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About Arne-Christian
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- Birthday 03/24/1992
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I can send messages to it in 20-40 seconds then the bot logs out with any other messages in the debug log Then the main key, the source code: msnp9.class.php <?php/**************************************************| MSN Protocol Class for Freakbot |**************************************************/class msn{ // messenger.hotmail.com is an exchange server // using it will redirect to a server with an open slot // using a known server ip will help connect faster // commenting out $ssh_login will mean the url to the // secure login server will be taken from a secure // session. this will slow down connecting a bit. // Note: comment out $ssh_login if you experience auth failures var $server = 'messenger.hotmail.com'; var $port = 1863; var $nexus = 'https://nexus.passport.com/rdr/pprdr.asp'; var $ssh_login = 'login.live.com/login2.srf'; var $debug = 1; // curl is used for the secure login, if you don't have // the php_curl library installed, you can use a curl binary // instead. $use_curl needs to be set to 1 to enable this. // set $curl to the path where curl is installed. // curl can be downloaded here: curl.haxx.se/download.html var $curl_bin = 1; //var $curl = '/usr/local/bin/curl'; // linux var $curl = 'c:curlcurl.exe'; // windows /** * * desc : Connect to MSN Messenger Network * * in : $passport = passport i.e: user@hotmail.com * $password = password for passport * * out : true on success else return false * */ function connect($passport, $password) { $this->trID = 1; if ($this->fp = @fsockopen($this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 2)) { $this->_put("VER $this->trID MSNP9 CVR0rn"); while (! feof($this->fp)) { $data = $this->_get(); switch ($code = substr($data, 0, 3)) { default: echo $this->_get_error($code); return false; break; case 'VER': $this->_put("CVR $this->trID 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 7.0.0816 MSMSGS $passportrn"); break; case 'CVR': $this->_put("USR $this->trID TWN I $passportrn"); break; case 'XFR': list(, , , $ip) = explode (' ', $data); list($ip, $port) = explode (':', $ip); if ($this->fp = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2)) { $this->trID = 1; $this->_put("VER $this->trID MSNP9 CVR0rn"); } else { if (! empty($this->debug)) echo 'Unable to connect to msn server (transfer)'; return false; } break; case 'USR': if (isset($this->authed)) { return true; } else { $this->passport = $passport; $this->password = urlencode($password); list(,,,, $code) = explode(' ', trim($data)); if ($auth = $this->_ssl_auth($code)) { $this->_put("USR $this->trID TWN S $authrn"); $this->authed = 1; } else { if (! empty($this->debug)) echo 'auth failed'; return false; } } break; } } } else { if (! empty($this->debug)) echo 'Unable to connect to msn server'; return false; } } function rx_data() { $this->_put("SYN $this->trID 0rn"); $this->_put("PNGrn"); $this->_put("CHG $this->trID NLNrn"); $this->_put("PNGrn");$this->current_time = time(); while (! feof($this->fp)) { $xrk = time(); if($xrk == $this->current_time+10) { $this->_put("PNGrn"); $this->current_time = time(); } $data = $this->_get(); if ($data) { //echo $data.'<br />'; switch($code = substr($data, 0, 3)) { default: // uncommenting this line here would probably give a load of "error code not found" messages. //echo $this->_get_error($code); break; case 'LST': $bits = explode (' ', trim($data)); if($bits[3] == 8) { $this->_put("ADD $this->trID AL $bits[1] $bits[2]rn"); } break; case 'CHL': $bits = explode (' ', trim($data)); $return = md5($bits[2].'Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5'); $this->_put("QRY $this->trID msmsgs@msnmsgr.com 32rn$return"); break; case 'RNG': // someone's trying to talk to us list(, $sid, $server, , $as, $email, $name) = explode(' ', $data); list($sb_ip, $sb_port) = explode(':', $server); $sbsess = new switchboard; if ($sbsess->auth($sb_ip, $sb_port, $this->passport, $sid, $as)) { // sb session opened // recieve users message $x = 0; while($x !