Well, it really depends upon my personal mood, i may feel like awake and alert, meaning i will grab a deagle and m4a1 or ak47, i simply love the deagle, it is a headshot dispensing machine. i lvoe aiming across the map and popping some noob in the head to his cries of "wtf hax i had an awp/autosnipe! I cant be stopped without hax you dumb haxor"(true story) the ak is for when i run out of deagle rounds or close quarters.depending upon the map i may grab a scout to outsnipe some awpers/auto-ers with my skill. i have been knowsn to use tmps ocasionaly in indoor maps such as galleria and office. however, when it is a question of zombie horde, definately the m3 shotgun. dust is so easy with a deagle and a ahndful of nublets, 7 clicks, 7 deaths. but nothing beats the rewarding and seemingly egotistical feeling of using the knife on more powerful guns, nothing. i hate the awp and the way it feels it feels so slow, cumbersome, its a dumbfiring powerstick. the scout has such a lighter more skilled feel.