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Posts posted by phx777

  1. Ive set up my domain to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com at my domain host as i ussualy do for web hosts, but i cant access the site.

    Tried remote DNS lookup:

    How I am searching:Searching for rebirth-project.net A record at k.root-servers.net []: Got referral to a.gtld-servers.net. [took 278 ms]
    Searching for rebirth-project.net A record at a.gtld-servers.net. []: Got referral to ns1.trap17.com. [took 8 ms]
    Searching for rebirth-project.net A record at ns1.trap17.com. []: Server failure! [took 67 ms].

    Server failure.  There's a problem with the DNS server for rebirth-project.net.

    also on the xisto report, the reported server IP (which works) is different to the CPanel IP (on which my user/pass doesent work) (the cpanel on the reported server ip works but the linked one doesent)

  2. I can increase your traffic for 10 visits per credit (yeah i need Xisto forum credits and i have many k of visits available (however please note that this will only raise your stats, and can bring you to higher ranks on lists and webrings (if you set it right) but wount bring quality visitors to your site (theyll just went thru and 99% probably wount open the site to really check it out)

  3. PS: theres no need to comment what bush is doing, we could make a whole list and.... (for begining we could just mention that there was no biochem war equip in iraq, except the banned chem weapons that US soldiers used (napalm), we all know whats in iraq, oil.... and for americans.. i mean cmon it sucks big time to have goverment faking your votes, misleading you big time, sending your people to war, not to mention various illegal things like listening to peoples phone calls without warrents, violations of privacy) Also i feel that the "war on terror" campain had a really bad affect on religious tolerance, which can also increase support to the terrorist groups (if people feel agressed theres a way higher chance theyll join some lunatic)... so in my opinion, bush isnt doing anything but terror, and i claimed many things soon after 9/11, that came out to general public about a year later (like for example who was behind 9/11 etc)

  4. well i guess you have a point but if that is the way you are going to go with it how are you going to deside when it is time for the next step. For example i dated a girl 2 years bigger than me because i really loved her and she loved me but the fact was she was a junior and i was freshman and she could get other senior guys but after a month when she was starting to go with other guys not on dates but flurting so i gave her up but now i got an even better girlfriend and she is single  :blink:  so my point is love someone with all your heart if you think that is right, my advise is dont think with your brain think with the heart, the heart is smarter even if it has breakdowns.


    you can love them with all your heart, you just shouldnt show them that if they dont return it in equal ammount...

  5. I have been playing the USKO version of Knight Online for around 2 years now.  Although I have greatly enjoyed playing the game, the USKO version has developed many problems with bugs, cheating and item duplications which have greatly unbalanced the game.  There are also a lack of GM's and dependable customer support in game.  I would like to find out information about the MYKO version.

    Are there any problems with bugs, cheating and/or item duplications in MYKO?



    What are the major differences between the two versions?



    Are there active GM's in MYKO and access to dependable customer support?

    Any additional information you can offer me would be greatly appreciated.




    USKO (Knight Empire)



    MYKO (Knight Ascension)



    Its the same with software, and as far as i know with GMs too, but the non-us version is payable... aint worth it if you ask me, try guild wars :)

  6. personaly i hate firefox, not as a user, but as a website designer... even the old netscape had a minimal frame size, which ment you couldnt make a frame only 4 pixels wide for instance, and firefox doesent use some simple stuff like background freezing etc. and can totaly mess up the way your sites are displayed... plus i dont think it would be a security issue if they firefox would support scrollbar styles, but looks like developers feel that way.....i was never a microsoft fan, becouse of stuff like "if you turn off your pc playback may stop" style warnings (and other stupid stuff like this) but nowdays i only use IE all the time, its not really so unsafe with an antivirus running and a user that doesent click yes on everything,...

  7. i have bought three packs of tdk-cd-r's of 800mb (90mins) in the past months, but since windwos xp pro was reinstalled my computer reads them is disk with 96.6mb of space? Is there anything i can do about it?