== 5000251) { // Here all the messages is, here you add or delete if ($msg = $sbsess->rx_im()) { $msg = strtolower($msg); if (preg_match('/*BLEEP*(.*?)$/i', $msg)) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "O *BLEEP* you too!", $this->passport, $email); } elseif(preg_match('/hi(.*?)$|hello(.*?)$|howdy(.*?)$|w(.[azz].*?)$|hey(.*?)$|sup(.*?)$/i', $msg)) { $name = str_replace("%20"," ",$name); $name = str_replace("/r","",$name); $name = str_replace("/n","",$name); $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "Good day $name, if your a *BLEEP*tard press 1, if your planing to kill somebody press 2, if you think i am a *BLEEP*tard press 3",$this->passport, $email); } elseif(preg_match('/date|time/i', $msg)) { $this->xtimes = date("h:m:s"); $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp,"The time is: $this->xtimes (GMT+1)...*BLEEP*",$this->passport,$email); } elseif($msg == "exit") { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "Freakbot recived command: exit", $this->passport, $email); echo "<div class="msg">FreakyBot recived Exit signal from $name</div>/n"; $sbsess->im_close(); } else { // send the message straight back! $rnd = rand(0,25); if($rnd == 0) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "Go *BLEEP* a duck!", $this->passport, $email); } if($rnd == 1) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "*BLEEP* your mother!", $this->passport, $email); } if($rnd == 2) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "Your a *BLEEP*ing buthole", $this->passport, $email); } if($rnd == 3) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "Ever seen a duck *BLEEP*ing a lion? Its not a prety watch!", $this->passport, $email); } if($rnd == 4) { $sbsess->tx_im($this->fp, "*BLEEP* a horse will you?!", $this->passport, $email); } } } else { echo 'No message was received from user.'; } # $x++; } // While end } else { echo 'Unable to authenticate with switchboard.'; } break; } } } } /*====================================* Various private functions *====================================*/ function _ssl_auth($auth_string) { // Den er ikke empty doh if (empty($this->ssh_login)) { if ($this->curl_bin) { exec("$this->curl -m 60 -LkI $this->nexus", $header); $header = implode($header, null); } else { $ch = curl_init($this->nexus); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2); $header = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } preg_match ('/DALogin=(.*?),/', $header, $out); if (isset($out[1])) { $slogin = $out[1]; } else { return false; } } else { $slogin = $this->ssh_login; } if ($this->curl_bin) { $header1 = '"Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in='.$this->passport.',pwd='.$this->password.','.$auth_string.'"'; exec("$this->curl -m 60 -LkI -H $header1 https://$slogin", $auth_string); $header = null; foreach ($auth_string as $key => $value) { if (strstr($value, 'Unauthorized')) { echo 'Unauthorised'; return false; } elseif (strstr($value, 'Authentication-Info')) { $header = $value; } } } else { $ch = curl_init('https://'.$slogin); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in='.$this->passport.',pwd='.$this->password.','.$auth_string, 'Host: login.passport.com' )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 2); $header = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } preg_match ("/from-PP='(.*?)'/", $header, $out); return (isset($out[1])) ? $out[1] : false; }// Reciving <<< function _get() { if ($data = @fgets($this->fp, 4096)) { $this->timex = date("h:m:s"); if ($this->debug) echo "<div class="r"><b>[{$this->timex}] Server</b>:> $data</div>n"; return $data; } else { return false; } }// Sending function _put($data) { fwrite($this->fp, $data); $this->timex = date("h:m:s"); $this->trID++; if ($this->debug) echo "<div class="g"><b>[{$this->timex}] Client</b>:> $data</div>"; } function _get_error($code) { switch ($code) { case 201: return 'Error: 201 Invalid parameter'; break; case 217: return 'Error: 217 Principal not on-line'; break; case 500: return 'Error: 500 Internal server error'; break; case 540: return 'Error: 540 Challenge response failed'; break; case 601: return 'Error: 601 Server is unavailable'; break; case 710: return 'Error: 710 Bad CVR parameters sent'; break; case 713: return 'Error: 713 Calling too rapidly'; break; case 731: return 'Error: 731 Not expected'; break; case 800: return 'Error: 800 Changing too rapidly'; break; case 910: case 921: return 'Error: 910/921 Server too busy'; break; case 911: return 'Error: 911 Authentication failed'; break; case 923: return 'Error: 923 Kids Passport without parental consent'; break; case 928: return 'Error: 928 Bad ticket'; break; default: return 'Error code '.