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Posts posted by Vigorous

  1. um well its not like i downloaded the file and then 2 seconds later there it is..It took about 3-4 hours of good time to set everything up, and the right files..I am a noobie with html, and webcoding so IMO its easier for me ot use a portal base website. I never used phpbb, it might be better i dont know. All i know is e107 is pretty stable and works good for me ;)

  2. OK its called UO but the shard i play at has custom level system and classes and races and its alot of fun!

    1) First download the game: (it says trial but it works forever)

    Download Here

    2) Then patch it up until it gets to a really long patch, then cancel it..

    3)Then get this program:

    UO Gateway

    This program allows you to pick any server and dl custom files

    4) Look for Shienar (Blackey's revenge)

    Its about 20-30 down from the top

    Click on the blue sign on the left..

    5) Click on it again (in MY SERVERS)

    It should start downloading, and when its done this wonderful server will load up!

    See you in game and have fun

    My char in game is Lancelot if you need any help

  3. I found this php and mysql engine and its so easy to set up. You transfer the files to Xisto (only like 5mgs) then you change evertying how you want. You can also get lots of skins and different plugins. I highly recoomend this to anyone who is old or new to website designing..


    I made a site on this too here it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    *edit its .org sry bout that*

  4. I think gaming is a two way street. If you have a life, go out often, but still play games i dont think ANYTHING is wrong with that. Its what games are for.. to HAVE fun not to say oh this is a waste of time.. On the other hand, if ALL you do is play and you dont go out places just to play the video games then i think its a problem. If you would rather play a video game instead of watching movies with your friends then i think something is wrong with you..Just my 2 cents

  5. Very long story.. it depends tho on what you prefer. First ill go over cableCable:Supposbly MUCH faster then DSL, better download speeds, upload speeds, (i heard its easier to use a router with cable?, also my friends with cable get VERY low ping times (great for gamer!) It costs about the same price as DSL but i think its a bit more complicated to install it.DSL:Pretty fast, on my dsl i get like speeds of 1500/700 i mean thats O.K. As for ping times its pretty good (around 50-60's around servers where i live)===Dsl is very stable tho.. IT almost never goes down like cable does If there is more people on in your area on DSL it wont affect it at all but if you have cable and alot of peopel in your neighborhood are on then the speeds will be very unstable.

  6. Like michaleq said, it doesnt work in FIREFOX but when i opened it in IE i saw how nice it was.. very good work w/ the website and especially with the graphics.. I like the blue background alot. Only thing i would critize is the size. It should be a BIT bigger so it can be more clearly seen. Other then that, very nicely done.. something to be proud of :DI was just wondering how did u actually do the skin? With what program? I would like to do some of that maybe once i get my Xisto subdomain.

  7. Yes my brother has this game.. It is very different then the normal zelda because it has that wierd cell shading. I think it still looks good tho. If anyone thinking of buying it i would because it takes pretty long ot play it and it is considered a classic in many eyes.As for the triforce shards, (cant remember all of the ways.. most are with triforce maps)Use Triforce map #4,#6, and #3 to get some shards.Sorry im not specific in my instructions. =/ Do what WillyXL and go to http://www.gamefaqs.com/ :D

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