    What you probably want to check here is:
    you probably want to check your cd burning software (i recommend nero burning rom v6)
    probably shouldnt be the unit or firmware if it worked fine before...

  8. Stormclix, Google Adsense are great programs that can be trusted. I've been paid out many times


    yeah but for adense you need a website or something that actually has quality and traffic, you need to earn your traffic first somehow....


    its like ussual... the get money for nothing just doesent work :P

    stuff where you have to put effort in and that everyone cant do ussualy does :)

  9. Umm your first link says wrong page. I haven't heard of these money making sites. The only one's I trust for now is crazoo.com and 4daily.com.


    lol its not a money making site for all, its actually hes site, so he makes money.... and yeah reseller sites can probably be way better then all the stupid auto browser ones.... the only usefull thing on autobrowser ones is to put traffic to some site you actually make money with (and not just useless points) so that if you have an advertisement which will actually attract a autobrowser money earner (and i wouldnt bet on high chances :)) you might actually make money...

  10. Do you remember the best adventure games ever, they dont make them anymore but they were great heh, and you can still play many of them on the new PCs tnx to an open source development group :)ScummVM (works on linux and windows)Supported games (im sure some of this titles will trigger something in memory of some of the older gamers =DManiac MansionZak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersIndiana Jones and the Last CrusadeLoomPassport to AdventureThe Secret of Monkey IslandMonkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisDay of the TentacleSam & Max Hit the RoadFull ThrottleThe DigThe Curse of Monkey IslandBeneath a Steel SkyBroken Sword 1Broken Sword 2Flight of the Amazon QueenGobliiins Inherit the Earth Simon the Sorcerer 1Simon the Sorcerer 2 The Legend of KyrandiaNice thing theyre also working on kyrandia series, hopefully they add 2 and 3 too, and i wonder if someone remembers the great titles like quest for glory and kings quest (actually, some of kings quests and qfg are remade and work on modern pcs (windows platform)Also if youre a QFG check out http://www.hero6.com/new/index.php(and btw beneath the steel sky is avaialble as freeware now and downloadable from web (released by authors, legimate)

  11. Is there any autobrowser or other program there, that isnt crap, i mean ok i belive you can actually earn some money with those that are up, but theyre all a lil bit fishy, is there an actually program where you dont have to prepay money and can start earning simply per click, without tons of bulls***?

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    Moderated a word. Edited topic title. Topic title and description are very important.

  12. you dont really need to ask someone if she loves you :) you can allways observe the way she looks at you, the way she behaves, etc. Also in this situations, a very good way to try it out.. is to go hang out somewhere, and start talking about girls.... if shes just a friend you can watch girls together and she wount mind, while you probably should be able to notice if you see she doesent like you thinking and talking about others,... in this case you can allways tell her the truth about why you did this,... and im sure it should work out ok =Dthere is a simple way of just taking a risk and telling how you feel, it shouldnt break a good friendship up if the feeling isnt mutual....

  13. Things had been going a little rocky for my (ex!)boyfriend Matt and I for a few weeks, he seemed to be picking fights over the tiniest things and he was getting on my nerves as well. Looking back, I can see that it was probably his cheap way of trying to get me to break up with him, since he was too chicken.


    About three weeks ago he comes to me with the idea of a "trial seperation" Now, I believe that "trial seperation" actually means, "I've been thinking of going out with some other girl but I know I'll go to hell or something if I cheat on you. so let's break up for a while and if it doesn't work out with her I'll come back to you."


    I agreed, it seemed less messy than that whole breaking up and crying in a room with the guy for hours thing. After the initial shock for a day or two I realized something. Every person has a meter, it has to do with your self esteem and self respect, everyone has this meter inside that tells you how much crap you can take from another person. A lot of people ignore this meter because they think it's better to be in a relationship than to not be.


    It's better to not be in a relationship than it is to be in one where all you do is try to ignore all the reasons why you shouldn't be together.