$code.' not found'; break; } }}?> msn_sb.class.php <?php/**************************************************| MSN Protocol Class for Freakbot |**************************************************/class switchboard{ // font colours/styles var $font_fn = 'Arial'; var $font_co = '333333'; var $font_ef = ''; // other var $debug = 1; var $trID = 1; var $email = ''; function switchboard() { $this->session_start_time = time(); } /** * * desc : send IM message * * in : $ns = notification server connection * $msg = message to send * $passport = current logged in user * $email = user to send message to * * out : true on success else return false * */ function tx_im($ns, $msg, $passport, $email) { $message = "(anti-spam-(anti-spam-mime-version:)) 1.0rn(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:)) text/plain; charset=UTF-8rnX-MMS-IM-Format: FN=$this->font_fn; EF=$this->font_ef; CO=$this->font_co; CS=0; PF=22rnrn$msg"; $message = "MSG 20 N ".strlen($message)."rn$message"; if (@is_resource($this->sb)) { // switchboard session already open $this->_put($message); return true; } else { // open switchboard session through NS fputs($ns, "XFR $this->trID SBrn"); $ns_data = fgets($ns, 4096); @list($xfr,,, $server,, $as) = explode(' ', $ns_data); if ($xfr != 'XFR') { echo 'unable to read NS info. last message: '; echo $ns_data; return false; } list($server, $port) = explode(':', $server); if ($this->sb = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5)) { $this->_put("USR $this->trID $passport $asrn"); $this->_get(); if (is_array($email)) { foreach($email as $key => $value) { $this->_put("CAL $this->trID $valuern"); if (strstr($this->_get(), 'CAL')) { $this->_get(); // should be JOI... } } } else { $this->_put("CAL $this->trID $emailrn"); if (strstr($this->_get(), 'CAL')) { $this->_get(); // should be JOI... } } $this->_put($message); $this->timex = date("h:m:s:"); if($this->debug) echo "<div class="msg"><b>[{$this->timex}] Message</b>:> $msg</div>n"; return true; } } return false; } /** * * desc : recieve an IM from the switchboard * * in : none * out : a. null on fail/no message * b. message string * */ function rx_im() { $message = null; $msglen = null; stream_set_timeout($this->sb, 1); while (!feof($this->sb)) { $data = ($msglen) ? $this->_get($msglen) : $this->_get(); switch (substr($data, 0, 3)) { default: //if (empty($msglen)) continue; $message.= $data; if (strlen($message) >= $msglen && !empty($msglen)) { $mesg = explode("n", trim($message)); $last = end($mesg); //if (@substr($last, 0, 10) != 'TypingUser') if (!strstr($message, 'TypingUser')) { // this isn't a notification that the user is typing a message return $last; } $msglen = null; $message = null; }/* if ($this->session_start_time + 10 < time()) { // looks like we've been idle for a while echo 'IM timed out'; $this->im_close(); return null; } */ break; case 'MSG': list(,,, $msglen) = explode (' ', $data); break; case 'BYE': return null; break; } } return null; } /** * * desc : authorise with switchboard from an IM invitation * * in : $server = switchboard server ip * $port = switchboard server port * $passport = logged in users passport email * $sID = session id * $as = auth string * * out : true on success else return false * */ function auth($server, $port, $passport, $sID, $as) { if ($this->sb = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5)) { $this->_put("ANS $this->trID $passport $as $sIDrn"); if (!