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Everything posted by vi3tchicken206

  1. {{{{{{{{{{{{{The frog mobile's weapon is pretty good for longrange because it moves once it touches something solid and starts moving left or right you can never tell. After a few seconds it blows up causing damage. The Kalisdeon is kin of like a homing missile. It shoots out a light and a few missiles the missiles folow the light. Once it is about to hit it will change colour, the light. If the light is green it is direct hit. If it is orange it might hit and if it is red, well i've never seen it go red.}}}}}}}}}}}} wtf r all of u guys smoking? first of all, the frog's shot 1 and shot 2 are determined by WHICH ONE U USED NOT RANDOMLY, example, if u use shot 1, it will ALWAYS go left, no matter which way u shoot it, shoot 2 will ALWAYS go right no matter which way u shoot it. the SS of the frog is just like the JDSATE, it's just better because it can go around any corner or hill, the jdsate's ss can only go places that aren't to steep... the Kal's shoot are funky, now that the new patch came out a few weeks ago.. it's made a little weaker then b4, but the thing that hasn't changed is the COLOR OF THE TARGET BEAM... shoot 1 is always green, and it has only 2 bombs following it.. and shoot 2 is always orange wif 4 bombs... the SS is versitile because it has lyk 5 different targets and the main one is red, the other 4 or so are purple, THE COLOR OF THE SHOOTS DO NOT CHANGE.. besides the shoots used, there are ONLY TWO new mobiles... that is the FROG and the KALSSAIDON. the DRAGON and the KNIGHT are both old mobiles used in original gunbound.. overall, it really determines how u use ur mobiles, meaning, i don't care if u use dragon or knight because if i master the sate, i can pretty much kill u, even if u are using the "best" mobiles... but speaking of statistics, the knight is generally the best mobile in the game, their shots aren't scattered like the dragon so u'll likely do more damage.. the knight is the better version of the SATE(yellow laser bot) it is true that frogs are a favorite in server on games, but like i said, it determines on how u use ur bots... i use drag... drag shot is typically used for pros because drag shots get less delay, but any1 can use either drag or slice... slice give u more delay because it takes time to charge.. drag has pros and cons and so does slice... in drag, u can pull forward or back to increase or decrease power, but if u hold ur mouse down to long, the bar will shake dramatically... slice can't decrease power, takes more time, but is more accurate than drag.. if u have any questions hit me up in gunbound US SERVER and i can help u.. sourchicken swishcheese2 aznxnaruto mobid17 yes i know i have no life, so don't state dat.. i only play about 2 hours a day, and about 3 days a week... lol..
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