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Posts posted by bazranz

  1. Hi,

    i agree with all of you who say that there is no problem if students get pirated copies of all these expensive softwares like photoshop, dreamweaver, flash, norton etc. And i read someone has written that the companies know that the students get pirated copies of their softwares and they have officially announced that they have no problem. When the company has no probkem why do some people have problem with that. And also someone said that it represents your character and you can even betray your friends and family if you get pirated copies of all the softwares. But i have a different view. Just because some students dont have so much money to spend on all these expensive softwares they get the pirated versions and after all they are gonna be our future software programmers, graphics designers and other computer programmers. They need all these softwares to learn them, and master them. They are infact our Future. And they ofcourse dont earn so much.. So i think if the students get pirated copies of these softwares there is nothing wrong in it.

    And it doesnt reflect ones character at all


    So, I wonder how these students will feel in a few years, when their programmes are being cracked, and passed around illegally?


    Not that I have a problem with cracking software, I have used some myself. At the moment I have AVG pro, which is a cracked version. The stupid thing is, when the updater starts, I get a message saying the copy I have may be illegal, tells me how to get the pro version legally...............and then continues to update.


    But, as has already been said, these cracking sites are full of all kind of nasties, so BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID. <_<:ph34r:

  2. There is a an old wives tale which says that if hair is left alone, it will become self cleaning. Is there any truth in that, or is it another urban myth.?Another one says that for every grey hair you pull out, you get between 2-6 grey hairs in place of it. (I hope that isn't true.! <_< )Going back to shampoos, there are differnet types of shampoo for different hair types. Now I wash mine with whatever is handy, but does the type of shampoo make a difference?

  3. We have only just progressed to chip and pin, so any further developments would be daunting.But whatever system may may be brought in to make the credit card system more secure will have some flaws, and any flaws will soon be taken advantage of by criminals.Perhaps the next step may be to have a chip installed in our neck which holds all our information, and we can be scanned like lost dogs. :)

  4. Personally, I would not uses P2P's :):( . Oh, OK, yes I do, sometimes, but the likes of us who download a few songs, or the odd film aren't the problem. It is the people who download thousands of music albums, or films, and then sell them cheap. There was a case locally last week, where the police raided a house and found around 10,000 dvd's of films, some not even released over here yet, and these were being sold for ?5 each, or 3 for ?10. It was a major operation, with a huge market to fill.I agree that this kind of high volume piracy needs to be stopped, but how. Pandoras box is open now, and to close it would mean every single computer in the world being checked, and who has the resources for that.

  5. I have sympathy with both sides of the argument.

    Being a Brit, I remember our Prime Minister Blair telling us

    Iraq had weaons of mass destruction

    , and we were

    only 15 minutes from attack

    Subsequents events and enquiries have proved both those statements wrong, but the US administration and UK government took it upon themselves to remove Saddam from power, even though they were acting illegally, and had no UN mandate, and kept moving the goalposts for the reason for invading.

    The US have now proved, in their estimation, they are still the world number 1, and we can have our government telling us we are still a world power.

    However, now we have been and torn up Iraq's administration, and allowed terrorists to run free, allowed sectarian murder to run free, allowed hostages to be kidnapped and executed, allowed Iraqi civilians to be murdered daily, we have to stay and try to help the Iraqi administration clear up the mess.

    Until the Iraqi government and its' forces have gained full control, we have to stay.

    If we leave, the country will descend into civil war, it will become a hotbed and training ground for terrorists, and the whole Middle East, if not the world will suffer.

  6. I believe all life should be respected whether it is human, domesticated pet, farm animal, or wild creatures in danger of extinction because of habitat destruction.We have situations in the rain forests where deforesting is taking place at an alarming rate, to provide room for human expansion and food provision. What gives us the right to take another creatures home for our benefit, or greed, especially when, if the capitalist countries got their acts together, there is already sufficient food for everyone. Once again, human greed takes precedence over respect for the earth and the environment.As far as taking care of pets is concerned, if you can't look after one, don't get one. In the UK, lack of money is not a valid excuse, there are plenty of insurance companies for animals, and for those that can't afford the insurance, we have animal charities which fill the gap for a donation.So, if people don't treat other creatures, human or otherwise, with respect, they lose the right to be treated with respect themselves, and should be treated by the law accordingly.

  7. Hi everybody,As is my usual habit, I am late again. I apologose for not introducing myself sooner.So, here goes, from looking around in here, I guess I am one of the older members agewise, although mentally I am still in my youth, and live in Hull, UK.My main interests are my family, history, genealogy, and internet marketing.My main achievement recently has been setting up a wireless home network. Now this may not sound very much to some, but until a couple of years ago I had never even used a computer. My next aim is to build my own. :) I am hoping to get a website in order to have all my marketing in one place, which will make advertising easier.OK, that is a little about me.

  8. What about North America and South America? :\

    This is where we who are bordering on being a wrinkly get confused. When I went to school, there were 5 continents, Antarctica, America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Now suddenly, somebody has decided we were wrong.

    How can the number of continents change when there have been no natural occurences causing any changes.

    Quick final point, Australia was borderline between continent, or worlds biggest island.

  9. Even more annoying than pop ups are the fly in ads. Pop up stoppers can't stop them at the moment, but so far they only seem to be getting used by reputable advertisers.I spend a lot of time on Traffic Exchanges, which are favourite targets for virus infested pop ups, java download boxes, and similar annoying and dangerous effects. Unfortunately, there are only 2 choices with them, tolerate, or don't go there again.

  10. I must agree that PayPal, at the moment, is still the best online cash processor. When you consider the Stormpay debacle, where some people I know, lost hundreds of dollars and some paid to surf sites were forced to close.The danger of frozen accounts with Paypal, comes mainly from being involved with one-ups, MLM's, and other money making programs. In fact it is in their TOS that these kind of programs are not allowed, so as I am in some of these programs I need to tread carefully, and ensure there are a few Ebay items included in the statement.There are other alternatives, but few are as easily accessible as Paypal, and their fees are not to expensive.(Hey, with a write up like that, I should be in their promotion department :rolleyes: )

  11. I don't want to pour cold water on anybody's hopes, but a lot of these pay per click pay as little as ?0.0001 a click, See how long it would take to earn $1. If you have nothing else to do, they may be worthwhile.If you already have a business of any kind, a more productive source may be Traffic Exchanges, but once again take care, and ensure you go with an established site, as there are new ones opening and closing daily.

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