$this->rx_iro()) return false; return true; } return false; } /** * * desc : recieve IRO commands from IM session * * in : none * out : true on success else return false * */ function rx_iro() { if ($data = $this->_get()) { @list($iro, , $cur_num, $tot, $email, $name) = explode(' ', $data); $sbsess->email = $email; if ($iro != 'IRO') { echo "** BAD data in rx_iro(): see line above **n"; return false; } // recieve names/list of others connected for ($i=1; $i<$tot; $i++) { if (!$data = $this->_get()) { echo "** BAD data in rx_iro(): see line above **n"; return false; } } @list($ans) = explode(' ', $this->_get()); if ($ans != 'ANS') return false; return true; } return false; } /** * * desc : close switchboard connection * * in : none * out : none * */ function im_close() { $this->_put("OUTrn"); @fclose($this->sb); } /*====================================* Various private functions *====================================*/ function _get($use_fread=0) { $data = ($use_fread) ? @fread($this->sb, $use_fread) : @fgets($this->sb, 4096); if ($data) { $this->timex = date("h:m:s"); if ($this->debug) echo "<div class="r"><b>[{$this->timex}] Server</b>:> $data</div>n"; return $data; } else { return false; } } function _put($data) { @fputs($this->sb, $data); $this->trID++; $this->timex = date("h:m:s"); if ($this->debug) echo "<div class="g"><b>[{$this->timex}] Client</b>:> $data</div>n"; }}?> then the execute program (start.php) <?php ob_implicit_flush(); ERROR_REPORTING(E_ALL);?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd;<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>FreakBot</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css" media="screen" title="default"> body { font: 76%/1.4 tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } .r { color: red; } .g { color: green; } .b { color: black; font-family: "Courier New"; } .msg{ color: #0099CC; font: 76%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body><div class="b">########################################</div><div class="b">##....FreakBot @ Hotmail.com MSN BOT..##</div><div class="b">##.........By El Diablo : Version 1.0.##</div><div class="b">########################################</div><?php include('msnp9.class.php'); include('msn_sb.class.php'); $msn = new msn; if ($msn->connect('fr3akb0t@hotmail.com', 'xfxas')) { // we're connected // run rx_data function to 'idle' on the network // rx_state will loop until the connection is dropped $msn->rx_data(); echo '<p>Connection dropped</p>'; } else { // wrong username and password? echo '<p>Error Connecting to the MSN Network</p>'; }?> </body></html> Thanks for all help
First of all Marry Christmas,Well so i am in some kind of a problem, i can't find out how to add users to my mail service, i have no idea what SMTP/IMAP program the server runs, neither does the system administrator.But it should be kinda the same thing for all of them if i am not wrong, Anyways i have full access to server so i can do whatever i want to do, i have SSH access too (Root access )
Uh, i am talking about variables and writing into files on specific places..., is it that hard to understand, When shall you get it into your head that i know more then the basics?Anyways i will try truefusions idea.
Ok lets say i have a config.php file, i want to edit something without open it, i know every line number and that, now how would i do this? I will show you a example: <?php$CONFIG['user'] = 'root';$CONFIG['server'] = 'localhost';$CONFIG['pass'] = '******';$CONFIG['db'] = '******';$CONFIG['install'] = '1';$CONFIG['lang'] = 'en';?> Now lets say i want to change $CONFIG['lang'], HOW would i do this without open the file? Thanks
1 Pixel Wrong, How To Fix This Error?
Arne-Christian replied to Arne-Christian's topic in Programming
.w_toolbar{padding-left: 2px;padding-top: 2px;height: 52px;width: 98.6%;background: #F0F0EE;border: 1px solid #cccccc;border-bottom: 0;}.w_button:hover,.w_button img:hover{ background-color: #B6BDD2; margin-top: 2px;}.w_button,.w_button img{ margin-top: 3px;}.w_textarea{ border: 1px solid #a6a6a6; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px;}.w_input{ font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;}There you go, did a little edit before i posted it, but not a big one -
