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Posts posted by Little_Money_Maker

  1. the site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is up for sale

    it has 610 members and total site debt is $21

    it runs on amberscript ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)



    URL of site - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Approximate - 130+ clicks ( non members ) - 20-30 unqie ( non members )


    income - Different Ea Month, On Average $100 - $200


    how much time does it require? - less than 1 a day


    Reason for selling - i had most money on stormpay but they closed so now i am done with online money making, this site accepts PAY PAL, EGOLD, MONEY BOOKERS ( you can add others later on)


    Will you help with the transition of the site to the new owner? I will help as much as i could for about a week then i wanna rest.



    The asking price for the site.


    i am expecting offers of $75 and above

    please mail me at ashar888@hotmail.com me if you want to know anything

    accept egold, paypal



    Suggest you pay by paypal - its much more secured


    but i will accept e-gold too


    Offer you price too or deal... may accpet if its good


    mail me at ashar888@hotmail.com To Buy The SITE

  2. All you have to do is Sign Up on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    And Now First 400 people to sign up get free silver membership - Send a Email at ashar888@hotmail.com iwht your user nmae, Subject as Upgrade

    Or Make Money By Becoming an Ad Reseller (look at the bottom)

    Already a member? look at the bottom for your offer

    Sign UP HERE

    ~New Sign ups~

    1000 banner impressions for FREE!!!


    Number of clicks: 100 (PTP)


    Paid To Click banners
    Number of clicks: 100


    Paid To Promote
    Number of clicks: 100


    Paid To Signup

    Number of clicks: 10 (1 cent ea worth)

    Email me at ashar888@hotmail.com , User name


    ~GET 15 People Signed Up and recive~

    1)5000 impressions for FREE!!!
    2)A Chance To Win a Prize

    ~GET 25 People Signed Up and recive~

    1)5000 impressions for FREE!!!
    2)A Chance To Win a Prize
    3)1 month side menu link

    ~GET 150+ People Signed Up and recive~

    1)5000 impressions for FREE!!!
    2)A Chance To Win a Prize
    3)1 month side menu link
    4)Silver membership benefits

    You Want Ad Reseller for skyptr.com, You get 5% of the ad price that advertisers purchase directly to your Egold or MoneyBookers account!! You can find this link in members area, at the bottom of the "Referral Center" page.

    Want More Than 5%..

    *With The Website + Free Domain Below you will Be Allowed To Have Other Info Other Than Ad Reseller PAge : This meaning that website can be used for personal use too!*

    Sell Ad Packages (100% commisson) + Sperate ad (100% commisson) - $70/year - Website + domain +The following with the website:

    ? Customer Support
    24/7 customer support
    Extensive online documentation
    Integrated ticketing system
    1 hour response guarantee

    ? Free Features
    FrontPage Extensions support
    Elefante Installer - 38 FREE ready-to-use popular scripts

    ? Site Statistics
    Raw access and error logs
    Detailed bandwidth stats

    ? E-mail Features
    SPAM filter
    E-mail filter
    Web e-mail
    POP3 server
    SMTP server
    E-mail forwarding
    Autoresponder e-mails
    Catch-all e-mails
    Anti-Virus protection

    ? Scripting and Database
    Perl support
    PHP support
    PHP support in HTML files
    Over 3500 Perl modules

    ? Site Management Tools
    Multi-Lingual Control Panel
    Web based file manager
    Custom ERROR 404 page
    Password protected directories

    ? Misc Features
    Instant account activation
    SSL with certificate generation
    SSI support
    Custom MX and A records

    ? OS, Connectivity and Back-up
    Stable Linux with Apache
    2.5 GBits network connectivity
    Daily data back-up
    UPS & diesel back-up generator


    Email me at ashar888@hotmail.com , User name

  3. Well, considering the fact that any money making sites can't really be trusted adds on to the fact that if you go the site now it isn't secure. Right now their is a message saying the site has been hacked and to please wait while they get it back up. That shows that anyone can come in and take the money away from you so I don't think I would really want to buy it. I haven't been able to see the whole site yet so this might change when I see it.

    This site is very secure for your information ... someone was buying site yesterday and they tried to steel my account, i gave the admin user and pass and they changed it... thats y... and i got it back because i still had cpanel.