    So if at the end of this "trial" he comes back to me (I don't care if he stays away forever... I feel so free!) I'm just going to tell him to get lost. :)


    Has anyone ever actually got back together with someone after a break?


    yeah i agree, trial seperations are really the end of a relationship really... but when you havent accepted it yet... when it starts its over and theres no point of continuing really... i dont know anyone that would keep a relationship long after breaks started..... it just went down, down, down,... heh

  14. i personally dont think its bad to cheat on ur mate as long as u dont let he/she find out...because cheating on your mate might just be the thing that keeps you two together...and what he/she doesnt know wont hurt he/she :)...i mean like for instance...a friend of mine went out for a girl for almost 2-3 years and they cheated on each other the whole time but never got caught and they had a great relationship...they ended up braking up in the end because she had to move away...but they still keep in touch and hook up every once in awhile lol...but if ur married then u should not cheat no way!...or if ur going out with someone u can picture spending ur life with u shouldnt cheat either...thats just my opinion...what do u guys think?


    oh really? :P so when you infect him/her with HIV that you got from a one night stand thats cool? and how can you have a good realtionship with someone you dont trust and tell things? and what are you doing with a person at all if you feel the need to get on with others... i mean get real :P cheating sucks big time....

  15. I used tons of varios different free email providers in the past, but i must say im really happy with gmail. Normaly issues with providers are either downtime (mail unaccessible), sometimes you dont recive some of the mail, and sometimes it takes ages before you get, and now thats really annoying, also the lack of spam filters or even worse, spam on that account by default are horrible. Another issue is also the reliability of the account (and your ability to keep it).As email account is very important becose most of the online services we use are linked to it (forum accounts, paypal, ebay, hosting, games, you name it) it is very important to have a good and reliable forum account that you can be sure youll be able to keep, and one that filters out spam (so that you notice the important stuff) who wants to check mail if he gets 100 spams a day, plus deleting important ones can sometimes accur (once i bought a timecode for a game from a guy, and cause becouse the subject was just "hey" which is a very common spam topic, i just deleted it, and waisted the timecode cause he didnt have it after a week.... (it wasnt the only one i bought off him so im pretty sure he really sent it))anyway i just started using gmail for all important stuff, and i would recommend it to all (if anyone needs an invite just reply here and ill send one)

  16. The cruel fact is, (this is just my personal opinion), that there is a big difference between what we would like to be, and what we really are, as humans, as creatures, and there is a big difference between what we would like love to be, and the things that really affect it.This might seem really simple, but its really important, for those relations that are most important to us. Now normaly, when you dont really love someone too much, you dont care much about the relationship, so you dont have much issues with it... but when you fall in love too deeply, and care too much about someone too much, it hurts way too much, plus it ussualy likes to go to hell very fast...The thing is, we're wierd beings, and when someone starts showing too much attention and love to us, and when we stop being afraid of loosing him, we dont want him that much anymore.... and the other way around.... so the simple secret of keeping the relationship good (if it is that way) is to make sure you never show more attention to your partner, then he does to you (maybe a little but never a lot).... be to him as he is to you (im not saying you have to be vengefull cause thats a bad idea, but if he stops being as good to you as he was, you should do the same, never cry out for attention and try to even increase your love for him when he drops in it, this will just start a painfull process, cause youll want him more and more, and hell want you less and less... so even if you feel like that, never show it, and try to get hes attention the other way around...)thats how i belive things should be done, the only problem is i never manage to do em right, and allways do em wrong :) lol(sorry for my english, i hope i made my point understandable, im more used of technical and game topics then talking about relations)

  17. Now we all know theres a bunch of mmo's out there, some arent even playable really, some seem attractive at start but really get boring fast. Which is your favourite payable and your favourite free MMOs?

    Personaly i must say that guild wars is my fav, since it was quite fun, but not adictive like eve online. Some of my favoruite free ones are thang online and knight online, but thang isnt really worth playing, and knight online has too many power gamers and cheaters that mess up pvp, plus its way too grinding (thats another reason i love guild wars, no grinding =D)

    Also you could also put gw under free ones, since you dont need to pay monthly fee, dont know if i ever played any other game for so much time (well, except eve but that has a monthy fee)

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