1 Pixel Wrong, How To Fix This Error?
Arne-Christian replied to Arne-Christian's topic in Programming
Eh, none of thats right, i will try explain, if you see closely on the bit i zoomed you will see 1 line more then i want, thats the background colors, now i want that little line removed, everything there is CSS and the small images are some i created myself, now as you see that line makes the whole WYSIWYG editor look weird. <script src="source/wysiwyg/eW.js" type="text/javascript"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="source/wysiwyg/eW.css"><!-- Toolbar (1) --><div class="w_toolbar"> <select name="select" onChange="java script: insert_font(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);" style="height:1px;"> <option value="0" selected="selected">Font</option> <option value="Arial" style="font-family: Arial;">Arial</option> <option value="Arial Black" style="font-family: Arial Black;">Arial Black</option> <option value="Courier New" style="font-family: Courier New;">Courier New</option> <option value="Impact" style="font-family: Impact;">Impact</option> <option value="system" style="font-family: System;">System</option> <option value="Times New Roman" style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Times new roman</option> </select> <select name="select2" style="height:22px;" onChange="java script: insert_bb('size=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);"> <option value="0">Size</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7">7</option> </select> <br /> <a href="java script: insert_bb('b');" accesskey="CTRL+B"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/bold.gif" alt="Blod Text" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('i');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/italic.gif" alt="Italic" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('u');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/underline.gif" alt="Underline" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/separator.gif" width="2" height="20" /><a href="java script: insert_bb('left');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/left_just.gif" alt="Left Align" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('center');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/centre.gif" alt="Center" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('right');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/right_just.gif" alt="Right Align" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/separator.gif" width="2" height="20" /><a href="java script: popup('color.htm');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/textcolor.gif" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script:insert_bb_promt("url","url");"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/hyperlink.gif" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script:insert_bb_promt("img","img");"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/image.gif" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/separator.gif" width="2" height="20" /><a href="java script: insert_bb('quote');"></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('quote');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/quote.gif" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a><a href="java script: insert_bb('code');"><img src="source/wysiwyg/img/code.gif" width="25" height="24" border="0" class="w_button" /></a></div> <!-- End of Toolbar(1) --> <!-- WYSIWYG Editor Input --> <textarea name="writer" cols="10" rows="10" wrap="physical" class="w_textarea" id="writer" style="width: 99%; height: 200px;" ></textarea> <!-- WYSIWYG Editor Input [END] --> <br /> Thats the full CODE, yes its a mess -
If you see here: You will see that its 1 pixel wrong, the upper pixel i can fix, but the one in the middle there i want fixed, it looks weird like that, so i would like if its possible to fix this error? Thank you all
[forum] Double Posting Happening By An Error
Arne-Christian replied to Arne-Christian's topic in Programming
Thanks, that fixed it, i just changed $post->post(); to $post->post_topic(); and including changing the name, that fixed it all -
Hello, I am currently working on EvilBoard 0.1.1, for those who know about this project versjon 0.1b can be downloaded from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Well over to the reason why i am posting this, I am currently experincing a problem with my new posting code wich has been rewrited in version 0.1.1, You see, it is double posting by an error, i thouht i could fix that myself, but no, so i just thought, Xisto is perfect, they problety know how to fix this, Here is the code: <?