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Posts posted by theplok

  1. I'm pretty sure modding your Xbox, or any system for that matter, is not illegal. It just voids your warrenty. But, if you take it online, that is against the terms of service of Xbox Live so that would be where it's wrong.I personally don't have my Xbox modded, but I really want it to be modded. I don't want to take it on Xbox Live because i don't find that fun, but just making mods and playing it on splitscreen would be so fun. Also, downloading some popular mods like Halo 2:CE and playing it on Xbox Connect sounds very fun. Of course, the only problem I see is I would find it annoying to have to manage all the games on my computer.I think I might get mine soft modded once, or if, I get an Xbox 360. That way, I can still go on Xbox Live with the Xbox 360 and I would be able to have a modded Xbox that I can use offline. That way, I would never have to play around with the maps so I don't have my modded maps online.Does anyone here have a hard modded Xbox? If so, do you think it is worth it? Or would it be better to get a soft modded Xbox?

  2. Of course you won't hear much about the Revolution, because Sony and Microsoft have more users and fanboys, so that will create more hype. Now, this can be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. Nintendo may lose a bit of money in the process but they also will not be sold out on much so it won't be as scarce as the Xbox 360.Don't get me wrong, Nintendo Revolution may turn out to be the top console of the next-gen systems. And, as someone has already mentioned they are the best innovaters of any console manufacturer. Rumble packs, anolog sticks, wireless controllers, the vast majority of things on the controllers. Who knows, maybe the two different pieces as a controller will catch on.Personally, I think that this controller seems very great, and as I mentioned, is very innovative. I think that the idea is very good for just sitting down and playing, and will be very great for Nintendo's target audience, which is very dominant of casual players. It also looks like fun to use the censors for all the different games, twisting and turning the controller. the only problem is it's not that great of a controller for anybody that is serious about competitive gaming. I just can't imagine people playing Super Smash Brothers: Melee with these controllers, the regular ones might be good enough for that.Also, as usual, with Nintendo products you will get some great classics and really great games like Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime, Final Fantasy, Super Smash Bros, Super Mario, and the list goes on. A big plus with games on this console will be the downloadable games. Downloading any game you want (some will be free if I remeber correctly) and then owning it will be a big plus because who wants to get up to buy video games anyway :P.Also, the one bad thing about liking Nintendo is that it is flamed alot by people who just assume it is bad, and don't do any research. But, that's just something that bugs me personally :)

  3. I have used this site before, and I have a couple comments.Urban dictionary is a decent site for some slang words that wouldn't be in a regular dictionary. Now, I wouldn't suggest searching for anything that could be interpretted as being slightly offensive, as it is user-submitted and not very well monitered. Plus, many people put disgusting pictures up on different places.So, use it if you aren't worried at getting offended.

  4. Very interesting video. The robots dance very fluid. Also, due to being robots, they are all perfectly in synce with one another.I do have one thing I'm wondering about this though. Do you think that they dance to the music with listening censors and dance corresponding to that? Or do they pre-program a dance and then have them act it out at a certain time? Or maybe they just pre-program a dance and then they act them out when they first hear the music...

  5. Very good lists overall.On the top 10 list, I'd argue that Firefox is so high on the list. I mean, I like it and use it often, but I wouldn't say it's the fifth best new tecnology in the past decade. Also, I'd disagree that The Sims got on there and a lot of other games didn't. I know they said that and explained why, but I still think a game like Doom for revolutionizing FPS's as we know it, or even Halo would be better because they brought FPS's to consols.For the worst 10 products, I wouldn't say Furby is that of a product, I mean it is a kid's toy that had great sales, and was fun. It wasn't intended to be a great "gagdet". Also, my cousins had ME, and it always screwed up on them. And I laughed.

  6. I just picked up this game on Saturday for my Xbox. Here is my general impression of it so far:The QB vision cone, at first, looke really stupid. I thought it would really take away from the game. But after playing on Xbox Live for a bit I realized it just put more skill into the game, as you can look off the defender now. The only complaint I have is everyone who plays as the Colts gets to look at practically the whole field, where I as Steve McNair gets a very small cone.Superstar mode is great. Having Xbox Live, I haven't played much of it. I played two monthes of it (The first month is where you pick your agent, and get drafted. The second month is the preseason.) The beginning was fun, seeing what I'd turn out like and everything. The practices are annoying, so I simmed them. I couldn't stand playing a practice twice every second in-game day.Online play is great, just what I expected. Not much to comment on here, just the general population is like most other games. People quit out of a lot of games.

  7. I loved this game when it first came out. I would play it for hours on end, building great parks. Then, I stopped playing until I got the two add-ons, called "Corkscrew Follies" and "Loopy Landscapes". Then I got hooked all over again, but stopped playing a bit ago.These games were great. I too loved how you could change the terrain. I loved how you could build those huge crazy roller coasters, sometimes I'd just build parks with huge roller coasters ;) . When i wasa kid ad played it, I would build parks with rides that crashed on purpose, to kill all my guests. Boy was I a mean child ;)

  8. I started out learning HTML, even though that doesn't really count. Of course, with that, I learned CSS with it too.Then, as my first real programming lesson, I tried to learn C++ a couple years ago. I couldn't quite grasp that, and so I stopped trying to learn it. Now, I've learned PHP for the most part, still learning a couple things every so often. Now, I thought about learning C++ again. Also, I thought about learning Visual Basic or another type of basic. I think that I will go and learn some Visual Basic though.

  9. Hm, I seem to be getting an error 404 right now on that page. Check your link, or maybe just google videos is down. In the mean time, I'm prety sure this is the same clip, so you can view it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    I never have played street fighter in my life. So, when I first saw this video, I expected it to just be some random stupid video I wouldn't get. But, this video was awesome. The action was really intense, and the reaction from everyone there was crazy. The video is just all in all priceless.

  10. Yes, this is a very good tool. I use this tool a lot to check errors and compatibilaty problems with my site, and other sites if i am reading their source. If anyone here uses Firefox, there is a better and more efficient way to do this. If you download an extension called "HTML Validator" which adds the HTML validator to the bottom when you view the source code of any site.Also, there is a better and more efficient way to do this. If you download an extension called "Web Developer". This adds a toolbar above your tab displayer, with many options, like a quick view source, a menu to disable many features, and of course, the option to validate HTML, along with CSS, feed, links, and others.

  11. As everyone has said, Gamecube is definately not a "kiddy console." A lot of the games it carries are very good games exclusive to Gamecube. Resident Evil 4 and all the Zelda games are popular examples of this. Even some of the Mario games are not kiddy, like Super Smash Brothers: Melee. I don't know if people will agree with me or not on this, but I enjoy playing some of the kiddy games every so often. Games like Mario Party and Animal Crossing are some of my favourite Gamecube games. But, of course, Gamecube is notorious for being "kiddy" but it's a good system.

  12. I am completely new to C++, so I was going to try and learn it. But I just found out my dad has a couple programming books laying around the house, and I found one called "Borland C++ Programmer's Guide". Glancing through it, I can see that it is really helpful for learning C++, but it is from 1996. Now, my question is, is that too old for C++, or does C++ never go out of date?

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