  4. I am selling one of my sites, please take a look


    i genertae a healty income - last month (783.27 after paid hosting and members)


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is for sale


    Total Stats

    Hits 2471194


    Members 1082 :)


    Total Clicks 167551 :rolleyes:


    Date l Hits l Clicks

    05/02/06 4707 218

    04/02/06 10448 50

    03/02/06 18043 33

    02/02/06 30792 217

    01/02/06 16731 1212

    31/01/06 11382 453

    30/01/06 18675 1558

    29/01/06 18682 1321

    29/01/06 18683 1321

    28/01/06 29492 782


    script cast around $65

    most members from usa and europe

    no waiting payments. all members are paid. Member Balance $3.60

    all member have been paid

    2months hosting paid

    1 year domain left

    2.99 hosting price / mo


    Please Serious Offers

  5. Hello..

    There have been alot of discussion about making money online programmes.Can some one tell me if something really works (please dont tell me just because youw want me to be your refreral) , and if some one can tell me if some paid surfing porgramme accept PAYPAL ??? Can some one please tell me the way to make money online ?? coz i need money :( THanks


    hey man, ok if you wanna learn, or understand, i amde a website just for that... you can learn and stuff, on the website you will learn how to make money online, ways to get started and relible places that actually paid.


    My Webpage



    I am selling reseller deals, Great way to make money, this will allow you to sell webhosting, and make big $$$


    If you Pm me What you excatly want, and i will make a coustum pakage just for you, For the lowest


    Pm me and i will offer you coustum pakages,:)


    My Resller website<<<< Dont miss out





    Hello, Please Take 1 min to check my site out. I have Worked Really Hard For this.

    I will explain What my site is about.


    1) This is a great guide, showing people ways of making money online

    2) it has good trusted sites which actualy pay, *THIS IS GOOD SO YOU GUYS DONT WAIST TIME*


    *Now i ask only for all of you to visit it, tell otheres about it. Because once i mkae $10

    I will be able to add more ways of making money online, this will always be free for aevryone, but please help me out and get this site moving




    I found a Great Way To Get Free Traffic... Get 1000's of visitors/day, good for new websites.

    Before Anyof you Start i Would Like For You guys to Kno its Referal, i dont wnana be cheap , so i told you, no secerts from me Trust me :P


    1)Sign Up for this one (bellow)

    Clicking Here


    2) and This Click Here #2


    Done Sigining up now You know how to get traffic


    Now once done siginig up, Pm that you have signed up, then i will link your site on mine, and you link my site to your,


    Hopefull we get alots of visitors, and more peoople join with me, them more visitors for all, cause if iam geting 5000/day mostlikly you will too give or take a 100


    PLEASE TRY THIS OUT, :thumbup:


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Warning issued for posting referrals. Edited topic title. Removed site that also cotains referrals.

  7. Interesting site.  Very helpful ideas on how to make money online.  I might have to try a few of these out.  I've bookmarked your website :)


    Thx guys, I will keep you guys updated, i need alot of visiotrs, and once imake a few $$ i will upgrade me websie, good domains, and put on googles and stuff, for everyone, so thats y i need visitors, and things, share my site guys, cause once# $$ and many more ideads will come on it hopefully, thx for supporting me :P

  8. Yea But Dont you need a website, I wanted to make awebsite but i get no hits, 10 or 15 most :D how do u guys get 10 000 per month man,


    I dont know what kind site i should make


    Yes i under stand...


    I need your opnion, Whats the best host, faily cheap.

    Are Fourms good, Should i make a Fourms,

    And Is There a Free Easy HTML Editors with FTP.


    I am Thinking Of making a site about games, but i dont know excatly what to put on it, About game, or if there are new games?


    Or a Fourm about games... Do fourms make good money too?

  9. Thank You, And i have read it already, but, i have tried things like this before and i wasidted my time, if any of u have a real ones please tell me, i tried the 4Daily, but its not that quick, if anyone eles have something quicker pls help me out mates


    Yea But Dont you need a website, I wanted to make awebsite but i get no hits, 10 or 15 most :D how do u guys get 10 000 per month man,


    I dont know what kind site i should make

  10. Hello Guys,

    Can you guys help me please... I have been looking around too make money online, I need Some ideas man, or a way to make few dollars quickly so i can open my web site.... Is there a way for me to amkea couple of dollars online please...


    I will really appricaite it if there is man , but i am not willing to give any creidit card number out.


    If theres a way and u dont wanna tell, pls emal me or something man :D


    Notice from mayank:
    Edited topic title & description


    Thank You, And i have read it already, but, i have tried things like this before and i wasidted my time, if any of u have a real ones please tell me, i tried the 4Daily, but its not that quick, if anyone eles have something quicker pls help me out mates

  11. Hello Guys,Can you guys help me please... I have been looking around too make money online, I need Some ideas man, or a way to make few dollars quickly so i can open my web site.... Is there a way for me to amkea couple of dollars online please...I will really appricaite it if there is man , but i am not willing to give any creidit card number out. If theres a way and u dont wanna tell, pls emal me or something man :D

    Notice from mayank:
    Edited topic title & description
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