/** @Name: Post Topic* @Author: Arne-Christian Blystad* @Copyright: Copyright 2006 EvilServices** @ID: $i29-10-06-eb011*/session_start();global $template;include("source/lib/eb.php");include("smarty/smarty.class.php");$template = new Smarty;$post = new post;if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { echo $post->post(); $x = $post->get_last_topic(); $f = $_GET['forumid']; @header("location: redirect.php?url=index.php?act=showtopic_t={$x}_forumid={$f}");}else { echo $post->post_new();}//===========================// Class: Post// Desc: Required for posting new topics, and replies//===========================class post { function post_new() { include("lang/en/lang_en.php"); $template = new smarty; $eb = new eb; $eboard = new eboard; $forumname = $eboard->forum_name(); $template = new smarty; $name = $_SESSION['user_name']; if($name) { $template->assign("name","$name"); } $template->assign("lvl","{$_SESSION[user_level]}"); $menu = $_SESSION['user_name']; if($menu) { $template->assign("menu","true"); } $lvl = $_SESSION['user_level']; if($lvl == "3") { $template->assign("lvl","3"); } if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { $title = "Post new topic"; } else { $title = "Post reply"; } $template->assign("title","{$title} - {$forumname}"); $template->assign("forum_name","{$forumname}"); $template->template_dir = "/Themes/Default/"; $template->compile_dir = "cache/"; if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { $template->assign("post_new","true"); } else { } $template->display("post.tpl"); } function post() { // Connect to DB $db = new db; $db->connect(); // Check if topic is submited // Defines variables for title, description and post message $title = $_POST['t_title']; $desc = $_POST['t_desc']; $msg = $_POST['writer']; // Conencts to DB $db = new db; $db->connect(); // Check if t_title or writer is null if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { if(empty($title)) { $err = "102 - Could not post - Title is null"; } } if(empty($msg)) { $err = "103 - Could not post - Message is null"; } // If something is null, cancel the sending! if($err) { $template = new smarty; // this is smarty stuff required for the first page $name = $_SESSION['user_name']; if($name) { $template->assign("name","$name"); } $template->assign("lvl","{$_SESSION[user_level]}"); $menu = $_SESSION['user_name']; if($menu) { $template->assign("menu","true"); } $lvl = $_SESSION['user_level']; if($lvl == "3") { $template->assign("lvl","3"); } // Sets title to Post new topic ,or port reply if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { $title = "Post new topic"; } else { $title = "Post reply"; } // Asigns title and forum name $template->assign("title","{$title} - {$forumname}"); $template->assign("forum_name","{$forumname}"); // Sets folders for template and cache dir. $template->template_dir = "/Themes/Default/"; $template->compile_dir = "cache/"; // If were posting a new topic, we need to show the Title: and Description:. if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { $template->assign("post_new","true"); } $template->assign("err","{$err}"); $template->display("post.tpl"); exit(); } else { // Ok here we are, now it is going to send the info to DB, because we know its error free. // Defines variables. $this->userid = $_SESSION['userid']; $this->title = $_POST['t_title']; $this->desc = $_POST['t_desc']; $this->usrn = $_SESSION['user_name']; $this->forumid = $_GET['forumid']; $this->ip_addrs = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $this->is_sticky = $_POST['is_sticky']; $this->is_closed = $_POST['is_closed']; $this->msg = $_POST['writer']; $this->time = time(); // If this is a new topic, create the topic! if($_GET['do'] == "post_new") { $db->query("INSERT INTO `eb_topic` ( `UserID` , `title` , `TopicID` , `replies` , `desc` , `Username` , `ForumID`, `is_sticky`, `is_closed` ) VALUES ('$this->userid', '$this->title', NULL , '0', '$this->desc', '$this->username', '$this->forumid','$this->is_sticky','$this->is_closed');") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); } else { // * If this isn't a topic, simply don't create the topic! } // Get the last topic from the database $this->last = $this->get_last_topic(); // Inserts Reply $post = $db->query("INSERT INTO `eb_post` ( `message` , `postdate` , `UserID` , `Username` , `PostID` , `TopicID` , `ForumID` , `title` , `user_ip` ) VALUES ( '$this->msg', '$this->time' , '$this->userid', '$this->username', '' , '$this->last', '$this->forumid', '$this->title', '$this->ip_addrs');") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); } // End Error free inserting. } function get_last_topic() { $db = new db; $db->connect(); $topic = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `eb_topic` ORDER BY `TopicID` DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $topic = $db->fetch_array($topic); $topic = $topic['TopicID']; return $topic; }}?>I hope any of you can help me, The one who helps me can get added to * Special Thanks to: [uSERNAME HERE] in the file, and Xisto is allready added to the special thanks to file Arne-Chrisitan Blystad - EvilBoard Devloper
How Do You Use Php To Make A Rss Feed? Is It Possible?
