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Everything posted by AlSharif

  1. ?n That ?ark Corner.. Lil? Thoughts Are BornFill мe ωith Blackness .. $tab мe ?n The Bone !Coverin? мy Face .. Hidin? The TraceOf мy Fallin? Tears ωhich ωere ?n Race !The Bitter-Cold мeмories are Chockin? мe To ?eathTakin? мy Life Aωay .. Leavin? The Body in myth !мy Leaves Are Fallin? ..мy Roots Are ?ryin? ..The $torm ?s Bloωin? ..On Branches And Trunk !мy Burns Are Gloωin? ..мy $tiches Are $hoωin? ..A Redness Of $ufferin? ..?n ωhich ?Am ?unked !?nternally .. ?Am battlin? The $elf-Erosion ..Attackin? And ?efendin? мy $enses And Emotion ..Betωeen The Blue $ky And The мysterious Ocean ..мy Lost $pirit $eekin? A Final Conclusion !мy Eyes Are ωide ..They Look $o Bright !мy Heart ?s ωeak ..But Placed ωith No Beat ! A View ?n Black And ωhite ..$uits This $ight !ωith A Black Ribbon Aside$ayin? ? Couldn?t $urvive !!Rgdz..
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