on it and then spam KH2 msg boards using multiple unneccesary exclamtion marks. I'll be praying in my bed every night for me to get it. I'll be begging my mom to her wits end. Back on topic though: I think it'll be a lot better than the original because of so many additions such as the new drive mode,Roxas,dozens of new Disney characters (Chicken Little, Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan etc.). Mickey's castle is even accessible this time around! *fantisizes holding 2 keyblades with Sora and slicing and brutally ending the lives of 1000's of Nobodies and heartless*. Yeeeaahh, it'll be the best game ever made...EVER!

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