Arne-Christian replied to owbussey's topic in Programming
Read: http://www.sigsource.com/tutorials.php?&am=full&id=50 -
Error Importing Sql Query Via Php Works in PHPmyAdmin
Arne-Christian replied to Arne-Christian's topic in Programming
Not needed, answer was simple, create an array, put 1 query in each, and use foreach hehe , But thanks anyways -
Error Importing Sql Query Via Php Works in PHPmyAdmin
Arne-Christian replied to Arne-Christian's topic in Programming
' dosnt exsist its the same as "textasdasd" -
function sql() { $fp = fopen("sql.sql","r"); $sql = fread($fp,filesize("sql.sql")); fclose($fp); return $sql; } Thats $this->sql and here is the other source function insert_sql() { if($_GET['insert']) { $template = new template; $db = new db; $db->connect(); $query = $this->sql(); $query = $db->query($query) or die("Error!: " . mysql_error()); return $query; $return = "<div align=\"center\"> <br> <table width=\"579\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\"> <tr> <td width=\"577\" class=\"header\"><div align=\"center\" ><strong>Create User </strong></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"footer\"><br /><label> <div align=\"center\"><strong>17</strong> Tables has been insert to MySQL Database </div> </label><br /></td> </tr> </table> <br> </div>"; #return $return; } elseif(!$_GET['insert']) { $return = "<div align=\"center\"><table width=\"579\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\"> <tr> <td width=\"577\" class=\"header\"><div align=\"center\" ><strong>Information </strong></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\"footer\"><br /><label> <div align=\"center\">Click this button to start insert the SQL Tables <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\" onClick=\"java script:location.href='install.php?do=2&insert=true';\" /> </div> </label><br /></td> </tr> </table></div>"; return $return; } } Any ideas how to fix it, oh and here is the SQL query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_badword`;CREATE TABLE `eb_badword` ( `bid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `text` varchar(225) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`bid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_category`;CREATE TABLE `eb_category` ( `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `category` varchar(225) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_category` VALUES (1, 'Test Category');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_forums`;CREATE TABLE `eb_forums` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `cid` int(4) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_forums` VALUES (1, 1, 'Test forum', 'EvilBoard -> Test forum');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_group`;CREATE TABLE `eb_group` ( `g_id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `clr` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `inf` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `status` enum('open','closed') NOT NULL, `u_id` varchar(225) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`g_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_group_mem`;CREATE TABLE `eb_group_mem` ( `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `grp_id` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `userid` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `admin` enum('normal','admin') NOT NULL default 'normal', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_group_val`;CREATE TABLE `eb_group_val` ( `u_id` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `val_id` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `g_id` varchar(225) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_members`;CREATE TABLE `eb_members` ( `userid` int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment, `first_name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `last_name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `email_address` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `username` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `info` text NOT NULL, `user_level` enum('0','1','2','3') NOT NULL default '0', `signup_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `last_login` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `activated` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`userid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='Membership Information';DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_moderator`;CREATE TABLE `eb_moderator` ( `mid` mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, `forum_id` int(5) NOT NULL, `member_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `member_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL, `edit_post` smallint(1) NOT NULL, `delete_post` smallint(1) NOT NULL, `view_ip` smallint(1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`mid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='EvilBoard Moderators';DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_pm`;CREATE TABLE `eb_pm` ( `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `message` text NOT NULL, `title` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `from` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `to` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `postdate` datetime NOT NULL, `UserID` varchar(155) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_post`;CREATE TABLE `eb_post` ( `message` text NOT NULL, `postdate` datetime NOT NULL, `UserID` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `Username` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `PostID` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `TopicID` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `ForumID` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `user_ip` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`PostID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_post` VALUES ('<p>If you are able to read this post, EvilBoard has been successfully installed on your webserver, you can remove this topic, forum, and even the category from your admin panel.</p><p>A test of emoticons:</p><p><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-cool.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-cry.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-embarassed.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-innocent.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-yell.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-wink.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-undecided.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-tongue-out.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-surprised.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-smile.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-sealed.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-money-mouth.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-laughing.gif\' alt=\'\' /><img src=\'Emoticons/1/smiley-kiss.gif\' alt=\'\' /></p><p>If you can see 14 pictures here, all the Emoticons are working.</p><p>Enjoy EvilBoard, and please submit bugs at cs-gladz.com/evilboard/; (Forum: Report EvilBoard Bugs)</p><p>~ The EvilBoard Group </p>', '2006-09-28 22:40:46', '0', 'The EvilBoard Group', 1, '1', '1', 'Test Topic', '');DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_profile`;CREATE TABLE `eb_profile` ( `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `logo` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `rank` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `msn` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `yahoo` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `icq` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `aim` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `website` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `intr` text NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `age` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `mpad` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `hps` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `mouse` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `cpu` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `mboard` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ram` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `monit` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `gpcard` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `sig` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_psettings`;CREATE TABLE `eb_psettings` ( `UserID` int(155) NOT NULL auto_increment, `h_mail` enum('0','1') NOT NULL, `s_pm` enum('0','1') NOT NULL, `s_update` enum('0','1') NOT NULL, `p_sig` enum('0','1') NOT NULL, `p_avy` enum('0','1') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`UserID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_ranks`;CREATE TABLE `eb_ranks` ( `rid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `rname` varchar(225) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`rid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_ranks` VALUES (1, 'Member');INSERT INTO `eb_ranks` VALUES (2, 'Moderator');INSERT INTO `eb_ranks` VALUES (3, 'Administrator'); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_settings`;CREATE TABLE `eb_settings` ( `homepage` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `forum_name` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `eb_version` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `register` enum('0','1','2') NOT NULL, `e_domain` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `path` text NOT NULL, `post_per_page` mediumint(15) NOT NULL default '20', `topic_per_page` mediumint(15) NOT NULL default '25', `members_per_page` mediumint(15) NOT NULL default '25', `badword_replace` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '*') ENGINE=MyISAM;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_smiley`;CREATE TABLE `eb_smiley` ( `cmd` text NOT NULL, `img` text NOT NULL, `id` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':cool:', 'smiley-cool.gif', 10);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':cry:', 'smiley-cry.gif', 9);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':embrassed:', 'smiley-embarassed.gif', 14);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':angel:', 'smiley-innocent.gif', 12);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':yell:', 'smiley-yell.gif', 15);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':wink:', 'smiley-wink.gif', 16);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':uhh:', 'smiley-undecided.gif', 17);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':p', 'smiley-tongue-out.gif', 18);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':surprised:', 'smiley-surprised.gif', 19);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':smile:', 'smiley-smile.gif', 20);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':sealed:', 'smiley-sealed.gif', 21);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':money-crazy:', 'smiley-money-mouth.gif', 22);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':haha:', 'smiley-laughing.gif', 23);INSERT INTO `eb_smiley` VALUES (':kiss:', 'smiley-kiss.gif', 24);DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `eb_topic`;CREATE TABLE `eb_topic` ( `UserID` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `TopicID` int(225) NOT NULL auto_increment, `replays` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `desc` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `Username` varchar(225) NOT NULL, `ForumID` varchar(225) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TopicID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;INSERT INTO `eb_topic` VALUES ('1', 'Test Topic', 1, '0', '', 'The EvilBoard Group', '1'); And the error is: Error!: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '; CREATE TABLE `eb_badword` ( `bid` int(15) NOT NULL auto_increment, `tex' at line 1
I fixed it now, with a little bit help form your code $rows = mysql_num_rows($forum_mod); if ($rows > 0) { while ( $mod = mysql_fetch_array($forum_mod)) { $mod_name = $mod['member_name']; if(count($mod['member_name']) > 0) { $eb_moderator = "<strong>Moderators:</strong> "; $eb_moderator .= " <a href=\"index.php?act=members&memberid={$mod['member_id']}\">" . $mod_name . "</a>,"; } } } else { $eb_moderator = "<strong>Moderators:</strong> "; $eb_moderator .= "<i>None</i>"; }thats the new code Thanks for the fast respondes I will add Xisto.com to special thanks to on my credits page
Saint Michael: Its my own forum i am creating, so its no mod jlhaslip: Well it prints out the correnct information one place (Name of the moderator), BUT when there isn't a moderator at forum X it should print out none, but here comes the tricy part, it dosnt do that -.-, give me 1 minute i will take a screenshot Edit: